Title: School Social Work:
1School Social Work Ensuring Student Success
- Connecting Schools, Families CommunityRemoving
Barriers to Education - Slide show based on documents from the School
Social Work Association of America
Guilford County School Social Services
2School Social Work
- Is a specialized area of practice within the
broad field of social work - Includes assessment, crisis intervention, home
visits, conflict resolution, individual and group
counseling, consultation, program development,
and coordination of school and community services
3School Social Workers
- Bring unique professional knowledge, skills and
perspectives - Are employed by school districts to enhance the
academic mission - Actively address academic barriers within the
child, home, school, and community - Serve as catalysts to bring people together and
to create an environment conducive to learning
4School Social Work Services
- Cope
- Access services
- Become resilient, successful learners
- Gain personal and social competencies
- Participate in education
- Understand needs
- Access resources
- Strengthen parenting skills
5School Social Work Services
- Implement prevention programs
- Ensure compliance with special education laws
- Work with parents
- Discover resources
- Participate in Special Education process
- Understand families and cultures
6School Social Work Services
- Coordinate the delivery of education and mental
health services - Develop resources to adequately meet the needs of
students and families
7School Social Work
Many children need mental health services. Many
of these students will not achieve academic
success due to social emotional, and behavioral
problems affecting school performance. School
Social Workers help these students through early
identification, prevention, intervention,
counseling and support.
8Web Resources
- National Association of Social Workers
- http//www. naswdc.org/
- School Social Work Association of America
- http//www.sswaa.org