Title: Dysphagia 101
1Dysphagia 101
- For Therapists New to the Clinical Setting.
3Anatomy of the swallow
- Oral Cavity
- Pharynx
- Larynx
- Esophagus
4Physiology of the swallow
- 5 phases of the swallow.
- Anticipatory Phase CN Trigeminal (V)
- Oral Prepatory Phase CN Facial Facial Nerve
(VII), Trigeminal (V) and Spinal Accessory (XI). - Oral Phase CN Glossopharyngeal Nerve (IX),
Vagus (X), and Spinal Accessory (XI) - Pharyngeal Phase CN Glossopharyngeal (IX), Vagus
(X), Spinal Accessory (XI) and Hypoglossal (XII).
- Esophageal Phase Vagus (X).
5Oral Structures and Function
- Lips Posterior Pharyngeal Wall
- Jaw Valleculae
- Cheeks Pyriform Sinus
- Teeth Epiglottis
- Tongue Larynx and Hyoid Bone
- Salivary Glands Vocal Folds
- Soft Palate Cricopharyngeus Muscle
6Diagram of the swallow
7Dysphagia is the medical term for the symptom
of difficulty in swallowing. It derives from the
Greek root dys meaning difficulty or disordered,
and phagia meaning "to eat".
- Dysphagia Team
- Golden Ticket Certified Nursing
TherapyOccupational TherapySpeech
8Referral Process
- Documentation for difficultyConcerns
communicatedST ScreenPhysicians OrderBedside
Swallow Evaluation
9Oral Phase
- droolingoral spillageresiduals in
lateral sulciscattered lingual residualsnasal
regurgitationincreased oral prep and oral
transit. decreased or absent gag
reflexmashing chewing patternpumping tongue
10Pharyngeal Phase
- Delayed initiation of the swallowWet
voiceCough before, during or after the
swallowAbsent swallow reflex - Reduced laryngeal elevation
11Esophageal Phase
- RegurgitationPatient complains of food
sticking high in throat. - Pain in the chest when they swallow, other
reflux signs.
12Bedside Swallow Evaluation
- History and Chart Review
- Oral Motor ExamDeglutition PO Trials
13Interpreting Results
- Referrals GI, ENT, VFSS, FEESMDT DiscussionST
Clarification Diet level, supervision, feeding,
medicine administration, precautions.
14Treatment Strategies
- Oral PhasePharyngeal Phase
15Diagnoses Affecting Swallowing
- StrokeHead TraumaCerebral PalsyALSMSParkinso
ns DiseaseCerebellar DegenerationMyotonic
DystrophyOculopharyngeal DystrophyLateral
MedullarySyndrome (Wallengbergs)
16Case Studies
17Pediatric Swallowing Diagram The tongue fills
the oral cavity, the fat pads in the cheeks
narrow the oral cavity laterally, and the hyoid
bone and larynx are much higher than in adults.