Title: An Evaluation Update of the HIPC Initiative
1An Evaluation Update of the HIPC Initiative
- Comments by
- Ugo Panizza
- Research Department
- Inter-American Development Bank
2Things I Would Have Looked At
- Has debt relief been successful in permanently
reducing debt levels? - Has debt relief been successful in increasing GDP
growth and social expenditure? - Is debt relief preferable to aid?
- Does debt relief bring additional resources?
3Has debt relief been successful in permanently
reducing debt levels?
- What I thought before reading the evaluation
- No!
- What does the evaluation say
- No!
- Why not?
- Politicians have a high discount rate (W.
Easterly) - Many unsatisfied needs (UN, J. Sachs)
- IDA lending is concessional but still sinful
4IDA lending is concessional but still sinful
- How does debt grow?
- Debt(t)-Debt(t-1)Deficit(t)SF(t)
- The first two explanations focus on deficit
- But if you regress the change in debt over the
deficit you get an R2 of 0.07!!!!!
5Share of variance explained by the deficit
Source Campos, Jaimovich, and Panizza (2006)
6Determinants of debt growth
Source Campos, Jaimovich, and Panizza (2006)
7Stock-Flow Reconciliation
Source Campos, Jaimovich, and Panizza (2006)
8IDA lending is concessional but still sinful
- How does debt grow?
- Debt(t)-Debt(t-1)Deficit(t)SF(t)
- The first two explanations focus on deficit
- But if you regress the change in debt over the
deficit you get an R2 of 0.07!!!!! - A big chunk of the difference between change in
debt and deficit is explained by valuation
effects in presence of dollar debt (Campos,
Jaimovich, Panizza) - What about IDA in UF? (Hausmann and Rigobon)
9IDA lending is concessional but still sinful
- How does debt grow?
- Debt(t)-Debt(t-1)Deficit(t)SF(t)
- The first two explanations focus on deficit
- But if you regress the change in debt over the
deficit you get an R2 of 0.07!!!!! - A big chunk of the difference between change in
debt and deficit is explained by valuation
effects in presence of dollar debt (Campos,
Jaimovich, Panizza) - What about IDA in UF? (Hausmann and Rigobon)
10Has debt relief been successful in increasing GDP
growth and social expenditure?
- What I thought before reading the evaluation
- Not much, in general (Depetris and Kraay) and
even less in HIPC countries (Arslananp and Henry)
- What does the evaluation say
- Pretty much what I thought, but hard to conduct a
formal test - But why the dismal result?
11Is debt relief preferable to aid?
- Here there are two views
- No (Arslananp and Henry)
- Debt overhang is not an issue for HIPC countries
- Aid can build institutions
- Yes (Birdsall)
- DR cannot be tied
- DR stops defensive lending
- DR reduces transaction costs linked to donors
pet programs - The evaluation is silent on this issue
- Maybe because the issue is relevant only if there
is crowding out
12Does debt relief bring additional resources?
- What I thought before reading the evaluation
- NO
13Net Resource Transfer to HIPCs
Percentage of HIPC GDP
Percentage of OECD GDP
Percent of OECD GDP
Percent of HIPCs GDP
Arslanalp and Henry (2006), Table 8
14Does debt relief bring additional resources?
- What I thought before reading the evaluation
- NO
- What does the evaluation say
- YES!
- This is an important difference
- Additionality of debt relief may lead some
skepticals to change their mind on the
desirability of debt relief - If the evaluation department can make a strong
case for additionality, this should be the most
important message of the report
15An Evaluation Update of the HIPC Initiative
- Comments by
- Ugo Panizza
- Research Department
- Inter-American Development Bank