Title: What next at Daresbury Just thinking aloud
1What next at Daresbury?Just thinking aloud
- Roger Barlow
- ThorEA meeting
- 17th April 2009
2Where we are
- Building EMMA, the worlds
- first nonscaling FFAG
- This is an asset (USP)
- It does NOTHING for ADSRs. 20 MeV electrons _at_ pA
are not 1 GeV protons _at_ mA. - But it is a step
- Also studies underway on spallation, reactor
core, etc.
3Where are we going to?
- Design and build a Thorium ADSR, hopefully with
an nsFFAG providing the accelerator - (Other accelerator solutions are acceptable.)
4How to get there
- Discussions between RB, Bob Cywinski, Guenther
Rosner and others. -
- The AESIR project
- Accelerator
- Energy
- System with
- Inbuilt
- Reliability
5Stage I LOKI
- The Low-key demonstrator
- 35 MeV H- system
- (protons at Daresbury!)
- High current. (1 mA? 10 mA?)
- Commercial source
- RF Quadrupole
- Standard Linac
- Study reliability and build it in from the start.
Learn from mistakes - Looks like the Front End Test Stand?? Copy? Move?
- Also measurements of cross sections on Thorium
(at CERN?),simulations, materials studies - 2-3 years. 17M
6Stage 2 FREA
- FFAG Research for the Energy Amplifier
- Add a 2nd stage ring that boost energy to 390 MeV
- Why 390? Pion production. But 300 would still
be interesting - Produces spallation. Not as much as 1 GeV, but
enough to be interesting. - Continue to emphasise reliability. Increase
Current to 10 mA - Use a proton nsFFAG with a cyclotron as
fallback. Or Linac - Gives useful proton machine (c.f. TRIUMF, PSI).
99mTc production? - Links to proton therapy but details very
different. (High current. One energy. More space) - 4-5 years. 50 M
7Stage 3 Thor
Add a second ring to give 1 GeV nsFFAG, with RCS
and Linac as backup options Use with a real
target and nuclear core for production ADSR
system Where? Not Daresbury. Sellafield?? Just
power, or partitioning/transmutation?
8Costs and Funding
Economic stimulus package? Investment in
Daresbury Campus? DIUS, STFC, NWDA?? Stage 1
17M (8M new) 2-3 Years Stage 2 50 M (40M
new) 4-5 years Stage 3 Bn funded by/with
power companies Accelerator cost 100M (i.e.
9Could it happen?
- Possibly.
- Ticks many boxes in Govt fundng criteria
- Builds up activity on Daresbury innovation
campus - Makes sensible use of infrastructure at
Daresbury left by SRS - Increasing interest and activity
- Possibly not. But if we dont try, it certainly