Title: Help for New Chairs
1Help for New Chairs Directorspresented by the
Office of Human ResourcesAugust, 2008
2Todays agenda includes..
- Understanding types of employment
- How to manage the hiring process
- Goal setting and evaluation
- How to go about changing job duties
- If you must eliminate the job
- Dates to keep in mind
- Understanding generations in your workplace
- Where to go for help
34 employment categories
- Faculty employment conditions governed by the
Academic Charter - Administrative sometimes called contract
employees employment conditions governed by
contract and the Administrative Staff Handbook
4(No Transcript)
5(No Transcript)
64 employment categories
- Faculty employment conditions governed by the
Academic Charter - Administrative sometimes called contract
employees employment conditions governed by
contract and the Administrative Staff Handbook
- Classified sometimes called hourly employees
employment conditions governed by the Ohio law
and the Classified Staff Handbook
7(No Transcript)
84 employment categories
- Faculty employment conditions governed by the
Academic Charter - Administrative sometimes called contract
employees employment conditions governed by
contract and the Administrative Staff Handbook - Classified sometimes called hourly employees
employment conditions governed by the Ohio law
and the Classified Staff Handbook
- Student employees Undergraduate and Graduate,
part-time employees, employment conditions
governed by the Career Center (Student
Employment) and the Graduate College
10How to Manage Hiring
11Phases of Hiring
- Preparation
- Posting
- Screening
- Hire
- Getting your ducks in a row Funding
- Look for process stoppers
- Confirm the position
- Line up your search committee
- Review the Administrative/Classified Checklists
- sent to hiring officer at beginning of search as
a tool to guide you through the process and
available on the HR web page
- Internal 1 week Classified only
- Local 2 weeks Classified
- Regional 3 weeks Faculty and
Administrative - National 4 weeks Faculty and Administrative
- See Recruitment Sources on HR web page
- For Faculty Positions please see the Faculty
Recruitment Manual on the web at - http//www.bgsu.edu/offices/provost/facultyrecrui
14Things to do in the mean time
- Schedule time with search committee to review
- Devise rating/ranking scheme
- (see HR web page)
- Complete Search Committee Training (see HR web
- Develop interview questions
- Schedule time for interview(s) with search
15Proceeding to Hire
- Request to interview form (See HR Web page)
- Forms, forms and more forms
- See HR web page Classified/Administrative
Checklists - DMA forms for all external candidates brought
onto campus -
Transcripts must be submitted to HR prior to HR
issuing the Appointment Activity Record for
Administrative positions
- Extending an offer
- Administrative/Classified
16Goal Setting and Evaluation
17Performance Appraisal Cycle
- 1 Determine Annual Goals
- 2 Continuous Coaching Feedback
- 3 Performance Review Session
18Writing a Performance Goal
Five Elements of a Performance Goal 1. Specific
what will be done? 2. Measurable how will we
judge achievement? 3. Attainable is it
possible? 4. Relevant related to the job
description? 5. Time Frame exactly when is the
due date?
19 Performance Appraisal Meeting
No surprises!
Make it private with no interruptions
Come prepared
Make it a two-way conversation
Identify strengths and weaknesses
Make a performance growth plan
20Changing job duties
- Administrative give employee notice, may result
in a re-evaluation and assignment to different
grade. - Classified OK to work an employee down adding
substantial higher duties may result in a
reclassification. - Get assistance from Pat Kelly 2- 9272
(administrative) or Leslie Fern 2-8422
21When its time to eliminate the job
- Consult with your Dean, Office of the Provost
- Administrative 3 months notice (March 31) for
employees with less than 3 years - 6 months notice (December 31) for employees
with more than 3 years - Classified 14 or 17 days notice rights
grounded in ORC must coordinate with HR - Get assistance from Marsha Serio 2-2228 or Becca
Ferguson 2-2259
22Dates to Keep in Mind
- Classified - Performance Evaluations
- May 31
- Administrative Performance Evaluations
- June 30
- Administrative Contracts
- July 1
- Health Care Open Enrollment
- Mid October to Mid November
23Understanding Generations. Millenials, Gen-X,
- Your Students from last year may be your employee
next year. - Encouragement is always appreciated
- Deal with conflicts as they arise
- Technology - for some a delight, for others a
24Where to get Help!
- Becca Ferguson 2-2259 fergusb_at_bgsu.edu
- Marsha Serio 2-2228 mserio_at_bgsu.edu
- Donna Wittwer 2-2113 dwittwe_at_bgsu.edu
- Pat Kelly 2-9272 pdkelly_at_bgsu.edu
- Leslie Fern 2-8422 lfern_at_bgsu.edu
- Student employment Michelle Simmons 2-2723