Title: ReEmployment Summit
- ReEmployment Summit
- American Recovery and Reinvestment Act
- Time table for Action
2- Summary of workshops and sessions
3Website Reemploymentworks.workforce3one.org
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9Unemployment 5 Best Worst States
10ReEmployment SummitBest Practices
- Redesigning the Workforce System
- Architects and Designer workshop
- Asset Mapping
- Strategic Early Warning Network
- Rapid Response as a Business Service
- Growing Green Jobs
11Architects and Designer workshop
- Summary of suggestions, ideas and an ideal vision
from the workgroups formed in the Architects
Designers session. The major topic areas were - Training
- Workforce Intelligence
- Triage (the assigning of priority order to
projects on the basis of where funds and other
resources can be best used, are most needed, or
are most likely to achieve success) - UI/One-Stop Reemployment Link
- Assessment
- Integration
- Website Reemploymentworks.workforce3one.org
12Asset Mapping
- It is a Critical Step First step in marshalling
resources that the community can leverage to
support integrated workforce and economic
development initiatives - A focus on Assets (not Needs)
- Focuses on effectiveness
- Builds interdependencies
- Identifies ways that people can give of their
talents - Seeks to empower people
- Asset mapping can take many forms Sector-based
Asset Mapping Organization based asset mapping
People-based asset mapping, Community asset map,
Partnership map etc. - Things you have, Things you do, Things you know
- Creates a logical planning process
- 1) know what mode you are in
- 2) what is the desired end product?
- 3) who are your stakeholders and get them
involved - 4) team scope project and set goals
13Resources you can use
- The Community Tool Box -- ctb.ku.edu/tools
- Mapping the Assets of your community
- srdc.msstate.edu/publications/227/227_asset_mappin
g.pdf - Canadian Rural Partnership Asset Mapping
Handbook - www.rural.gc.ca/conference/documents/mapping_e.pht
ml - NES Objectives for Asset Mapping
- www.witstoolkit.com/pdf/NESPerspectiveonAssetMappi
ng.pdf - Metro-Denver WIRED
- www.metrodenver.org/workforce-profiles/WIRED
- Illuminate Asset Mapping Roadmaps
- www.compete.org/images/uploads/File/PDF20Files/Co
14Resources you can use
- Asset Mapping Roadmap (USDOL / ETA)
- www.doleta.gov/wired/files/Asset_mappingroadmap.pd
f - Community Wealth Seekers Guide
- www.communitywealth.com/Vol120--20Mapping20Asse
Innovative approaches to Asset Mapping Visual
Mapping Tool www.theBrain.com
15Strategic Early Warning Network
- Provides a variety of services
- Financial restructuring
- Buyouts and ownership transition
- Labor management assistance
- Operations Cost management
- MEP services
- Early Warning Analysis and Assessments
- Early warning Mentoring
- Pre-feasibility of companies-in-stress
- Response and Layoff Aversion
- Core retention steps
- Sectoral / Cluster strategies
- Workplace change and training
16Strategic Early Warning Network
- Stakeholders / partners (Rapid Response Office,
Regional Economic Development Offices, Workforce
Investment Boards, City County, Modernization
Extension Programs (MEP), industry associations,
Unions / Labor, banks, accounting firms,
independent consultants, Industry policy groups,
Small Business Development Center, Community
organizations, other)
- Layoff aversion work best when
- Early ID of troubled firm
- Adequate lead time to organize and effect
response - Broad partnerships mobilizing services and
resources - Sufficient capacity of consultants and service
personnel to assess firms viability and implement
retention strategies.
17Strategic Early Warning Network Results
- Pennsylvania SEWN
- From 1993 to 2008
- Impacted 700 firms
- Saved or created 14,000 jobs
- Missouri
- In 2007-2008
- Serviced 40 companies that employed 1171 people
- Averted 676 job layoffs
18Rapid Response as a Business Service
- Bringing Solutions, not Services
- Relevant and Responsive
- Solutions-based approach
- Requires
- Strong partnerships and relationships
- Immediate follow-up
- An understanding of business knowledge and opp.
- Industry knowledge of needs and occupational
skill sets - Knowledge of avail. programs to properly match to
needs - Rapid Response is a regional strategy
- Cannot view each employer as an independent
entity - Results
- Layoff Aversion
- Minimizing impact by understanding supply chain
and early intervention - Linking of workers with similar skill sets with
other industry sectors
19Growing Green Jobs
- Currently no standard definition
- Crosses many industries and occupations
- Most are traditional jobs moderately skilled
- Two Key Sectors
- Energy Efficiency
- Residential Weatherization
- Commercial and Industrial retrofits
- Renewable / Sustainable Energy
- Renewable Solar, Wind, Biomass, Biofuel,
Geothermal, - Wave, Ocean Thermal conversion
- Sustainable Hydrogen, Nuclear, Co-Generation
- Current state of jobs 95 efficiency 5
renewables - 2025 future jobs 75 efficiency
25 renewables
20Green Industry Drivers
- Technology
- Economy
- Federal, State and Local Policy
- Federal Economic Stimulus plan would generate
460,000 green jobs - Weatherization of homes
- Retrofitting of federal buildings
21Issues to follow
- Public Policy
- Federal and State
- Tax incentives
- Portfolio Standards
- Legislation, Appropriations
- Public utility regulation and rate structures,
business models - Training Programs
- Matching the gaps of business needs
- Employer / Labor Union partnerships essential
- Flexible and responsive WF infrastructure
- Coordination WF / Econ. Dev., Labor, Edu. Inst.,
CBO - Key elements Asset Map, Formalized
partnerships, Articulated agreements, Stackable
credentials, Accreditation, certificate pathways.
22State Examples
- Florida
- Florida Solar Energy Center
- Los Angeles
- Infrastructure and Sustainable Job Collaborative
- Massachusetts
- Green Communities Act (2007)
- Energy Efficiency Skills and Innovation
Initiative - New Jersey
- Governors Green Job Initiative
- NJDOL REDDI grant for green jobs
- California started in 1972
- per capita CA residents use 40 less energy
than the rest of the nation.
23Action steps
- Designate Green Job Experts
- Create partnerships with State policy-makers
- Interact with employers and unions
- Track development of green training and edu.
- Focus initial efforts on
- Construction / installation / maintenance
- Participation in statewide and/or regional
coordinated efforts
- Going Green The vital role of community
colleges in building a sustainable future and a
green workforce - www.aed.org/Publications/upload/GoingGreen.pdf
- Blue Green Alliance www.bluegreenalliance.org
- American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy
- www.aceeee.org
- Center for American Progress -
www.americanprogress.org - DSIRE Database for State Incentives for
Renewable Energy - www.dsireusa.org
- Dept. of Energy State Energy Profiles -
tonto.eia.doe.gov/state - LA infrastructure and Sustainable Jobs
Collaborative - www.lattc.edu/dept/lattc/REDI/Utility.html
- Florida Solar Energy Center www.fsec.ucf.edu
25American Recovery and Reinvestment Act
- Senate package 789B
- House package 819B
- Creating 3.5 million jobs
- Tax relief to 95 of workers
- Funding to States help education and communities
26The House two-year 819 billion plan includes
- Tax cuts 275 billion
- Education investments 141.6 billion
- Health care investments 112.1 billion
- Welfare/unemployment 102 billion
- Infrastructure investments 90 billion
- Energy investments 58 billion
27Makes supplemental appropriations for FY2009 to
- Department of Agriculture
- Department of Commerce
- Department of Justice
- National Aeronautics and Space Administration
- National Science Foundation
- Department of Defense
- Department of Army, Corps of Engineers - Civil
- Department of Interior
- Department of Energy.
- Department of Labor Employment and Training
Administration - Department of Education
- Department of Health and Human Services.
- Department of Homeland Security
- Department of Interior
- Environmental Protection Agency
- Department of Agriculture
- Department of Health and Human Services
- Smithsonian Institution
- National Foundation on Arts and Humanities
- National Endowment for Arts
- Corporation for National and Community Service
- National Service Trust
- Social Security Administration
- Department of Veterans Affairs
- Department of State
- Department of Transportation
- Department of Housing and Urban Development
29Comparison of House and Senate Action on WF Items
in American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009
House Bill (H.R. 1) Funding, Administration, and
Timing Provisions
30Senate Bill (H.R. 1 Substitute) Funding,
Administration, and Timing Provisions
1 The bill provides that up to 1 of funds
available to DOL to the ETA Program
Administration account and the SE accounts of
ESA, OSHA, and Departmental Management to
administer and coordinate funds made available to
DOL, to oversee and evaluate the use of the
funds, and enforce laws and regulations governing
worker rights and protections associated with
such funds. 2 This is 1 of the DOL total,
including Job Corps and IG funding. 3 This
assumes the 1 is applied across the board.
31Timelines for Training and Employment Services
(TES) Funds based on Summaries of House and
Senate bills for American Recovery and
Reinvestment Act of 2009
Timely Award of Grants House Unless otherwise
provided, formula grants must be allocated within
30 days and discretionary grants within 90 days,
with period lengthened by 30 days for new
programs. For infrastructure grants, recipients
should obligate at least 50 within 120 days of
enactment. Senate No comparable provision.
Period of Funding Availability
House Unless otherwise provided, funds
appropriated remain available for obligation
until 9/30/10. TES funds are available until
9/30/2010, unless otherwise provided. Senate Unles
s otherwise provided, no part of an appropriation
under the Act is available for obligation beyond
the current fiscal year. TES funds shall remain
available through 6/30/2010.