Title: The Belgians of St. Joseph County
1- The Belgians of St. Joseph County
- An Historical Sketch
- November 11, 2006
2Emigration The Push Factors
- Collapse of the cottage flax industry as linen
production is mechanized - Overpopulation, famine, and subsequent disease
epidemics - Cheap grain imports from the U.S. undercut
agricultural production - Government sought to unload its social burden
- Source From the Belgian Countryside to the
MidwestBelgian Emigration to the United States
-- National Botanic Garden of Belgium
3Immigration the Pull Factors
- Cheap, available land
- U.S. states sought farmers to develop
- the land and acquire laborers for factories
- Come-on letters from early settlers
- Low taxes, no military service, abundant food,
class equality, families re-joining, etc. - Source From the Belgian Countryside to the
MidwestBelgian Emigration to the United States
-- National Botanic Garden of Belgium
4The Red Star Line
5Cost of Passage
- Red Star Line.-For Antwerp AndParis. Sailing
from New-York and Antwerpevery
Saturday.Noordland.......Saturday, May 28, 930
A.M.Rhynland................Saturday, June 4, 4
P.M.Spring and Summer rates First cabin, 60 to
100 excursion, 110 to 180 second cabin,
45excursion, 80 and 85. Steerage at very low
rates.Peter Wright Sons, Gen. Agents, 55 B'way.
6Early St. Joseph County Employers
7Mishawaka Woolen Ball Band
8South Bends Earliest Belgian Settler
9South Bend Rises to Prominence
10St. Bavos Church, Mishawaka - 1903
11Belgian American Club Mishawaka1915
Left to Right Van Ooteghem, Stevens, Bauwens,
Leliaert, Bauters, Coppens, Hallaert, Breiaert,
Van Rie, Van Holsbecke, Braeckelaere, De Waelshe,
Couverour, Meuninck