Title: Eight Steps to True Happiness
1Eight Steps toTrue Happiness
- Step 3 Blessed are the Meek - Intro.
2Step 3 Introduction
- The journey so far
- Step 1. Dependence on God
- Promised Blessing Authority
- Step 2. The Law of Brokenness
- Promised Blessing Assistance
- Step 3. Controlled Strength
- Promised Blessing Inheritance
33. The Meek
2. Those who Mourn
Happy are
1. The Poor in Spirit
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5Eight Steps toTrue Happiness
- Step 3 Meekness Controlled Strength
6Step 3 Controlled Strength
- Matthew 55
- Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the
earth. NIV
7Step 3 Controlled Strength
- Meekness is NOT weakness!
- Meekness is gentle and controlled strength
- Meekness is the opposite to self-assertiveness
and self-interest - Meekness is not weakness, but great strength
meekness is strength in submission of Gods
8Step 3 Controlled Strength
- Meekness is not weakness
- A true story about false meekness
- John Ortberg
- Bible Teacher
Sound Recording removed. Available upon request.
9Step 3 Controlled Strength
- Meekness is submission of our will
- The Greek word for meekness (prautes) was used
to describe the process by which animals were
domesticated for example - The training of a wild horse to control its
great strength to be in submission to its rider - Meekness is the training of our will to be in
submission to Gods will
10Step 3 Controlled Strength
- We too are in training
- Paul told Timothy to
- train yourself to be godly 1
Tim 47 - Disciples of Jesus are in training
- Take my yoke upon you (submit to my authority)
and learn from me Matt 1129 - make disciples teaching them to obey
everything I have commanded you - Matt 2818-20
11Step 3 Controlled Strength
- Paul encouraged admonition in the church at
- Ephesus for three years I never stopped
seriously to admonish and advise and exhort you
one by one with tears. Acts 2031 AMP - Colossae teach and admonish one another with all
wisdom Col 316 NIV - Galatia if someone is caught in a sin, you who
are spiritual should restore him gently
Gal 61NIV
12Step 3 Controlled Strength
- The opposite of meekness is a rebellious
attitude - We were born with an evil nature refusing to
obey God following the passions and desires of
our evil nature. - Eph 21-3 NLT
13Step 3 Controlled Strength
- No matter how bristling with promise a person
might be, a stubborn attitude will render him or
her useless - By refusing to accept correction we forfeit the
right to realise our full potential in God
14Step 3 Controlled Strength
- The root problem for a rebellious person is a
heart issue - Out of the heart comes evil thoughts murder
adultery sexual immorality theft false
testimony slander Matt 1519 - This unruly nature must be broken and the
restraint of godly discipline must be applied to
be of any use to our Master!
15Step 3 Controlled Strength
- Good intentions may help to resolve this
attitude for a time - The only lasting answer is new birth
- If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation
- the old previous moral and spiritual
condition has passed away. Behold, the fresh and
new has come! - 2 Cor 517 NIV/AMP
16Step 3 Controlled Strength
- Therefore as participators in the divine nature
regenerate man takes control of every natural
desire and, reflecting the nature of Christ,
submits to Gods purposes, praying Father not
as I will, but as you will. - (Matt 2639)
17Step 3 Controlled Strength
- Those who are born of the Holy Spirit have
surrendered their rights as well as their wrongs - It involves acknowledging Jesus as Lord as well
as accepting Him as Saviour - We voluntarily hand over all personal rights to
our lives and invite the new Owner to do with us
as He sees fit!
18Step 3 Controlled Strength
- In summary
- True meekness has
- a serving attitude
- a willingness to submit to authority
- a willingness to allow the dealings of God and
people in our lives without retaliation.
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20Eight Steps toTrue Happiness
- Step 3 Blessing
- Destiny Fulfilled
21Destiny Fulfilled
- Matthew 55
- Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the
earth. NIV - they will receive what God has promised! GNB
22Destiny Fulfilled
- The promise of inheriting the earth is said to
be derived from Psalms 37 - A little while, and the wicked will be no more
though you look for them, they will not be found.
But the meek will inherit the land and enjoy
great peace. - Psalms 3710-11
23Destiny Fulfilled
- The resulting promise suggests
- To possess land rightfully ours, by driving out
the present tenants - Enjoying peace in the land of our inheritance
- It speaks of fulfilling our God given destiny
the things God has promised us - generally and
specifically - To inherit the promises of God
24Destiny Fulfilled
- To enjoy great peace (shalom) in the land
- Shalom does not just mean peace it also
includes the idea of - Completeness
- Safety, soundness of body
- Welfare, health, prosperity
- Peace, quiet, tranquillity, contentment
25Destiny Fulfilled
- Inheriting the earth means
- Enjoying everything God has destined for your
life - Realising the full potential of your life in God
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27Eight Steps toTrue Happiness
28Step 3 The Challenge
- What is the Promised Land God has destined for
you to inherit? - Do you have faith to believe that God will give
you the land? - Are you enjoying great peace (shalom)?
- Is there land or territory that is rightfully
yours, that you need to claim back from the
29Step 3 The Challenge
- You can enter into your God given destiny
tonight - But only if true meekness is a part of your life
30Step 3 The Challenge
- Is true meekness a part of your life?
- Do you have
- a serving attitude?
31Step 3 The Challenge
- Is true meekness a part of your life?
- Do you have
- a willingness to submit to authority?
- Is your will totally surrendered to Gods will
for your life? - Are you prepared to go anywhere, do anything God
asks of you?
32Step 3 The Challenge
- Is true meekness a part of your life?
- Do you have
- a willingness to submit to authority?
- Is your will totally surrendered to Gods will
for your life? Is it - a conditional surrender to Gods will?
- a full surrender to Gods will?
33Step 3 The Challenge
- Is true meekness a part of your life?
- Do you have
- a willingness to allow the dealings of God and
people in our lives without retaliation? Or are
you - self-willed, independent, un-teachable?
- do you resist or react against those that try to
admonish you?
34Step 3 The Challenge
- John Ortberg
- Bible Teacher
Sound Recording removed. Available upon request.
35Step 3 The Challenge
- Will you allow God full control in your life
- and trust God to help you fulfil your rightful
inheritance? - Or will you resist Gods will go your own way
perhaps put conditions on God working in your
life - and miss the opportunity of fulfilling your
potential in the destiny God has for you?
36Step 3 The Challenge
- Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the
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