Title: NIKHEFSARA Hardware
Large Scale Distributed Computingin the
2Grid Computing
- Grids are accepted world wide
- As the next step in distributed computing
- Mainly focussed on computing grids
- We (HEF and many others) need data grids
- LHC has embraced Grids for data analysis
- LCG has been launched
- Encompasses EU, US and AP
- NIKHEF is way out in front
- Were present from the beginning
- Prime partner in European DataGrid Project
- DutchGrid node most important with CERN and RAL
3What we recently achieved
- ATLAS Data Challenge Task Force
- Produced significant k events on the EDG testbed
- NIKHEF was instrumental to get the softw. working
- Running on 24 cpus with a 0.5 TByte data cache
- LHCb produced many k events
- Cpu farm ( 24 cpus) at the Vrije Universiteit
- Maintained from NIKHEF
- D0 Monte Carlo Challenge
- Ongoing since almost 2 years now
- Produced 5M events PythiaGEANTrecoanalysis
- 100 cpus, 2 TByte disk cache, data transport to
Fermi - Developped softw for routine farm admin.
4The scale of Nikhef/Atlas Comp.
- ATLAS will take data from 2007 onwards
- 100 Hz output of L3, 1 Mbyte per event
- 100 MB/sec, 107 sec/yr ? 1 Pbyte/yr
- RecoAnalysis at 1 event/1.5 minute
- To keep up with raw data need 10,000 cpus
- MC RecoAnalysis 1 event/5 minutes
- To simulate 30 we need another 10,000 cpus
- And storage for another Pbyte of data each year
- NL is 5 (Tier )
- Need to provide 1000 cpus for ATLAS
- And 100 Tbyte of backup storage per year
- And 10 Tbyte of disk cache per year (10 of all
5The scale of Nikhef computing
- Other Nikhef/LHC experiments LHCb, Alice
- Need to provide 2000 cpus for LHC experiments
- D0, BaBar, Star, Antares, Zeus, Theory,
- Resources needed now and not only in 2007
- Total
- 2002 300 cpus, 10 Tbyte disk, 100 Tbyte tape
- 2007 3000 cpus, 50 Tbyte disk, 500 Tbyte tape
- Numbers not accurate within a factor of 2
- Need for cpu with time rises with their power
- Storage needs are difficult to predict
6Dutch LHC Tier Hardware
- Farm size
- now 150 dual CPU nodes scavenging 200 nodes
- buildup to 1500 nodes in 2007
- Permanent Storage
- now 10 Tbyte
- buildup to 500 Tbyte in 2007
- Then after 100 Tbyte/yr
- Disk cache 10
7The network needs
- In 1995 we thought there would not be enough
- 1 Gbit/sec links seemed a dream for 2007
- We now think there will be enough in 2007
- Now (2002) we have 2.5 Gbit/sec to CERN
- The new technology is optical networking
- And 100 Gbit/sec is quite likely in 2007
- Which is more than the raw data rate of Atlas (1
Gb/s) - This may change the whole picture again
- Atlas L3 input rate is 5 GByte/s (5 kHz, 1
Mbyte/ev.) - So 40 Gbit/s network needed to do L3 at other
sites - But then you could also store raw data at other
8History of the SURFnet infrastructure
1 Tbit/s
9SURFnet5 in full operation
500,000 users 49 institutes connected at
Gbit/s End 2002 80 institutes Test network in
10SURFnet International
2.5 Gbit/s
10 Gbit/s Tyco
New York
Amsterdam NetherLight
Dwingeloo ASTRON
10 Gbit/s Level3
2.5 Gbit/s SURFnet
2.5 Gbit/s SURFnet
Chicago StarLight
2.5 Gbit/s CERN
Geneve CERN
11What it will cost for 2007
- Cpu power 4M
- 1 k for 1 cpu (now 2 GHz, 0.5 GB RAM, 60 GB
disk) - 3 M for 3000 cpus in 2007
- 1 M Infrastructure (racks, power, cooling,
cables, ..) - Data servers and Disk Cache 1 M
- 20 k for 1 Tbyte of raid disk
- 1 M for 50 Tbyte of disk in 2007
- Permanent Storage 1.5 M
- 1 k for 1 Tbyte (200 Gbyte tape costs 200 )
- 0.5 M for tapes 500 Tbyte in 2007
- 1.0 M for infrastructure (tape robot)
- Network Infrastructure 1M
- 1 M for routers and switches
- Not counting extra manpower
12General Dutch Grid Infrastructure
- 15 M investment for 2007
- Ignore spending profile
- 7.5 M for grid computing in general
- 7.5 M for computing for HEP
- General grid infrastructure in The Netherlands
- For e-science (biology, earth observation,
astronomy,..) - For public sector (hospitals, government, ..)
- For commerce (telecom, car/airplane industry, )
- With other partners
- Surfnet (Gigaport) for network infrastructure
- SARA for Mass Storage
- Computer Science Research System DAS
- Virtual Laboratory for e-Science Project
13Dutch Projects and Resources
- ICES/KIS III (min.of commerce)
- For infrastructure project in The Netherlands
- Call for proposals very soon now, money for
2003/4 - 20 partners, requested budget 25 M (50)
- Industry involvement (IBM, KPN, Phillips,
Unilever) - NWO (min.of science)
- NOW-groot proposals for big projects (like Atlas
det.) - Projects typically 5 -10 M
- NCF (part of NWO)
- Flankerend beleid 0.5 M spend in 2002
- Supervises budget for super computing (5 M/yr)
14DutchGrid in European DataGrid
- EU IST Project
- 10 M for personnel for Grid middleware
development - 10 M matched funding by the partners
- 200 people project, 21 partners, biggest EU IST
project - Nikhef one of the 6 principle partners
- Other sciences are biology and earth observation
- Industrial participation by IBM, Datamat, CS, ..
- Dutch associated partners are SARA and KNMI
- NL participates in
- Fabric management (large clusters of cpus and
disks) - Mass storage management
- Testbed and security
- Network management
- Applications (HEP and EO)
- Project management
- Nikhef is a core site
- Expertise centre
15New EU proposal EGEE in FP6
- 300 M available for grid infrastr. and network
in Europe - EoI submitted for 100 M for Grid Infrastructure
in Europe - Leading science is HEP
- Many more partners
- Almost all EU countries, national grid projects,
computer centers - Many more associated partners and industries
- EU wants to counter balance what happens in US
and AP - NL likely goes together with Scandinavians
- NorduGrid very much like DutchGrid (also similar
style people) - NorduNet very well connected to SurfNet
- Together we may become a principal partner in
this project - Common expertise in networking, security, fabric
Lund Univeristy NBI, Copenhagen Oslo
University Uppsala University Bergen
University SCFAB, Stockholm
2 M for 2003-2004 15 M for 2005-2008
Biomedical sciences Earth sciences Space and
astro sciences High Energy Physics
Nikhef partners SARA Univ.of NL KNMI ESA/ESTEC T
2 M for 2003-2005 15 M for 2006-2008
Biomedical sciences Earth sciences Space and
astro sciences High Energy Physics
18Researchdeployment areas
- Security Architectures and deployable security
- Fabric Gridification (EDG)
- AAAARCH research group (IRTF)
- Grid Accessibility and Portals
- Virtual Laboratory for E-Science (VL-E project)
- Federated Information Management (WTCW VL
project) - Grid Fabric Research
- On-demand installation and configuration (NCF
NIKHEF) - Storage Area Network (SARA)
- Networking
- Optical networking (SURFnet DataTag)
- Applications
- Atlas, Alice, D0-Grid, LHCb (NIKHEF partners)
- Materials analysis lab, DNA micro array, BioASP
(WTCW VL) - Earth observation, Atronomy (KNMI, ESTEC, Astron)
19Back to particle physics
- Large investments are difficult for HEP alone
- Money from EU only for e-science in general
- Similar feelings at a national level in most EU
countries - Projects driven by particle physics
- CERN is well known for big science projects
- We need it for the LHC and will invest ourselves
- Had an excellent review for the Eur. DataGrid
project - Profit from other resources
- Cycle scavenging for MC production
- Infrastructures such as SARA
20Back to CERN
- LCG project launched
- Focussed on data analysis for the LHC
- Includes US and AP
- Focussed on deployment for the data challenges
- Lead by Nikhef collaborator
- Regional Centres RTAG
- Nikhef participated
- Grid Deployment Board
- Not clear yet w.r.t. EDG testbed
- WG identified, not started yet
- Many issues to be clarified
- Between LCG, EDG, EGEE and National Grids
21Back to Nikhef Conclusions
- NIKHEF is well established in the world of Grids
- Prime player in EDG
- In for EGEE together with Nordic countries
- DutchGrid for e-science on national scale
- Need medium term investment of 2 M
- For running HEP exeriments
- For participating in LCG and LHC data challenges
- For RD in grid middleware and infrastructure
- Need large investment of 15 M for 2007
- For general grid infrastructure for e-science in
NL - Particle physics as driving force
- Spending profile to be defined