Title: Healing the Cycle of Abuse
1Healing the Cycle of Abuse
- 5-14-09 Presentation at CCOSO Conference by
- Patricia Higgins, PhD, Coalinga State Hospital
- Lorraine Noomani, MFT, Coalinga State Hospital
- Ashwinder Tahim, BS, Coalinga State Hospital
- This PPT is for your use but please give credit
to authors and various published references
if/when you use these materials for your own
groups or presentations. - Please view Notes in PPT (not just the slide
presentation) since important information shared
by presenters at CCOSO conference is included. - Especially, view the Notes in PPT on the
Reference slide as there are numerous references
listed to help you in your program development.
- Description of Workshops Learning Objectives
- Relaxation / Guided Imagery Exercise
- Overview of Phase Cycle of Abuse (COA)
- Specific Topics in COA squirrel video clip
- Survey Results Personal Anecdotes re
victim-perpetrator cycle cognitive distortions - Affirmations Circle Validation video clip
- Inner Child NVC Play Therapy video clip
- Hand Art Project Exercise video clips
- True or False Quiz
- To use interactive exercises from this group
therapy series for abused abusers and
victimized perpetrators. - To teach about the possible effects of child
abuse and developmental trauma - To help clients make connections between past
victimization and subsequent offending patterns
focusing on healing the wounded inner child.
5Experiential Exercises
- Purpose
- Be a participant
- Be yourself / authentic
- Notice your feelings
- Learn and grow both personally and professionally
6Inner Child Healing
Not just book learning but learning through
feeling and doing
7Multi-modal learning approaches
- Establishing group guidelines and agendas
collaboratively - Didactics
- Music
- Art
- Animal-assisted activities
- Meditation/relaxation
- Inner child activities/kinesthetic play therapy
8Meditation Guided Imagery
- Sit back, breath deeply, relax and listen.while
we guide you on a brief journey - Reading from Belleruth Naparsteks Invisible
Heroes Survivors of Trauma and How They Heal - Native American flute played in the background...
- Naparsteks free meditation download available
at - http//www.healthjourneys.com/free_audio.asp
9COA Development Overview
- Clients requested this group
- 3 months of collaborative staff and client
development of curriculum and group guidelines - Introducing new reference materials continues to
be encouraged (poems, meditations, news articles,
books on healing from child abuse)
10Brief Overview of Phase SOCP
- 1. Treatment Readiness
- 2. Skills Acquisition
- 3. Skills Application
- 4. Discharge Readiness
- 5. Conditional Release under CONREP
11Phase COA Connections
- Specific connections between their own child
abuse and their subsequent sex offending behavior
by integrating insights into their - Timelines
- Autobiographies
- Decision matrices
- Behavior chains
- Personal High Risk Factors, such as low
self-esteem, loneliness, or depression.
12Survey Results Personal Anecdotes from Group
- Individuals have said that through this COA
group, they have developed and are maintaining a
sort of surrogate, supportive family of peers who
really understand and appreciate them. - Examples of connections between past abuse,
triggers, crimes, and victim profiling.
13High Risk Connections to COA
- Low self esteem/feeling and talking negatively
about self - Getting angry resentful
- Isolation/loneliness and lack of social support
- Loss of emotions / Numbing out / not identifying
- Parents were critical of client e.g. called him
a useless idiot - Was not allowed to express anger as a child - had
to hold it in and suck it up or get beaten if
feelings were expressed - Wasnt allowed to have friends over / had to keep
family secrets / got the message to be
invisible - Escaping pain fear through drugs, alcohol, or
numbing out
14Making the Cognitive and Emotional Connections
- Learning to Love your Limbic System!
15Neuropsychological Factors
- Fight or Flight Response
- Overview of Brain Functions and Possible effects
of Early Trauma, Neglect, and Abuse
16Developmental Trauma Examples
- Brief overview of individuals comments and
observations - ADD / ADHD Various Learning Disorders
- Early Alcohol and Drug Use
- Isolating to hide and / or Acting Out for
attention - Health Issues related to depression,
nervousness, fatigue
17Building a Foundation for Success
- Give A Squirrel a Helping Hand video clip
- Just like in that video clip, we clinicians need
to provide solid, safe platforms to guide clients
to use building blocks such as coping skills,
increased self-esteem, and self-efficacy to
overcome seemingly insurmountable hurdles such as
healing from child abuse trauma.
18Early Attachment Issues
- Avoidant
- Ambivalent/resistant
- Disorganized/disoriented
- Fromhttp//www.attachmentdisorder.net/What_is_att
From http//www.genopro.com/screenshots/Genogram-
20Affirmations CircleExercise
- Take an Affirmation card as it is passed out and
read it silently to yourself. - Stand and gather in groups of 10.
- Form a circle among yourselves facing each
other. - Follow these simple steps
- Validation Video clip
- Validation is not just for parking anymore
- Validate, Encourage, and Support Clients!
You can do it!
You are appreciated!
22Healing Atmosphere
- Provide a safe, nurturing interactive
environment, similar to a Montessori kindergarten
type of atmosphere. - Review of Group Guidelines and Rules
- Snacks / ice tea (comfort foods)
- Art materials (crayons, paper, markers, pencils)
- Music (drums, kazoos, bongos, humming, singing)
23Inner Child Kinesthetic Exercises
- Other activities to encourage movement
participation PLAY! - Mood Dudes squishy faces Mood Dudes Cubes, Mood
Dudes Feelings posters cards - Support Coping Skills exercises
- Yoga stretches
24Empathy Nurturing Activities
- Teaching responsibility of caring for living
things -
- Watering the plant
- Feeding the fish
- Petting the dog
25Compassionate Communications Exercises
Role-play the 4-part Compassionate Communications
model (observations, feelings, needs, requests)
using Nonviolent Communications giraffe jackal
26Empathic Card Games
- Play NVC card game Grok to learn about Feelings
Needs - Use NVC example sample cards for role playing
daily practice tips
27NVC in action
- NVC video clips with role playing Self and Other
Empathy ( the Toilet Seat Argument) featuring
Kelly Bryson, LMFT, NVC trainer, using Giraffe
and Jackal puppets - http//www.youtube.com/watch?vjonHOXS2H-U
- http//www.youtube.com/watch?v0SpXRmLIcmQfeature
28Art Expression Activity
- Interactive Art Exercise adapted from Dr.
Irvings Child Abuse Monument program and web
site http//www.youtube.com/watch?vfYjLirjL32Q - Use one of the colored pens and one of the sheets
of paper to trace your hand and then draw a
smaller hand inside of that.and follow the rest
of these verbal directions. -
29Symbolically Reaching Out
30The Big Picture
- Cant we all live in harmony? If a dog, a cat,
and a rat can.why cant we learn to let go of
stereotypes, maladaptive defense mechanisms, and
preconceived notions that may stem from
inadequate social learning, trauma, or abuse? - A message of PEACE HOPE for us all from the
Dog, Cat, and Rat in Santa Barbara, CA - the Dog, Cat, Rat You Tube clip
31True or False
- Victims of sexual childhood abuse rarely, if
ever, become sexual perpetrators themselves
because they know how much it hurt them as
children and they could never do anything similar
themselves. - Sexual offenders cannot learn to cope with or
ever heal from developmental trauma, attachment
disorders, inner child wounds, and/or poor
parental modeling. - 3. Integrating nonverbal activities such as
drawing, music, plant-fish-animal-assisted
activities, and meditation can help stimulate
childhood memories and foster an atmosphere
conducive to healing the inner child.
- www.childtraumaacademy.com
- http//www.cnvc.org
- http//www.irvingstudios.com/child_abuse_survivor_
monument/GiveUsAHand.htm - http//www.danielsonkin.com/wounded_boys.htm
(this free full text e-book of Wounded Boys
Heroic Men is also in PPT Notes view) - Dont forget to click the Notes view for many
more references!