Title: Welcome to SimELMO 35MM Slide Edition
1Welcome to SimELMO 35MM Slide Edition! In this
simulation you will learn to display individual
photographic slides via your Elmo document
camera. To begin turn the projector on via the
control console at the lower right.
Steve BonhamCenter for Excellence in
TeachingGeorgia Southern University2005
2Now select the source to send to the projector
click the Doc Cam button on the console.
3Flip the document cameras power switch to on.
4Press the lamp button twice to turn the base lamp
Note that the main output light is now lit.
5The upper lamps are on. Press the lamp button
once again to turn the base lamp on.
6Place the 35MM slideon the bed of the Elmo.
7Place the 35MM slideon the bed of the Elmo.
8Place the 35MM slideon the bed of the Elmo.
9The lens is zoomed too wide. Tighten up (Tele).
10Both lamps are off. Press the lamp button again
to turn the upper lamp on.
11Youve switched on the upper lamps. Press the
lamp button again to turn the base lamp on.
12The lens is zoomed too wide. Tighten up (Tele).
13Both lamps are off. Press the lamp button again
to turn the upper lamp on.
14Youve switched on the upper lamps. Press the
lamp button again to turn the base lamp on.
15The lens is zoomed too wide. Tighten up (Tele).
16Both lamps are off. Press the lamp button again
to turn the upper lamp on.
17Youve switched on the upper lamps. Press the
lamp button again to turn the base lamp on.
18Great. Nice Job.
19Both lamps are off. Press the lamp button again
to turn the upper lamp on.
20Youve switched on the upper lamps. Press the
lamp button again to turn the base lamp on.
21Sorry. Youre not allowed to make changes on the
control console in this simulation.