Title: PlaysForSure: A Key Asset for Your Device
1PlaysForSure A Key Asset for Your Device the
Windows PC
- Matt Jubelirer
- Product ManagerConsumer Electronics Marketing
- mattjub _at_ microsoft.com
- Microsoft Corporation
2Session Outline
- PlaysForSure Program Overview
- Program Origins and Launch
- The PlaysForSure Logo
- Ecosystem and Industry Adoption
- Marketing Recap
- Getting Started Today
- Top 5 Reasons to Join
- How to Join PlaysForSure
- Additional Resources
3PlaysForSure Program Overview
4Digital Media Ecosystem Last Year
- Consumers have choice with digital media
- 100 portable devices
- 20 services (US)
- 70 services (worldwide)
- The choice is leading to confusion in the market
of what device to buy and which service works
with it
5PlaysForSure Introduction Oct. 2004
PlaysForSure is a logo and verification program
from Microsoft designed to provide choice and
simplicity for consumers of digital music and
With PlaysForSure you can Choose your music and
video. Choose your device. Know its going to
6The PlaysForSure Logo
Audio Video
Front of Device Box or Homepage of Online
Back of Device Box
7PlaysForSure Ecosystem
8Industry Adoption
- Music Video Services
- Launched with 7 Partners
- More on the way
- Devices Manufacturers
- Launched with 10 Partners (and 33 devices)
- Today there are 15 manufacturers(and over 50
devices) - Retailers
- Launched with 4
- Today there are 7
9Marketing PR Recap
10PlaysForSure Advertising Snapshot
Samples of Print Publications Shown
11PlaysForSure Ads Website
PlaysForSure Website
PlaysForSure Print Ads
Online Ads
12Partners Advertising with PlaysForSure
Advertising Examples
13Partner Promotions and Websites
14PlaysForSure at Retail
- Retail execution was not fully implemented last
fall, but is ramping up now for holiday 05 - Retail Rep Training is underway
- First Partner End-caps arenow launching
15PlaysForSure CE Industry Marketing
16PlaysForSure Music Industry Marketing
17Top 5 Reasons to Get Your Device PlaysForSure
Verified Today
181 More Music and Video Choices for Your
- Access music and video from the largest selection
of online stores - Consumers can easily find a store that works
seamlessly with their new device - New subscription services let consumers fill up
their device for about the cost of a CD each month
192 Create a Dependable and Seamless Experience
with Windows Media Player 10
- There have been over 100 million downloads of
Windows Media Player 10 since its launch - Get instant compatibility with this ever growing
customer base - With the new Auto Sync feature in Windows Media
Player 10, filling your device with the music,
video, and photos you want is just a click away
203 Support from Leading Retailers
- PlaysForSure retailers represented over 220
billion in consumer electronics sales in 2003
Source Wall Street Journal, November 8th 2004
214 Tap the Growing Market for Music and Video
Download Services
- Retailers are launching download and subscription
services and they want to make sure the devices
they sell will work with their services - PlaysForSure is an easy way to ensure that your
device will meet the needs of retailers and
225 Get Ready for Longhorn Today
- Adopting the recommended PlaysForSure
technologies in your device will enable it to
work seamlessly with Windows codenamed Longhorn
PCs - PlaysForSure testing will help to verify the
quality of your implementation
23Joining the PlaysForSure Program
24Technical Requirements
- Portable Devices
- Minimum Bar
- Mass Storage Class
- PDDRM (Windows Media DRM 9)
- Recommended Implementation
- Microsoft Media Transfer Protocol (MTP)
- Windows Media DRM 10 for Portable Devices
- Networked Devices
- Recommended Implementation
- Windows Media Connect
- Window Media DRM 10 for Networked Devices
25Community Resources
- Windows Hardware Driver Central (WHDC)
- www.microsoft.com/whdc/default.mspx
- Technical Communities
- www.microsoft.com/communities/products/default.msp
x - Non-Microsoft Community Sites
- www.microsoft.com/communities/related/default.mspx
- Microsoft Public Newsgroups
- www.microsoft.com/communities/newsgroups
- Technical Chats and Webcasts
- www.microsoft.com/communities/chats/default.mspx
- www.microsoft.com/webcasts
- Microsoft Blogs
- www.microsoft.com/communities/blogs
26Additional Resources
- PlaysForSure Device Starter Kit
- http//www.microsoft.com/getplaysforsure
- Starter Kit Tools and Resources
- http//www.microsoft.com/windows/windowsmedia/cons
umerelectronics/p4skit/p4s_tools.aspx - Related Technical Sessions
- How To Design a PlaysForSure Device
- Windows Media Connect and PlaysForSure for
network Devices - Cellular Phone Connectivity in Longhorn
- Media Transfer Protocol Implementation Details
27Consumer Resources
- PlaysForSure Website
- http//www.playsforsure.com
- Windows Media Cool Devices Page
- http//www.microsoft.com/windows/windowsmedia/devi
ces/default.aspx - Windows Media Website
- http//www.microsoft.com/windows/windowsmedia/defa
28Call to Action
- Join PlaysForSure Today!
- If you are a CE Manufacturer
- Visit the website www.microsoft.com/getplaysforsur
e - Learn about the entire process
- Links you to all the resources you will need
- Start submitting your devices for PlaysForSure
Verification - If your are a PC OEM
- Make sure to ask your digital media partners if
they are PlaysForSure verified - We can help you connect and form partnerships to
deliver a great digital media solution for your