- The Turkish education system is organized on the
basis of - - Constitution of the Turkish Republic - Laws
Regulating Education and Instruction -
Government Programs- Development Plans-
National Education Councils
2- Based on these factors, education principles have
been defined as follows - Education shall be
national,- Education shall be Republican,-
Education shall be secular,- Education shall
have a scientific foundation,- Education shall
incorporate generality and equality,- Education
shall be functional and modern
3- Education system has democratic, modern,
scientific secular and coeducational
characteristics. The purpose of the Turkish
Education System is to increase the welfare and
happiness of the Turkish citizens and Turkish
society, to support and facilitate economic,
social and cultural development in national unity
and integration and to make the Turkish nation a
constructive, creative and distinguished partner
in modern civilization
- Today, the most important and the most productive
duty of all of us is the national education
affairs. We have to be absolutely successful in
this area and we shall. This is the real
salvation of a nation. - We have to improve our country in the areas of
science, culture and prosperity, to develop the
already productive abilities of our nation and to
give the coming generations a robust,
unchangeable and positive character
5- Ladies, gentlemen. The method to be applied in
education and instruction is to make knowledge a
practical and useful tool that ensures success in
material life rather than an accessory, a tool of
administration, or a modern form of pleasure. - Education must be free from all superstitions and
foreign thoughts, be of high quality and have
national values and a patriotic understanding. - National education must be secular and based on a
single school principle. Our objective in
education is to raise citizens who shall increase
the civil and social values and improve the
economic power of the society
- Before Equality the Law Article 10- "Everyone is
equal before the laws without any discrimination
according to language, race, color, gender,
political views, philosophical beliefs, religion,
sect or similar reasons.No person, family, group
or class may have privileges
7Freedom of Religion and Conscience
- Article 24- ".... Teaching of religion and ethics
is performed under the control of the government.
Religion and ethics are among the compulsory
courses taught in the primary and secondary
education institutions. Any other teaching of
religion depends on a person's free will and on
the legal custodian's wishes in the case of small
8Right and Duty to be Educated
- Article 42- ... The scope of the right to learn
is defined and regulated by laws.Education and
instruction are performed under the control of
the government, in line with Atatürk's principles
and revolution, and based on the essentials of
modern science and education. Places of education
and instruction operating contrary to these
principles may not be opened.Freedom of learning
does not exempt one from his/her commitments to
the Constitution.Primary education is compulsory
for all citizens, boys or girls, and is free of
charge in public schools. Principles regulating
the private primary and secondary schools are
defined by laws in line with the level that
should be reached by the public schools
9- The Government provides scholarships and other
means to support the education of successful
students coming from materially deprived
families. The Government also takes measures to
help those in need of special education to become
useful members of society.Education and
instruction institutions provide activities
related only to education, instruction, research
and investigation. These activities may not be
hindered under any circumstances.No language
other than Turkish may be taught as mother tongue
to Turkish citizens in education and instruction
institutions. The foreign languages to be taught
in such institutions and the principles governing
the schools where education is held in the
foreign language are defined by laws. Provisions
of international agreements are reserved
- Formal education is the regular education of
individuals in a certain age group and given in
schools at the same level with programs prepared
for definite purposes. Formal education includes
Pre-Primary education, primary education,
secondary education and higher education
institutions.2.1.1. Pre-Primary education
Pre-Primary education includes the optional
education of children between 36-72 month who are
under the age of compulsory primary education.
Pre-Primary education institutions, independent
nurseries are opened as nursery classes and
practical classes within formal and non-formal
education institutions with suitable physical
11- The purpose of Pre-Primary education is to ensure
physical, mental and sensory development of
children and the acquisition of good habits, to
prepare children for primary education, to create
a common atmosphere of growth for those living in
inconvenient circumstances and to ensure that
Turkish is spoken correct and well.
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132.1.2 Primary Education
- The purpose of primary education is to ensure
that every Turkish child acquires the basic
knowledge, skills, behaviors, and habits to
become a good citizen, is raised in line with the
national moral concepts and is prepared for life
and for the next education level parallel to
his/her interests and skills.Primary education
is compulsory for all citizens, boys or girls,
and is given free of charge in public schools.
14Primary education institutions are schools that
provide eight years of uninterrupted education,
at the end of which graduates receive a primary
education diploma
152.1.3. Secondary Education
- The purpose of secondary education is to give
students a minimum common culture, to identify
individual and social problems, to search for
solutions, to raise awareness in order to
contribute to the socio-economic and cultural
development of the country and to prepare the
students for higher education, for profession,
for life and for business in line with their
interests and skills.
162.1.4. Higher Education
- Among higher education institutions are
universities, faculties, institutes, higher
education schools, conservatories, vocational
higher education schools and application-research
centers. The purpose of higher education is to
raise the students in line with their interests
and skills, in conformance to the science policy
of the country and in consideration of qualified
manpower needs of society at several levels, to
do researches in scientific areas, to arrange for
all kinds of publications that show the research
and examination resultsand facilitate
advancement of science and technology, to
finalize the researches and examinations demanded
by the government and to make comments, to make
written or oral public announcements explaining
the scientific data that shall increase the
general level of Turkish society and enlighten
the public, and to give non-formal education
18- Services given by non-formal education are
- to teach reading-writing, to provide
continuing education opportunities for students
to finish their incomplete education - to provide education opportunities that shall
facilitate the students' adaptation to
scientific, technologic, economic, social and
cultural developments - to give education that protects, improves,
introduces and comprises our national cultural
values - to help students acquire the concepts and
habits of collective living, supporting, helping,
working and organizing collectively - to provide opportunities that shall ensure
acquisition of professions in line with the
economic development and employment policy - to teach balanced nutrition and a healthy life
style - to teach people from various professions the
knowledge and skills they need to improve
themselves - to provide the habit of using one's free time
in a useful way
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22- Participation in education Percentages of
children in school are represented by Gross
Enrolment Ratios (GER) and Net Enrolment Rates
(NER). GER is the number of pupils enrolled in a
given level of education regardless of age
expressed as a percentage of the population in
the theoretical age group for that level of
education. NER is the number of pupils in the
theoretical age group who are enrolled expressed
as a percentage of the same population. - Pre-primary enrolment " 8 of children are
enrolled in pre-primary school - Primary enrolment " 87 of girls and 92 of
boys are in primary school
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27" 87.4 of adults and 95.6 of youth are
28- Fatih Primary School was built in 1974. Last year
adding building was built.Fatih Primary School
has got 17 class Except kindergarden class there
are 2 class for each level.There are 8 level of
class and each subject of has own classes.In
Turkey primary education is obligatory.Nowadays
education system has changed in Turkey.it is
mainly about student centered rather than teacher
centered so cirriculumn and programs have also
changed . Last term our student has a class of
ecah level and there are desk in each class but
now each subject has got class and there are
tables of each class . There is a examination
class where students are examined by the teacher.
29- Education is done from Monday to Friday .School
starts at 8 30 and finish at 1510 There is a
lunch break between 1200 and 1330 o clock.
There are 6 lesson for a day .Our school has got
377 students and normal school but there are 15
students are pyhsically disabled .The number of
Male students are 208 ,and the number of female
students are 169 .Â
- 2006-2007 Education year our school has got 1
director ,1 asistant director, 1 kindergarden
Teacher , 11 branch Teachers, 10 class Teachers 1
goverment offical ,3 serviceÂ
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33- Self-orientation may be developed directly by the
pupil .The pupils will be guided towards an
initial awareness of their own individuality, to
help them reflect on themselves, their own
characteristics and interests, to discover and
practice their potentialities - to orientate by not only reading, speaking, but
performing finding information, achieving clear
communication, o orientate by not only reading,
speaking, but performing finding information,
achieving clear communication, working with
others, prearranging material for others,
strengthening personal characteristics and
abilities.working with others, prearranging
material for others, strengthening personal
characteristics and abilities. expanding and
linking knowledge, strengthening and discovering
ones own abilities. Many of the contents are
provided for in the obligatory and optional
activities in the laboratories, therefore the
method for using such knowledge is needed.
34- knowing how to identify ones own aptitudes
- to be aware of ones own interests and capacities
- knowing how to consult sources
- knowing how to select required information
- expressing oneself in personal terms
- knowing how to synthesize
- knowing how to use different forms of
communication (oral, written, mimical-gestural,
visual, theatrical) - knowing how to find significant material
- knowing how to deal with information
- knowing how to work in groups
- knowing how to communicate
- knowing how to use specific language
35objectives are mainly
- Analysing their own developmental characteristics
- Analysing some aspects of their personality
- Analysing their talents and skills
- Comparing the idea of themselves with the others