Field Data
Cooperative Research Centre for Freshwater
Ecology and the Natural Heritage Trust
2Site Information
Record Latitude Longitude
Take photo sketch access route
- Location of turn-offs, distances, landmarks,
3Site Information
Sketch the reach include
- Location of riffle, edge, run, pool macrophytes
- Mark where the samples were taken
Photograph the site upstream downstream
Narira Creek, NSW South Coast
4General Information
- Date Time
- River
- Location code Drainage
- division/Basin/2/Site No.
- Location
- Project
- Test/Reference Site
- Recorders name
- Photos
- Weather
- Air Temp
- Cloud cover
- Rain in last week?
Murrumbidgee River, NSW
Cooperative Research Centre for Freshwater Ecology
5Field data sheets
Page 2
.. DATE...............................LOCATION
CODE........................... OBSERVATIONS
(Circle and indicate appropriate number in
box) WATER ODOURS 1. normal 2. sewage 3.
petroleum 4. chemical WATER OILS 1.
slick 2. sheen 3. globs 4. flecks TURBIDITY
1. clear 2. slight 3. turbid 4.
opaque Date, river site number should be
recorded on each page
6Measurements Water samples water measurements
Cooperative Research Centre for Freshwater Ecology
Alkalinity - Field
8Stream Measurements
Perisher Ck, Kosciuszko National Park
9Stream Measurements cont.
length of a reach
E.g., Mode bank-full width 10m, therefore the
length of the reach is 100m (ie. 5 times the mode
bank-full width on either side of the riffle
sampling area, or 10 times the mode bank-full
10Stream Measurements cont.
11Stream Measurements cont.
Riffle, Pool Run
12Stream Measurements cont.
Edge Macrophytes
13Depth Velocity
Stream velocity may be measured in a variety of
ways e.g., flow meter or by timing a floating
object over a specified distance
14Riparian Vegetation
lt5 Shading
gt76 Shading
The riparian zone is the area from the waters
edge to a distance from the bank where the stream
still interacts with influences the type
density of bank-side vegetation
Queanbeyan River, NSW
Middle Ck, Kosciuszko National Park
15Field data sheets
Vegetation type Cover of riparian
zone13 trees (gt10m) ........................
............... trees (lt10m) ............35.....
................... shrubs ................60...
...................... grasses / ferns /
sedges ............50............................
Cooperative Research Centre for Freshwater Ecology
Cooperative Research Centre for Freshwater
Ecology and the Natural Heritage Trust
Cooperative Research Centre for Freshwater
Ecology and the Natural Heritage Trust
Copper Ck near Captains Flat, NSW
17Observations cont.
Flow level
Reedy Ck, NSW
Low flow
Paddys River, ACT
18Observations cont.
Local catchment erosion
Some erosion
Gundaroo Ck
Heavy erosion
19Observations cont.
Bega Valley
Non-point source pollution e.g., widespread
livestock grazing
Point source pollution Captains Flat, NSW
20Observations cont.
Captains Flat Reservoir, Molonglo R., NSW
Vanitys Crossing, Cotter River, ACT
Dams Barriers
21Observations cont.
Forestry (ACT)
Goulburn, NSW
22Observations cont.
Bars of bed surface protruding from normal
water level forming a bar within the reach.
Does not include stream bars that would be
submerged during normal flows
Micalong Ck, NSW
23In-stream Characteristics Substratum Description
- substrate categories within the reach or
habitat - bedrock
- boulder gt256mm
- cobble 64-256mm
- pebble 16-64mm
- gravel 2-16mm
- sand 0.06-2mm
- silt 0.004-0.06mm
- clay lt0.004mm
Perisher Ck, Kosciuszko National Park
Bogong Ck, Kosciuszko National Park
27Sand Gravel
Sand gravel
Sugar (sand sized)
28Pebble, gravel sand
Cobble Pebble
29Cobble Pebble
30 in reach habitats
Micalong Ck, NSW
31Substratum cont.
gt90 periphyton cover
Filamentous algae
33Habitat Assessment
The habitat assessment quantifies various aspects
of the site assesses the quality of the habitat
available for macroinvertebrates
Observations are taken from the reach Each
habitat variable is recorded as a value within
categories that range from poor to excellent
34Habitat Assessment cont.
Bank stability
Gundaroo Ck
Moderately unstable
35Habitat Assessment cont.
Excellent streamside vegetation cover
Gudgenby River, NSW
36Habitat Assessment cont.
Poor streamside vegetation cover
Goodradigbee River, Wee Jasper
37Check your field data sheets
Check that all variables have been recorded
Record all zero measurements as such - do not
leave blank
Missing data may mean the site cannot be assessed
or you may need to return to the site (a costly
Blanks may be interpreted as missing data
result in the site not being assessed