Title: PRO Totalizer presentation
1DENEXLaser CopySensors and solutions for the
Printing Industry
DENEX Systems Technology AB Stockholm,
Sweden www.denex.se www.denexinc.com
2DENEX PRO LapSensor
The PRO LapSensor is based on the standard DENEX
Laser CopySensor PRO and use its serial
communication link to a PC workstation
3DENEX PRO LapSensor
- Measures constantly the distance between each
copy. - Counts the number of copies on each disc.
- Stores data for each disc
- One report for each disc
RS-232 Communication
Stop signal
Disc to be rewinded and checked
Clamp signal
Disc to inserter or storage
DENEX LCS PRO Connection Box
PRO Sensor
Encoder with 1 pulse/mm
4Competitive Analysis
- Accuracy of DENEX counter superior to other
solutions - DENEX system is a neat solution with no
additional hardware required - Simple installation using DENEX Connetion Box
- Higher quality of report presentation
- Cheap solution
5DENEX PRO LapSensor
Installation at contract printer
RS-232 Communication
Stop signal
Clamp signal
Disc to storage
Connection box
PRO Sensor
Encoder wheel 1 pulse/mm
6Dual winder installation
Line splitter
Line splitter
Line splitter
7DENEX PRO Lap Sensor
The DENEX Solution to monitor disc quality
Standard PC in cabinet
DENEX PRO Lap Sensor
8For more information about our products see
our web sitewww.denex.comor contact
DENEXSweden Phone 46 8 556 708 00USA Phone
1 412 369 35 90Spain Phone 34 91 433 73 54
Head Office DENEX Systems Technology AB Box 90
135 S-120 21 Stockholm, Sweden Telephone 46 8
556 708 00 Telefax 46 8 556 708
20 sales_at_denex.se www.denex.com
DENEX INC. Andre Plaza 8035 McKnight
Road Pittsburgh, PA 152 37, USA Telephone 1 412
369 3590 Telefax 1 412 369 3599 gcarrol_at_denexinc.