Title: TeachJava 2003
1TeachJava! 2003
- Corky Cartwright
- Dung Nguyen
- Stephen Wong
- Charlie Reis, James Hsia, Neal Hororwitz, Peter
2From C To Java
- C and Java have similar syntax.Dont be
misled! - Profoundly different semantics high-level
objects vs. bytes in memory - Profoundly different programming modelsJava is
object-oriented (OO)C is object-based (OB) in
normal usage
3Encouraging Note
- Writing OO programs in Java is remarkably
easyprovided we recognize that it is
fundamentally different than writing OB programs
in C. - There is little common conceptual ground, other
than syntactic conventions, beween OO programing
(OOP) in Java and OB programming in C
4Guiding Vision
- Program design in Java is data-directed.Design
the data abstractions first they will determine
the structure of the code. In OOP circles, this
data design process is often called
object-modeling. - Common data abstractions are codified as design
5Secondary Theme
- DrJava, our lightweight, reactive environment for
Java, facilitates active learning with DrJava
learning Java is a form of exploration. - DrJava is not a toy DrJava is developed using
DrJava. It includes everything that we believe
is important and nothing more.
6What Is an Object?
- Collection of fields representing the properties
of a conceptual or physical object. - Collection of operations called methods for
observing and changing the fields of the object. - These fields and methods often called the
members of the object.
7Example Phone Directory
- Task maintain a directory containing the office
address and phone number for each person in the
Rice Computer Science Dept. - Each entry in such a directory has a natural
representation as an object with three fields
containing a persons - name
- address
- phone number
- represented as character strings.
8Summary of Entry format
- Fields
- String name
- String address
- String phone
- Methods
- String getName()
- String getAddress()
- String getPhone()
9Java Method Invocation
- A Java method m is executed by sending a method
call o.m() - to an object o, called the receiver. The method
m must be a member of o. - The code defining the method m can refer to the
receiver using the keyword this.
10Finger Exercise
- In the DrJava programming environment, open the
program file Entry.java, compile it, and type the
following statements in the Interactions pane - Entry e new Entry("Corky","DH 3104","x
6042") e.getName() - e.getPhone()
11Java Expressions
- Java supports essentially the same expressions
over primitive types (int, float, double,
boolean) as C. - Notable differences
- boolean is a distinct type from int
- no unsigned version of integer types
- explicit long type
12Finger Exercise
- Evaluate the following
- -5 3
- -(5 3)
- 5 3
- 5./3.
- 5 / 0
- 5./0.
- 5
- 5. 6.
13Finger Exercise cont.
- 72. - 32. 1.8
- (72. - 32.) 1.8
- 72. - 30. - 12.
- 72. - (30. - 12.)
14Java Statements
- Essentially the same form as in C assignment,
if, while, for, return, - But well-written Java programs consist primarily
of assignment, if, and return statements (with
smattering of for). - Focus on assignment and if for most of the week.
- Restricted form of assignment variable
definition - type var exp
- Example
- int x 5
16Finger Exercise
- int x 5
- xx
- double d .000001
- double dd dd
- dd
- dddd
- 1. dd
- 1. dddd
17Finger Exercise cont.
- Evaluate
- int x 7
- if (x 5) y 0 else y 10
- y
- Did you get the behavior that you expected?
Repeat the exercise with corrected syntax. - Evaluate
- boolean switch1 (x 7)
- switch1
- Repeat the exercise with corrected syntax.
18Classes Object Templates
- A Java program is a collection of classes.
- A class is an object template consisting of a
collection of membersfields and methods plus a
constructor, which is a special method used to
initialize objects when created.
19Example Class Entry
- class Entry
- / fields /
- String name
- String address
- String phone
- / constructor /
- Entry(String n, String a, String p)
- this.name n
- this.address a
- this.phone p
- / getters /
- String getName() return this.name
- String getAddress() return this.address
- String getPhone() return this.phone
20Finger Exercise
- In the Definitions pane of DrJava, enter the
Java program defining the Entry class. In the
Interactions pane, evaluate the following program
text - Entry e new Entry("Corky", "DH 3104", "x
6042") - e.getName()
- e.getAddress()
- e.getPhone()
- Save your program for future use in a file named
- The methods that return the fields of a class are
called getters. - The special method with the same name as the
class is called the constructor. The constructor
is executed when a new instance (object) of the
class is created using new.
22Java Data Types
- Two fundamental categories
- Primitive types int, boolean, double, float,
char, long, short, byte (first three are most
common) - Object types all class instances (objects)
belong to object types, which are disjoint from
the primitive types - Values of primitive type (e.g., true, 0) are not
23Object Types
- Organized in a strict hierarchy with the
universal type Object at the top. - Every class C except Object has an immediate
superclass, which is the parent of C in the
hierarchy. In a class definition (like our Entry
example), the default superclass is Object. - A descendant in the class hierarchy is called a
subclass. B is a subclass of A iff A is a
superclass of B. Entry is a subclass of Object
Object is a superclass of Entry.
- There is a special value null of object type on
which method invocation utterly fails. - null is a reference to nothing the method
invocation - null.m()
- always generates a NullPointerException aborting
25Example the String class
- The String class is built-in to Java, just like
Object. - Finger Exercise evaluate
- String s "Corky"
- Object o s
- o
- o s
- String t "Cork" "y
- t s
- s.length()
- o null
- o.length()
- Morals
- multiple copies of the same String may exist do
not use to test String equality. - Do not use null to represent legitimate data
26Object Types cont.
- Each subclass C inherits (includes) all of the
members of its superclass. - The declared members of C augment the inherited
members with one exception if C declares a
method m with exactly the same name and types as
an inherited method, then the new definition of m
overrides (replaces) the inherited definition.
27Inheritance from Object
- The Object class has several members that its
children inherit. They include the methods - public String toString() which gives a String
representation for the object. - public boolean equals(Object o) which compares
this to o
28Example of Overriding
- class Entry
- / fields /
- String name
- String address
- String phone
- / constructor /
- Entry(String n, String a, String p)
- this.name n
- this.address a
- this.phone p
- / accessors /
- String getName() return this.name
- String getAddress() return this.address
- String getPhone() return this.phone
29Finger Exercise
- Open your Entry class into the DrJava
Interactions pane. - Compile your program and evaluate
- Entry e new Entry("Corky", "DH 3104", "x
6042") e - Add the definition of toString() from the
previous slide to your Entry class. - Compile your program and evaluate
- Entry e new Entry("Corky", "DH 3104", "x
6042") e
30Adding a Method Definition
- class Entry
- / return this if its name matches keyName
otherwise return null indicating failure / - Entry match(String keyName)
- if (keyName.equals(this.name)) return this
else return null -
- Finger Exercise Add this method definition to
your Entry class, compile it, and evaluate - Entry e new Entry("Corky", "DH 3104", "x
6042") e.match("Corky") - e.match("Matthias")
31The Wrapper Classes
- How do we treat primitive values as objects?
Java includes a built-in wrapper class for each
primitive type. - Examples
- Integer is the wrapper class for int
- Boolean is the wrapper class for boolean
- Double is the wrapper class for double
32Finger Exercise
- In the DrJava Interactions evaluate the
following - Integer i new Integer(5)
- i
- Integer j i
- i j
- Integer k new Integer(5)
- i k
- Given a class definition, Java provides a
mechanism called new for creating new instances
of the class. - To exploit the new, the class must provide a
special method called a constructor that
specifies how the fields of the created object
are initialized. - A constructor method has the same name as the
class and does not contain the return type in the
heading. - Example
- Entry(String n, String a, String p)
- this.name n
- this.address a
- this.phone p
- If a class does not include a constructor, Java
provides a default constructor (of no arguments)
that does nothing.
34Finger Exercise
Add a second constructor Entry(String n)
to the Entry class where n specifies the name
of the entry. Use any reasonable default value,
e.g., "unknown" for the address and phone
fields. Recompile your program and evaluate
the expression new Entry("Matthias")
35Union Pattern
- The union pattern is used to represent different
forms of related data with some common behavior.
- The pattern consists of an abstract class A
together with a collection of variant subclasses
B1, ..., BN extending A. An abstract class
cannot be instantiated using new. - The collection of classes A, B1, ..., BN is
called a union hierarchy and A classes is called
the root class of the hierarchy. - The common behavior is codified by a set of
methods in A, which may be abstract Each such
method m has an associated contract that that the
implementation in each variant class must obey.
36Class Diagram of Union Pattern
37Defining a Method on a Union
abstract m()
38City Directory Example
- Assume that we want to design the data for an
online city phone book. In contrast to our
DeptDirectory example, such a directory will
contain several different kinds of listings
businesses, residences, and government agencies. - The entry data for such a directory is
represented by using the union pattern to
identify the common behavior among the various
kinds of listings. - In this case, the common behavior is the
existence of a String name for the listing and
the String text of the listing (given by
39Definition of CityEntry
- A CityEntry is either
- a ResidentialEntry(name,address,phone)
- a BusinessEntry(name,address,phone,city,state)
- a GovernmentEntry(name,address,phone,city,
state, government) - Examples
- ResidentialEntry("Corky Cartwright","3310
Underwood", "713-660-6967") - BusinessEntry("ToysRUs","2101 Old Spanish
Trail","713-664-1234","Houston", "TX") - GovernmentEntry("Federal Drug Administration",
"800-666-9000", "Washington", "DC", "Federal")
40Class Diagram of CityEntry Union
41Defining Methods on Unions
- Assume that we want to define a method on a
union. The method will typically require a
separate implementation for each variant
(subclass) of the union. But each
implementation will satisfy the same "contract"
(description of behavior). - In Java, the method must not only be defined in
each variant of the union, it must be declared as
abstract in the root class of the union
hierarchy. Otherwise, Java will not allow the
method to be invoked on objects of the union type.
42Methods for CityEntry
- To process entries in a city directory, we need
two methods - / Returns the name of this CityEntry /
- String getName()
- / Returns all information in this CityEntry
/ - String toString()
- The toString() method is already declared in
Object (the superclass of CityEntry) but the
provided default behavior does not satisfy the
contract given above, so it must be overridden in
each variant. - The getName must be declared as abstract in
- abstract class CityEntry
- / Returns the name for the entry /
- abstract String getName()
- / Returns all of the information in the
listing in String form/ - / String toString() /
- class BusinessEntry extends CityEntry
- String name, address, phone, city, state
- BusinessEntry(String n, String a, String p,
String c, String s) - this.name n
- this.address a
- this.phone p
- this.city c
- this.state s
- String getName() return this.name
- public String toString()
- return "Business" this.name ","
this.address ","
44CityEntry cont.
- class GovernmentEntry extends CityEntry
- String name, address, phone, city, state,
government - GovernmentEntry(String n, String a, String p,
String c, String s, String g) - this.name n
- this.address a
- this.phone p
- this.city c
- this.state s
- this.government g
- String getName() return this.name
- public String toString()
- return "Government" this.name ","
this.address "," this.phone - "," this.city "," this.state ","
this.government "" -
- class Residential Entry extends CityEntry
- String name, address, phone, city
- ResidentialEntry(String n, String a, String p)
45Member Hoisting
- In a union hierarchy, the same code may be
repeated in every variant. - A cardinal rule of software engineering is never
duplicate code. We can eliminate code
duplication in a union hierarchy by hoisting
duplicated code (code that is invariant within
the union) into the abstract class at the route
of the hierarchy.
46CityEntry Example
- We can hoist the fields name, address, and phone
and the getters getAddress and getPhone. To
perform this transformation we must introduce a
constructor in the abstract class CityEntry to
initialize the fields declared in the class.
This constructor can be called from subclass
constructors by using the special method name
super. - This hoisting process does not affect the form of
the class diagram.
47CityEntry II
- abstract class CityEntry
- String name, address, phone
- CityEntry(String n, String a, String p)
- name n
- address a
- phone p
- String getName() return name
- String getAddress() return address
- String getPhone() return phone
- / Returns all of the information in the
listing / - / String toString() /
- class BusinessEntry extends CityEntry
- String city, state
- BusinessEntry(String n, String a, String p,
String c, String s) - super(n,a,p)
- this.city c
- this.state s
48CityEntry II cont.
- class GovernmentEntry extends CityEntry
- String city, state, government
- GovernmentEntry(String n, String a, String p,
String c, String s, String g) - super(n,a,p)
- this.city c
- this.state s
- this.government g
- String getCity() return this.city
- String getState() return this.state
- String getGovernment() return
this.government - public String toString()
- return "Government" this.getName() ","
this.getAddress() "," - this.getPhone() "," this.city ","
this.state "," - this.government ""
- class ResidentialEntry extends CityEntry
49Partial Hoisting
- In a union hierarchy, the same code may be
repeated in some proper subset of the variants. - We can eliminate this code duplication by
introducing a new abstract class that is a
superclass only of the variants that repeat the
same code. - Partial hoisting modifies the form of the class
diagram because it introduces a new abstract
class below the root abstract class of the union.
50Revised Class Hierarchy
New abstract class
51CityEntry III
- abstract class CityEntry
- String name, address, phone
- CityEntry(String n, String a, String p)
- name n
- address a
- phone p
- String getName() return name
- String getAddress() return address
- String getPhone() return phone
- / Returns all of the information in the
listing / - / String toString() /
- abstract class NonResidentialEntry
- String city, state
- NonResidentialEntry(String n, String a, String
p, String c, String s) - super(n, a, p)
- city c
52CityEntry III cont.
- class BusinessEntry extends NonResidentialEntry
- BusinessEntry(String n, String a, String p,
String c, String s) super(n,a,p,c,s) - public String toString()
- return "Business" this.getName() ","
this.getAddress() "," - this.getPhone() "," this.getCity()
"," this.getState() "" -
- class GovernmentEntry extends CityEntry
- String government
- GovernmentEntry(String n, String a, String p,
String c, String s, String g) - super(n,a,p,c,s)
- this.government g
- String getGovernment() return
this.government - public String toString()
- return "Government" this.getName() ","
this.getAddress() "," this.getPhone() - "," this.getCity() ","
this.getState() "," this.getGovernment()
"" -
53Defining DeptDirectory Data
- A DeptDirectory is either
- Empty(), the empty DeptDirectory , or
- NonEmpty(first,rest), a non-empty DeptDirectory,
where first is an Entry and rest is a
DeptDirectory - Examples
- Empty()NonEmpty(Entry("Stephen","DH 3103","x
3846"), Empty())
54Class Diagram for DeptDirectory
abstract class DeptDirectory class Empty
extends DeptDirectory class Cons extends
DeptDirectory Entry first DeptDirectory
rest Cons(Entry f, DeptDirectory r)
this.first f this.rest r Entry
getFirst() return this.first DeptDirectory
getRest() return this.rest
56The Composite Pattern
- The DeptDirectory class hierarchy is a special
form of union called a composite. A union is
composite when one or more variants contain
fields of the root class type. In other words,
variants in the union contain references to
objects of union type. In the DeptDirectory
example, the NonEmpty variant contains a field
rest of type DeptDirectory. -
57Searching a DeptDirectory
- Given the name of a person, we want to find that
person's phone number in our DeptDirectory. In
other words, we want to define a method on the
DeptDirectory class - findAddress(String keyName)
- that searches "this" DeptDirectory for an Entry
that matches the argument keyName.
58The Interpreter Pattern
- To define a method m on a composite class like
DeptDirectory, we follow the same process as we
would in defining a method on a union class, with
one new wrinkle. In the variants that refer to
the composite class (have fields of composite
class type), computing m for this will usually
involve delegating the task of computing m for
the embedded references to the composite class. - In our DeptDirectory example, the only embedded
reference to DeptDirectory in variant subclasses
is the rest field in NonEmpty.
59Template for coding findPhone
- abstract class DeptDirectory
- abstract String findPhone(String key)
- F
- class Empty extends DeptDirectory
- String findPhone(String key)
- public String toString() return "Empty()"
- class Cons extends DeptDirectory
- Entry first
- DeptDirectory rest
- Cons(Entry f, DeptDirectory r)
- this.first f
- this.rest r
- Entry getFirst() return this.first
Fill in this method body
Fill in this method body
- abstract class DeptDirectory
- abstract String findPhone(String key)
- class Empty extends DeptDirectory
- String findPhone(String key)
- return null
- public String toString() return "Empty()"
- class NonEmpty extends DeptDirectory
- Entry first
- DeptDirectory rest
- NonEmpty(Entry f, DeptDirectory r)
- this.first f
- this.rest r
- Entry getFirst() return this.first