- Launched by
- Sagar Dhara
- Hyderabad
- Organised by
- Centre for Education and Documentation
- Bangalore
- Hosted by
- Centre for Internet Society
- Bangalore
2Human interference with the Carbon cycle People
need to recover their environments and energy
- Sagar Dhara
- Cerana Foundation
3- Mujhe kheti karna hai, bartan nahi manjna
4 C Carbon is the Bramha, Vishnu and Shiva
of lifeCarbon forms complex molecules
- CO2 N O2 Temp
(oC) - Venus 96.0 3.5
lt0.01 477 - Mars 96.5 lt1.8
lt0.01 -53 - Earth without life 98.0 1.9
trace 290 - Earth with life 0.03 78
21 13 - Micro-flora developed the ability the ability to
make energy-rich carbohydrates, through
photosynthesis, simultaneously releasing oxygen. - Atmospheric carbon dioxide was removed and
deposited as chalk on the ocean floor, cooling
earth. - Earth is unique, 100 km beneath our feet it is
3,000oC and 30 km above, it is too cold to
survive. Life exists in this narrow band. - Suns energy helped make this miracle.
6- Carbon cycle
- Carbon fluxes 1990s 2000-05
- Net land to atmosphere carbon flux (GtC/Yr) -1.0
0.6 -0.9 0.6 - Net ocean to atmosphere C flux (GtC/Yr) -2.2
0.4 -2.2 0.5 - Net land ocean to atmosphere C flux (GtC) -3.2
0.5 -3.1 0.5 - Emissionsfossil fuels cement (GtC/Yr) 6.4
0.4 7.2 0.3
7Fossil Fuels Oil Coal Gas
Forests, Soil, other Vegetation
Fossil Carbon Pool Carbon is locked away and
does naturally not come in contact with the
atmosphere Fossil carbon is stored permanently
in coal, oil and gas UNLESS humans mine coal,
extract oil gas Once released, it will not move
back into the fossil carbon pool for millennia
the time it takes for fossil carbon to be created
Active Carbon Pool Carbon is always moving
between the forests, atmosphere and oceans The
overall amount in all three carbon stores
together does not increase
83 Issues1. Climate change
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10 2. Looming energy shortage
Till about 500 years ago, the main stay energy
source was a combination of human/ animal power
and wood
11London resembled the suburbs of hell, John
Evelyn, 1661
Fossil fuel dependence began 500 years ago.
Coal was first used in 14th century England ,
then elsewhere.
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13Oil discovery peaked in 1962. Current
consumption is 6 barrels for every barrel
14- Peak oil is expected to occur in the next 5-10
years, at most 2 decades. Peak gas will follow
soon after. No viable energy sourcegreen,
nuclear, . is available to replace fossil fuels.
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173. Overuse of earths natural resources and
assimilative capacity for wastes
- Today, we require 1.4 earths, and by 2015, we
will require 2 earths to meet human consumption
demands. - Much of this growth has been due to the increase
in human population and increased demands on
natural resources.
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20Acidification SO2 deposition
- Emissions 20005 MT 203025 MT
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23Unprotected ecosystem
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29 30- With the current rate of spoilage of the global
commons, we have a very narrow time window to fix
the problem, and we are probably not going to be
able to fix it.
31Growth of energy production/ consumption also
have a direct correlation to deforestation,
resource depletion, desertification, atmospheric
and oceanic pollution, global warming and loss of
32To understand human DEVELOPMENT and
understand their driversENERGY and KNOWLEDGE
33- Supply side management
- Replace fossil fuels with non-carbon based energy
systems - Green technologies
- Nuclear power
- Tragedy of the commons
34- Alternate energy sources will not work
35- Bio-diesel 0.75-1 ha required to run 1 vehicle
on bio-diesel per yr. Hyderabad has 20 lakh
vehicles. To run all Hyderabad vehicles on
bio-diesel would require 15,000-20,0002 km, ie,
8 of APs area. - Wind Fickle, has to be stored. Can be best
used to generate electricity (which is only a
fraction of the energy used). Even to do that in
say the UK, would require 4 of the land area.
To produce the total energy requirement of UK
would require 33 of UKs land area. - Hydrogen Hydrogen is an energy carrier.To have
hydrogen, it has to be 1st produced, which
requires energy inputs (concept of net energy).
36 37- The central problem lies in the way energy
throughputs have been used and appropriated by
humans, ie, private ownership of energy
converters, therefore accumulation of embodied
energy (eMergy) - Economy based on greed
- Stealing of energy from other creatures and by a
small set of humans from the vast majority
- All living beings are energy seekers and
converters. Some do so actively, and others
passively. - Animals, other than humans, merely adapt to
environments (and the energy they offer them),
and survived if favourable conditions persisted,
and perished if they changed. - Humans crossed environmental boundaries, as they
had the ability to do so, and colonized new ones,
essentially in their search for energy (in
different formsfood, fuel, and resources
embodied energy),
- Human history is basically one of increasing
energy consumption, both directly, and in the
form of products and services with ever
increasing embodied energy. - This could be done because of humans ability to
model and inventKnowledge of energy conversion
and how to use it to increase embodied energy. - Human ability to harness energy sources and
energy conversion technologies provide the
dividers between different historical periods.
40- Growth in energy production/ consumption have a
direct correlation to growth of population,
information/ knowledge, material throughput and
human mobility. - Development is generally equated to growth in
human activity, and therefore energy consumption
- Per capita energy consumption in India is about
650 units per annum, while in the US it is about
12,000 units and in Scandanavia it is 25,000
units. - Per capita primary energy consumption
- South Asia 0.5 ToE
- EU 4.0 ToE
- USA 8.0 ToE
42Energy loss around 1,000 MW Nagarjuna PP
- PP capacity 1000 MW 106 KW (KJ/sec)
- Energy produced/hr 106 KWH (unit)
- 1 unit 3.6 x 106 J
- Energy produced/yr 106 KWH x 24 hrs/day x 300
days/yr 7.2x109 units 2.592x1016 J
2.592x1013 KJ - Energy loss in 25 km radius energy loss in
plant area energy loss due to crop yield loss - Plant area 4 sq km
- Energy loss in agricultural lands 3000
kcal/m2/yr 3000 x 4.2 KJ/m2/yr 1.26x104
KJ/m2/yr - Energy loss in plant area 1.26x104 KJ/m2/yr x
4x106 m2 5.04x1010 KJ/yr - Energy loss in 25 km radius (taking only half the
area of a circle of R 25 km) 1.26x104 KJ/m2/yr
x 0.3 x 1000 km2 x 106 m2/km2 3.78x1012 KJ/yr - Total energy loss 5.04x1010 KJ/yr 3.78x1012
KJ/yr 3.83x1012 KJ/yr - Ie, 15 of energy produced by the PP is lost by
local farmers as net primary production on
agricultural lands. Net primary production of
fisheries needs to be computed.
43- Led to eMergy inequitieseMergy haves and
havenots, accentuated hugely by fossil fuels - The method of appropriation of eMergy is
variedslave society, feudalism, capitalism
44- eMergy inequity has been the driving force for
conflict. In the last century, wars and
conflicts have killed 75-100 million people
45- Private property was created to harvest energy by
individuals - Nation states formed to permit a set of people to
harvest energy from an area - State is potential eMergy that enables a the
haves of a nation state harvest energy - Land was privatized first, water is still being
privatized - Privatization of air has just begun
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48Saying reduce per capita footprint is easy.
Translating it into a programme is not It
requires the social management of energy and
knowledge for common good
- Powering down energy throughputs to pre-1971
levels or even less. - Use of renewables. How to get them into place
quickly? - Sustainable energy permits. Luxury energy
heavily priced - Creating a society that will not permit the
accumulation of embodied energy on a large scale
in private hands. - How?
- Restoring natural resources and the global
commons to people. - How?
- Technology down-sizing.
- How?
- Will nano-technology come into place fast enough?
- Decentralized power generation?
- Cannot meet current base requirements
- Equity in decision-making, access, control in the
use of energy and other natural resources. - How?
- Sustainable use of resources (renewable and
non-renewable) and generation of wastes - How?
- Re-localization alone? Or along with true
globalization (sans borders)? - How?
- Population control?
- Re-define development Traditionally, Development
growth equity social justice. - Inequity is growing as the
- trickle down theory has failed
Urban U.K. heading for Victorian levels of
inequality The chasm between rich and poor seen
in London today resembles the Manchester that
Engels described in the 1840s. Tristram
Hunt_at_Guardian 2007, Hindu 20 Jul 2007
50- To restore the carbon cycle
- Equity and environment issues cannot be divorced
from each other. - People must recover their environments and their
energy sources - Saving the earth and humanity can no longer be
done merely by technical, economic or legal fixes
51- Development not to mean growth, but to mean how
to ensure that all people have equitable -
- access to energy and other natural resources
- consumption levels of energy and other natural
resources - participation levels in decision making over all
issues related to energy and natural resources, -
- in such a manner that the eco-footprint for
earth as a whole, and its various geographic
regions, do not exceed their bio-capacities.
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55- Abolish all political borders. It will save a
significant amount of energy consumption by
dismantling - Military-industrial complexes
- Embassies, Ministries of Foreign Affairs,
Customs, Immigration, CIAs, RAWs, ISIs, etc. - Abolishing borders will also reduce energy
consumption as - It will allow for population migration to such
areas that are better endowed in energy and
natural resources - Reduce terrorism
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57- This map explains the current war on terrorism
in the Middle East
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59Sectors that we should pay attention to
- Transportpublic transport
- Cooking energy
- Food security
- Water security
- Retaining biodiversity (protect forests)
- Saving lives due to ravages of climate change
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63- The above can only be achieved if global thinking
shifts from gain maximization for a few people
to risk minimization for all of life. Implicit
within the latter is the acceptance of three
equities a) between people, b) between
generations, c) between species. - This challenges the definition of economic
value as understood by classical and Marxist
economics, both of which are anthropocentric.
Value, then may have to be based on a measurable
index of environmental withdrawals, pollutants
recycled to earth, interference with natural
cycles (carbon and hydrological cycles, ..) and
biota, besides the amount of human labour/
embodied energy that goes into a product or
service. - If human society survives the impending
environmental crisis, a transition from equity
between species to equality between species is
desirable, if not inevitable. Value as an
economic category, as we understand it today,
will then disappear. - Major political and sociological institutions
today are also based on an anthropocentric view.
These structures will change if a biocentric view
becomes more acceptable.
64- Other questions come into play.
- For instance, humans are the only creatures that
have succeeded in colonizing new environments
because of their ability to create and use
knowledge, which has helped them destroy nature
and brought them to the current crisis. No
doubt, knowledge has done some good for humans,
but on balance it seems to have done more harm.
What then is the point in developing more
knowledge? - More importantly, greed seems to drive humans to
consume wantonly. Yet, humans like all other
animals have a self-preservative instinct. Which
is the greater human motivatorgreed or need for
collective self-preservation? - It is a moot point whether all this will work
65It probably will not, as we may well have crossed
the tipping point
- Maybe then, the only thing then we can do is to
prepare ourselves and people for an apocalypse so
that we minimize risk - Prepare the ground for a different social order
for a post-Carbon society - Do all such things that will gain us moral
ascendance - The energy needs of a new society must be met by
the sun - Such a society would have to have a completely
different relationship with nature. How can deep
ecology be made to work? Do Eastern religions
have insights to offer? - Nature knows bestBarry Commoner,
- Humans know worst
66Biodiversity richness map
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688,000 years ago
692,000 years ago
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72Much as it depresses me to think about the
post-industrial stone age that we may be headed
towards, it is my duty to speak my mind. And it
is yours to speak yours. I would be very happy
if you proved me wrong.
- Thank you for your patience.
- The significant problems we face cannot be
solved at the same level of thinking that we were
at when we created them - -- Albert Einstein
- Email sagdhara_at_yahoo.com
- Tel 040 2753 6128
73- Increase negative entropy on earth by relying
more on cheap and unlimited solar energy - This implies
- Relying more on animal/human
- power
- Reducing global energy
- consumption drastically
- Current per capita consumption
- World1.2 TOe, India0.4 TOe
- Per capita consumption for a
- sustainable world0.67 Toe
74- Rate of use of renewable resources do not exceed
their regeneration - Rate of use of non-renewable resources do not
exceed exceed the rate at which sustainable
renewable substitutes are developed - Rate of pollution emission does not exceed the
assimilative capacity of the environment