Title: Control Systems
1Control Systems
Welcome to
ME30029 / ME50151
Chapter 3. Laplace Transforms
- Dr. M. Necip SahinkayaDepartment of Mechanical
Engineering - University of Bath
2Chapter Content
- Laplace Transform Definition
- Properties
- Inverse Laplace Transform
- Non-Zero Initial Conditions
- Dead Time
- Piece-Wise Continuous Inputs
- Final and Initial Value Problems
3Laplace Transform
4Step and Ramp Functions
5Pulse / Impulse Function
6Properties of Laplace Transforms
- Linearity
- Derivatives
- Integral
7Laplace Transform Table
8Inverse Laplace Transform Example
9Time Reasponse
10Non-Zero Initial Conditions
Consider the change in output due to change in
input by taking zero initial conditions, then add
to the datum level of output due to the datum
level of input.
11Dead Time (Transport Lag)
Heavyside function
Laplace Transform
12Piece-Wise Continuous Inputs
13Piece-Wise Continuous Inputs Example
14Final and Initial Value Theorem
- Final Value
- Initial Value
15The End
- End of Section 3.
- gtgtLaplace Transforms
Thank you
Dr. M. Necip Sahinkaya Department of Mechanical
Engineering University of Bath