Title: Update on local anesthetic pharmacology
1Update on local anesthetic pharmacology
- John Butterworth, MD
- Professor Section-Head
- Section on Cardiothoracic Anesthesiology
- Wake Forest University School of Medicine
- Winston-Salem, North Carolina
2Update on local anesthetic pharmacology
- History and general considerations
- Na channels, cellular electrophysiology, local
anesthetic actions - General characteristics of local anesthesia
- LA pharmacokinetics
- LA cardiovascular toxicity
- Summary
See http//www1.wfubmc.edu/anesthesiology/researc
3Early history of regional anesthesia
- Koller and Gartner report local anesthesia (1884)
Carl Koller 1857 -1944
4Early history of regional anesthesia
- Koller and Gartner report local anesthesia (1884)
- 1884 Halsted injects cocaine directly into
mandibular nerve and brachial plexus
William S. Halsted
5Early history of regional anesthesia
- Koller and Gartner report local anesthesia (1884)
- 1884 Halsted injects cocaine directly into
mandibular nerve and brachial plexus - 1904 Einhorn discovers procaine (Novocaine)
6Early history of regional anesthesia
- Koller and Gartner report local anesthesia (1884)
- 1884 Halsted injects cocaine directly into
mandibular nerve and brachial plexus - 1904 Einhorn discovers procaine (Novocaine)
- 1943 Lofgren discovers lidocaine (Xylocaine)
7Chronology of local anesthetics
After Cartwright Fyhr. Reg Anesth 1988131-12
8Local anestheticsamides vs. esters
- Common structure
- Aromatic ring
- Tertiary amine
- Alkyl chain
- Linking bond
- Amide bond (see lidocaine)
- Ester bond (see procaine)
9Update on local anesthetic pharmacology
- History and general considerations
- Na channels, cellular electrophysiology, local
anesthetic actions - General characteristics of local anesthesia
- LA pharmacokinetics
- LA cardiovascular toxicity
- Summary
10Voltage-gated Na (Nav) channels
- Propagate action potentials in nerve and muscle
- Shape, filter synaptic inputs
- Initiate, maintain cellular oscillations (sinus
node) and burst generation (brain cells) - Mutations lead to muscle, cardiac, neural
diseases and stillbirth - Bind local anesthetics to produce regional
anesthesia, necessitating ASRAPM meeting!
Lopreato. Proc Natl Acad Sci 2001987588-92 Viswa
nathan Balser. Trends Cardiovasc Med
11Structural characteristicsof Nav channels
- 1 larger ? subunit (260 kD) (has ion conducting
path) - 1 or 2 smaller ? subunits (30 kD)
- All subunits heavily glycosylated
From Physiol Rev 199272S15-S48 Ann Rev Biochem
19956493-531 Biophys J 2000791379-87 J Exp
Biol 2002205574-84
12Structural characteristicsof Nav channels
- 1 larger ? subunit (260 kD) (has ion conducting
path) - 1 or 2 smaller ? subunits (30 kD)
- All subunits heavily glycosylated
From Physiol Rev 199272S15-S48 Ann Rev Biochem
19956493-531 Biophys J 2000791379-87 J Exp
Biol 2002205574-84
13Structural characteristicsof Nav channels
- 1 larger ? subunit (260 kD) (has ion conducting
path) - 1 or 2 smaller ? subunits (30 kD)
- All subunits heavily glycosylated
From Physiol Rev 199272S15-S48 Ann Rev Biochem
19956493-531 Biophys J 2000791379-87 J Exp
Biol 2002205574-84
14Structural characteristicsof Nav channels
- 4 domains
- have 6
- membrane-
- spanning
- a-helical
- segments
- (S1-S6)
- S5-S6 P-loop part of ion-conducting pore
Plummer, Meisler. Genomics 199957323-31
15Structural characteristicsof Nav channels
- 4 domains
- have 6
- membrane-
- spanning
- a-helical
- segments
- (S1-S6)
- S5-S6 P-loop part of ion-conducting pore
Plummer, Meisler. Genomics 199957323-31
16Membrane potentials andionic currents in neurons
- Resting potential
- Characteristic of
- living cells (-70 mV)
- Na-K ATPase and
- K leak
- Action potential
- Na channels open, allow Na flux
- Within milliseconds, Na channels return to
nonconducting inactivated state
Potential (in mV)
Squid axon, 16o
Time after stimulus (ms)
17Na channel conformations
- 3 channel forms resting, open, inactivated
(1952) - Na ions pass only through open channels
- Membrane potential (or voltage) determines the
AL Hodgkin 1914-1998
AF Huxley 1917-
Nobel Prize 1963
18Latest model for voltage-gating of ion channels
- S1-S4 segments form voltage sensor
- Conventional models assume S4 moves in and out
of lipid membrane - Xray diffraction S4-S3 hairpin loop, supports
Århem. Lancet 20043631221-3 Jiang. Nature
19How LAs inhibit Na currents
- Weidman (1955) shows that LAs reduce Na flux
during impulses in Purkinje cells - Taylor (1959) shows that procaine inhibits Na
currents in squid axons - No effect on resting membrane potential
- No effect on Na equilibrium potential
- Strichartz (1973) reports use-dependent block
- Blocking and unblocking need open channels
- Drug approaches binding site from inside cell
- Ragsdale (1994) shows point mutations to D4S6
alter LA block of Nav1.2a channels
20Use-dependent block of cardiac Na currents by LAs
QX222 0.5 mM
Hanck et al. J Gen Physiol 199410319-43
21How LAs inhibit Na currents
- Weidman (1955) shows that LAs reduce Na flux
during impulses in Purkinje cells - Taylor (1958) shows that procaine inhibits Na
currents in squid axons - No effect on resting membrane potential
- No effect on Na equilibrium potential
- Strichartz (1973) reports use-dependent block
- Blocking and unblocking need open channels
- Drug approaches binding site from inside cell
- Ragsdale (1994) shows point mutations to D4S6
alter LA block of Nav1.2a channels
22LA binding to D4S6
- D4S6 point mutations reduce LA binding to Nav1.2,
1.4 - Binding between F1479 Y1586
Godwin. Biophys Chem 20051131-7 Ragsdale.
Science 19942651724-8 Wang. Pflugers Arch
23LA binding to D4S6
- D4S6 point mutations reduce LA binding to Nav1.2,
1.4 - Binding between F1479 Y1586
Godwin. Biophys Chem 20051131-7 Ragsdale.
Science 19942651724-8 Wang. Pflugers Arch
24LA binding to D4S6
- Increasing hydrophobicity permits better fit in
binding cavity for neutral LAs
Godwin. Biophys Chem 20051131-7
25Many classes of compounds bind and inhibit Na
26Many classes of compounds bind and inhibit Na
- Local anesthetics
- General anesthetics
- Ca channel blockers
- ?2 agonists
- Tricyclic antidipressants
- Substance P antagonists
- Many nerve toxins
- Tetrodotoxin
- Batrachotoxin
- Grayanotoxin
Use-dependent block of frog sciatic axons by
halothane 1
Strichartz. Acta Anaesth Scand 198024402-6
27Many classes of compounds bind and inhibit Na
- Local anesthetics
- General anesthetics
- Ca channel blockers
28Many classes of compounds bind and inhibit Na
- Local anesthetics
- General anesthetics
- Ca channel blockers
- ?2 agonists
Inhibition of Action Potential
Fiber types ? Aa ? C
10-5 10-4 10-3 10-2 10-1 Clonidine
Concentration (M)
Anesth Analg. 199376295-301
29Many classes of compounds bind and inhibit Na
- Local anesthetics
- General anesthetics
- Ca channel blockers
- ?2 agonists
- Tricyclic antidipressants
Duration of sciatic block in rats (min)
Sudoh et al. Pain 200310349-55
30Many classes of compounds bind and inhibit Na
- Local anesthetics
- General anesthetics
- Ca channel blockers
- ?2 agonists
- Tricyclic antidipressants
- Substance P antagonists
block of action potential
- Arg5, D-Trp7,9 SP
- D. D-Pro2, D-Trp7,9 SP
- L. Lidocaine
.02 .1 .2 .4 1 2
Post. Eur J Pharmacol 1985117347-54
31Many classes of compounds bind and inhibit Na
- Local anesthetics
- General anesthetics
- Ca channel blockers
- ?2 agonists
- Tricyclic antidipressants
- Substance P antagonists
- Many nerve toxins
- Batrachotoxin
From www.bio.davidson.edu
32Many classes of compounds bind and inhibit Na
- Local anesthetics
- General anesthetics
- Ca channel blockers
- ?2 agonists
- Tricyclic antidipressants
- Substance P antagonists
- Many nerve toxins
- Batrachotoxin
From chemweb.calpoly.edu
33Many classes of compounds bind and inhibit Na
- Local anesthetics
- General anesthetics
- Ca channel blockers
- ?2 agonists
- Tricyclic antidipressants
- Substance P antagonists
- Many nerve toxins
- Batrachotoxin
- Grayanotoxin
From www.currieecology.org.uk vm.cfsan.fda.gov
34Many classes of compounds bind and inhibit Na
- Local anesthetics
- General anesthetics
- Ca channel blockers
- ?2 agonists
- Tricyclic antidipressants
- Substance P antagonists
- Many nerve toxins
- Batrachotoxin
- Grayanotoxin
- Tetrodotoxin (TTX)
35Many classes of compounds bind and inhibit Na
- 1.Might these other compounds be used effectively
for regional anesthesia or pain management? -
- Local anesthetics
- General anesthetics
- Ca channel blockers
- ?2 agonists
- Tricyclic antidipressants
- Substance P antagonists
- Many nerve toxins
- Batrachotoxin
- Grayanotoxin
- Tetrodotoxin (TTX)
36Many classes of compounds bind and inhibit Na
- 1.Might these other compounds be used effectively
for regional anesthesia or pain management? - 2. Might they be betteror safer than
conventional local anesthetics?
- Local anesthetics
- General anesthetics
- Ca channel blockers
- ?2 agonists
- Tricyclic antidipressants
- Substance P antagonists
- Many nerve toxins
- Batrachotoxin
- Grayanotoxin
- Tetrodotoxin (TTX)
37Update on local anesthetic pharmacology
- History and general considerations
- Na channels, cellular electrophysiology, local
anesthetic actions - General characteristics of local anesthesia
- LA pharmacokinetics
- LA cardiovascular toxicity
- Summary
38EC50 LA concentrations (in ?M) for block of Na
and K channels
Xenopus laevis sciatic nerve fibers
Observations 1. Potency at Na gt K channel 2. Rank
order the same as for clinical regional
anesthesia 3. Larger, more lipid soluble agents
are more potent
Brau et al. Anesth Analg 199887885-9
Olschewski et al Anesthesiology 199888172-9
39LA characteristics that sort together
bupivacaine vs. mepivacaine
- Physical and chemical
- ?lipid solubility
- ?protein binding
- Pharmacological toxicological
- ?potency
- ?onset time
- ?duration of action
- ?tendency to produce severe CV toxicity
40pKa and speed of onset the facts vs. the
textbooks of anesthesiology Strichartz. Anesth
Analg 199071158-70
Temp (oC)
41Differential block
- Goal analgesia without motor block
- Success in postoperative, labor analgesia
- Differential onset of block with bupivacaine
(versus mepivacaine) - No consistent differential block when the block
fully set up - Smaller fibers of a given type more LA-sensitive
than larger (A? fibers more LA-sensitive than A?
fibers) - Selective Nav inhibitors in future?
42Bupivacaine produces differential onset of block
mepivacaine does not
Br J Anaesth 199881515-21
43Genomics of human Nav channels
- Only 1 or 2 Nav channel genes in invertebrates
- 9 distinct Nav channel a-subunit genes in mammals
(10th homologous gene doesnt code for functional
channel) - Cell-specific expression and localization of Nav
channel gene products
Lopreato. Proc Natl Acad Sci 2001987588-92
44Chromosomes, distribution of neuronal Nav channels
1. Nav1.8, Nav1.9 relatively TTX insensitive
related to neuropathic pain? 2. Nav1.3 TTX
sensitive related to ectopic discharges after
axotomy? 3. Nav1.4 skeletal muscle, 1.5 cardiac
Lai et al. Curr Opin Neurobiol 200313291-7 Wu,
Pan. Brain Res 20041029251-8
45Update on local anesthetic pharmacology
- History and general considerations
- Na channels, cellular electrophysiology, local
anesthetic actions - General characteristics of local anesthesia
- LA pharmacokinetics and dosing
- LA cardiovascular toxicity
- Summary
46Why do books and chapter persist in defining a
maximal drug dose?
- Depends on site of administration
- Altered by additives
- Depends on patient characteristics
- Altered by diseases
- Tolerable dose is small when given into the
vertebral artery or into a vein! - Illogical to speak of one maximal safe dose of
local anesthetic
Rosenberg. Reg Anesth Pain Med 2004 29564-75
47Mepivacaine concentrations in blood after
injection of the same dose in different sites
- Greatest to Least
- Intercostal
- Caudal
- Lumbar epidural
- Brachial plexus
- Sciatic-femoral
Anesthesiology 197237277
48Effects of medical conditions drugs on LA
dosing kinetics
- Renal failure ?Vd ?accumulation of metabolic
products - Hepatic failure ?amide Vd, ?amide clearance
- Cardiac failure ß and H2 blockers ?hepatic
blood flow and ?amide clearance - Cholinesterase deficiency or inhibition ?ester
clearance - Pregnancy ?hepatic blood flow ?amide clearance
?protein binding
49Update on local anesthetic pharmacology
- History and general considerations
- Na channels, cellular electrophysiology, local
anesthetic actions - General characteristics of local anesthesia
- LA pharmacokinetics
- LA cardiovascular toxicity
- Summary
50LAs bind and inhibit many differing receptors and
- Do not assume LA toxic side effects arise from Na
channel inhibition!
Anesthesiology 1990 72711-34
51LAs bind and inhibit many differing receptors and
- Na, K, Ca channels
- G-protein modulation of channels
- Many enzymes
- Adenylyl cyclase
- Guanylyl cyclase
- Lipases
- Many receptors
- Nicotinic acetylcholine
- ß2-adrenergic
Anesthesiology 1990 72711-34
52LAs bind and inhibit many differing receptors and
- Na, K, Ca channels
- G-protein modulation of channels
- Many enzymes
- Adenylyl cyclase
- Guanylyl cyclase
- Lipases
- Many receptors
- Nicotinic acetylcholine
- ß2-adrenergic
- Important for spinal, epidural, or systemic
Anesthesiology 1990 72711-34
53LAs bind and inhibit many differing receptors and
- Do not assume LA toxic side effects arise from Na
channel inhibition!
Anesthesiology 1990 72711-34
54Cardiovascular toxicityfrom local anesthetics
- Predisposition to cardiac arrest with bupivacaine
etidocaine (Albright, 1979) - S- isomers (levo-bupivacaine and ropivacaine)
less potent at CV toxicity than R isomers or
racemic mixes - Which is most important?
- Increasing potency (increasing LA size)
- R stereoisomer
- Biochemical, electrophysiologic, negative
inotropic, vascular actions
55LA blood concentrations producing cardiac arrest
in dogs similar rank order as for potency
Groban. Anesth Analg 2000911103-11
56Ventricular arrhythmias after supraconvulsant
(2x) doses of LAs
Feldman. Anesth Analg 198969794-801
57LA infusions, cardiac arrest resuscitation in
- More inducible arrhythmias with B, LB than R, Li
- More epi-induced VF (EpVF) death with B than R
or Li - Continued epi often needed for Li (86) after
arrest rarely with B
of animals
Groban. Anesth Analg 2000911103 Anesth Analg
20019237 RAPM 200227460
58Is there one common mechanism for LA-induced
cardiac death?
- Arrhythmias (bupivacaine)?
- Left-ventricular depression (lidocaine)?
- Resuscitation drug failure (bupivacaine)?
- Mechanism probably depends on specific drug!
59Treatment of LA CV toxicity
- Follow ACLS guidelines
- Substitute amiodarone for lidocaine
- Substitute vasopressin for epinephrine
- Consider cardiopulmonary bypass or lipid infusion
if standard drugs fail
60Lipid emulsion counteracts bupivacaine cardiac
- Lipid pretreatment with increases toxic dose of
bupivacaine - Animals not resuscitated using ACLS recovered
when given lipid emulsion - Lipid may draw bupivacaine into plasma from
binding site(s) in the heart - No human data
Weinberg. Anesthesiology 1998881071-5 Weinberg.
Reg Anesth Pain Med 200328198-202
61Lipid emulsion vs. saline after bupivacaine in
BUPI 15 mg/kg
Weinberg. Reg Anesth Pain Med 200227568-75
62Lipid emulsion vs. saline after bupivacaine in
BUPI 15 mg/kg
Weinberg. Reg Anesth Pain Med 200227568-75
63Lipid emulsion counteracts bupivacaine cardiac
- Lipid pretreatment with increases toxic dose of
bupivacaine - Animals not resuscitated using ACLS recovered
when given lipid emulsion - Lipid may draw bupivacaine into plasma from
binding site(s) in the heart - No human data
Weinberg. Anesthesiology 1998881071-5 Weinberg.
Reg Anesth Pain Med 200328198-202
64Update on local anesthetic pharmacology
- History and general considerations
- Na channels, cellular electrophysiology, local
anesthetic actions - General characteristics of local anesthesia
- LA pharmacokinetics
- LA cardiovascular toxicity
- Summary
- LAs bind and inhibit Nav channels
- Other drugs that inhibit Nav channels
- Pharmacodynamic effects of medical conditions,
additives - Differential block and specific Nav channel types
- Toxicity CNS vs. CV neurotoxicity allergy
- Resuscitation
See http//www1.wfubmc.edu/anesthesiology/researc