Title: USS Project
1USS Project
2- Thank you again for your participation in the USS
Project. We had a very successful first semester
thanks to the cooperation of the schools,
teachers, children and parents. This report is a
summary of some of our preliminary findings over
the course of the Fall 2004 semester.
3- In this first series of graphs, data from our
scan observations are presented. These are a
series of short (10 second) observations of each
child to determine the type of behavior he/she is
engaged in, the particular activity in which they
are engaged, with whom they are playing, and
their emotions during play. Over the course of
the semester, we were able to obtain an average
of 65 of these observations per child.
4Code DescriptionsPlay Behavior
- Social Play - child is involved in interaction
with 1 or more children. - Parallel Play children are playing along side
each other but not interacting. - Onlooking - child is watching other children play
but is not involved in it. - Rough/Tumble Play Aggressive-type play done in
a playful, happy way (e.g., tackling each other
in football, wrestling.) - Solitary-Constructive Play - playing alone
quietly (e.g., reading a book, watching TV), or
"constructive" play (blocks,tinker toys, puzzles)
- Solitary-Nonconstructive Play playing alone in
a repetitive way(e.g. swinging, jumping, bouncing
a ball) or "make believe" or dramatic play while
alone. - Teacher Oriented - child is involved in some
activity/interaction with the teacher (e.g.,
talking to teacher, listening to teacher) - Unoccupied Play - Characterized by a lack of
focus or intent. - Victimization (Target of Aggression) the target
child was the target of a physically, verbally,
or relationally aggressive act.
5Childrens Play Behaviors(shown as percent of
6Code Description-Play Activities
- Active play - riding bikes, playing with balls,
or climbing. - Academic - math or science games, reading,
writing. - Pretend play - dramatic and dress-up play or
creative play with figures. - Artistic play - crayons, paints or clay.
- Object play - playing with toys like blocks,
trucks or action figures.
7Childrens Play Activities(shown as percent of
8Play Partners
Note -T indicates percentage of total
observations -I indicates percentage of
interactive observations
9Dyad and Group Play(shown as percentage of
interactions with others)
10Emotions and Activity Level(shown as average
over semester)
Note Coding Scale 1None Displayed, 2Low,
3Moderate, 4High
11Code Description-Teacher Behaviors
- Comforting - teacher is providing comfort to a
child who is hurt or upset. - Conversation teacher and child are talking.
Teacher is not providing any instruction, comfort
or discipline. - Discipline teacher is putting a child in time
out, for example. - Instruction - direct teaching or providing
directions for an activity - Instrumental Help - tying shoes, cleaning a
child, etc. - No direct interaction the child is focused on
what the teacher is doing or saying to another
child but the teacher is not interacting with the
child. - Play - playing with child as a partner in a
12Teacher Behaviors(shown as proportion of childs
teacher-oriented behavior)
13- In the next series of graphs, data from our
focal observations are presented. These are a
series of longer (30 minute) observations of each
child to examine his/her interactions with other
children. The way in which the child initiates
interaction and the response they receive from
peers/adults is coded. Over the course of the
semester, we were able to obtain an average of 7
of these observations per child.
14Code DefinitionsChildrens Interactions
- Positive verbal/nonverbal - child makes a
positive statement or gesture to initiate
interaction ( I like you, this is fun or child
is giving a hug, a pat on the back, etc.) - Negative verbal/nonverbal - child makes a
negative statement or gesture to initiate
interaction. ( I hate you , I dont like
this, You are stupid) - Neutral verbal/nonverbal - child makes a neutral
statement to initiate interaction (My shoe is
red, theres a bug here or child is shrugging
shoulders, nodding) - Aggression - child is involved in physical,
verbal, or relational acts intended to cause
pain/distress in others (hitting, pushing,
shoving, name calling, threatening, teasing or
telling another child to go away, saying mean
things about another child) - Ask Questions - child asks a question to initiate
interaction. - Bid for Play - child initiates play with another
child/teacher (i.e. child holds out a toy and
runs away for the other child to run after
him/her) - Directive/Instruction - child is telling another
child/teacher what to do
15Childrens Interactions(shown as percentage of
childrens interactions with others)
16- The next series of graphs involve analyses of the
focal data. Presented here are the most likely
responses to each type of interactive behavior
employed by the children. For example, the first
graph shows how other children respond when
another child displays aggressive behavior.
17Responses toAggressive Behavior
18Responses toQuestion Asking
19Responses toBids for Play
20Responses toDirectives
21Responses toNegative Statements/Gestures
22Responses toNeutral Statements/Gestures
23Responses toPositive Statements/Gestures
24- In addition to our observational data, we also
ask teachers and observers to rate their overall
impressions of childrens behavior. The
following information relates these ratings to
the observational data we collect using the focal
25- The way that children approach social
interactions is related to their overall social
and academic functioning. - A higher number of positive social approaches are
associated with teachers ratings of increased
academic skills and increased social competence - Frequently asking questions to initiate
interaction is associated with teachers ratings
of increased overall language skills,
specifically an ability to speak clearly and to
understand and relate to verbal information
26- Kids may also approach social interaction in a
variety of negative or less effective ways. - A higher number of negative social approaches is
associated with teachers ratings of decreased
overall language skills, specifically an ability
to speak clearly and to understand and relate to
verbal information and with observers ratings
of increased impulsivity - A higher frequency of ignoring others is
associated with teachers and observers ratings
of decreased school enjoyment - A higher frequency of aggressive behavior towards
peers is associated with ratings of decreased
compliance and adaptability, increased
disruption, anger and impulsivity, increased
conflict with adults in the classroom, and
decreased social competence
27USS ProjectContact Information
- Feel free to contact us if you have any
additional questions about our data collection
procedures or our preliminary findings. - Dr. Stacie Foster, Project Manager
- Phone 480-727-7791
- Email school_success_at_sbcglobal.net