Astrobiology - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Artist's (David A. Hardy) conception of the view from the day side of a ... G. 2000, Origins of Life on the Earth and in the Cosmos, 2nd ed. (Academic Press) ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Astrobiology

Very Low Mass Stars as Optimum Sites of Habitable
Planets and Their Detection
Andrey Andreeshchev John Scalo, Univ. Texas at
Austin David Smith, Univ. Texas and Harvard
INTRODUCTION Properties of Very Low Mass Stars
(VLMS) Masses limit (0.075 Msun) and below. Nearby examples
Proxima Centauri, Barnards star, YY Gem, UV
Ceti, VB8, CN Leo,many still being discovered
(DENIS, 2MASS). Here for simplicity we include
brown dwarfs with VLMS. Temperatures Red, cool
(Teff ? 3500K), spectra dominated by molecules
(TiO, VO, H2O,). Spectral types roughly K7 to
M9 to L, T brown dwarfs. Flares Mostly
convective interiors. Intense surface activity
and fast rotation during youth. First few Gyr
(e.g. Stauffer Hartmann 1986, Gizis et al.
2002) spent as dMe/flare stars, with large flares
(relative amplitude order of magnitude) roughly
once per hour (see Gershberg Shakhovskaya
1983). Strongest in U, UV and x-rays.
Interesting radiation environment! Faint Lbol
from about 10-1 to 10-4 Lsun and smaller ?
conventional habitable planets (liquid water)
will be very close to parent star, leading to
synchronization of spin and orbit by tidal
forces. Fig. 1 shows habitable zone radii for M
realistic atmospheric boundary conditions, along
with tidal locking and Roche radii. Standard
view poor bets for habitability because
synchronous rotation leads to rapid atmospheric
collapse by circulation to the dark side.
Joshii et al. (1997) 3D hydro/climate
simulations show that circulation on
synchronously rotating planets allows retention
of atmosphere for pressures greater than a few
percent of Earths ? main objection to
habitability now removed. Now consider the
viability of VLMS habitable planets in fresh
light. (See also Heath et al. 1999)
  • Top 10 reasons why very low mass stars (VLMS)
    may be optimum sites for habitable planets
  • Common VLMS are the most numerous stars in the
    Galaxy (75 to 85 see Chabrier 2000, 2001).
    Even given uncertainly in IMF at low masses, this
    is a robust result.
  • Formation Disks and planets should be able to
    form around VLMS (simulations of planetesimal
    growth down to 0.5 Msun, Wetherill 1996) and are
    observed (Delfosse et al. 1998, Marcy et al. 1998
    for M star Gl 876 planet Muench et al. 2001,
    Haisch et al. 2001 for disks, or at least IR
  • Get climate stability without a large moon
    Tidal effects on habitable planets around VLMS
    damp rapid ( 107 yr) chaotic obliquity
    variations (Touma Wisdom 1993, Laskar Robutel
    1993), without need for a massive moon like ours
    (very unlikely event if collisional origin see
    Lissauer 2001).
  • Huge lifetimes VLMS lifetimes ? age of Galaxy ?
    virtually no brightening, no faint young Sun
    paradox. Once in HZ, always in HZ! (unless
    youre orbiting a brown dwarf--even then duration
    of habitability can be many Gyr Andreeschchev
    Scalo 2002, in preparation Desidera 1999 ).
  • Safety from ejection HZ planets around VLMS are
    tightly bound (hard orbits), so risk of
    ejection by stellar encounters (free-floating
    planets) during cluster phase (cf. Davies
    Sigurdsson 2001, Harley Shara 2002) is small.
    Easy to verify that orbital speeds much larger
    than typical cluster velocity dispersions for
    VLMS HZ planets.
  • Safety from disk photoevaporation Frustration of
    planet formation by photoevaporation of disks by
    massive stars in clusters (Throop et al. 2001) is
    less probable for smaller-mass stars because of
    primordial mass segregation observed in young
    clusters (Meyer et al. 2000 and references
  • Tidepools One of most serious origin of life
    problems It is difficult if not impossible to
    polymerize amino acids and nucleotides into
    proteins and RNA/DNA (or even lengths 30-100
    required for self-replication) in aqueous
    solution (see extensive refs. In Lahav 1999,
    Lahav 2000).
  • Many suggest adsorption on minerals followed by
    washing (e.g. Orgel 1998). On Earth, this
    requires large moon (improbable). On HZ planets
    around VLMS tides are strong without a moon,
    although tides are stationary without
    eccentricity or resonances, since synchronous
    rotation. (5 bucks to anyone with better
  • Flares Extremely strong and frequent flares
    usually regarded as threat to life on HZ planets
    around VLMS. Average U-band fluxes are weak, but
    U amplitude of flares (e.g. Lacey et al. 1976,
    Gershberg Shakhovskaya 1983, Gershberg et al.
    1999 and references therein) can easily exceed
    100 (Fig. 2). Flare x-ray fluxes and fluences
    of order 106 times larger than on Earth due to
    Sun (Fig. 3) once per 100 hr (or so). Coronal
    x-rays 102 to 103 stronger relative to Lbol
    than Sun.
  • But not so clear whether the enhanced and
    stochastic mutation rate would have
    prevented/sterilized life, or instead accelerated
  • In vitro and Artificial Life evolution genome
    lengths become large only in information-rich
    environment (e.g. Adami et al. 2000 and refs).
    Mutations that increase fitness can be regarded
    as random measurements on the environment.
    Flares provide a wide information channel on
    which natural selection can operate.
  • Contrast with Ward Brownlee (2000) assumption
    that development of complex organisms primarily
    requires self-regulated stability of environment
    (which may only be true for considerations of
    survival, but not evolution).
  • Production of biological precursor molecules
  • Fig. 4 shows radiative transfer calculation
    (Smith et al., this meeting for details and more
    cases) of energy deposition by coronal or flare
    soft x-rays for two column densities and incident
    peak energies, for a Koren-Tucker model stellar
    x-ray spectrum. Through x-ray redistribution
    mediated by secondary electron ionization and
    excitation (similar to auroral emission), about a
    percent of the flare and coronal radiation
    reaching the surface is below about 100nm (for a
    column density like the Earths). Important!
  • Examples
  • a. Well-known that in weakly reducing
    atmospheres important precursor H2CO only easily
    formed from photolysis of H2O and CO2 (Kasting
  • b. HCN (important precursor to amino acid and
    nucleotide synthesis) is difficult to form in
    weakly reducing atmospheres because need to break
    strong bonds of N2 and CO flare and coronal
    radiation may remove this dilemma.
  • c. Production of complex prebiotic organic
    compounds by irradiation of icy surfaces should
    also be much more important on flare star planets
    than on solar analogues.

log FX/Fbol
log FX/Fbol
  • Why this might be completely wrong
  • Intense flares from very young VLMS could
    sublimate grains and planetesimals out to the
    future HZ radius, suppressing planet formation
  • Atmospheric energy deposition from VLMS ionizing
    radiation could lead to atmospheric loss.
  • Much future work to do!

This work was supported by NSF grant 9907582.
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