Title: Congratulations
To strengthen the preparation of education
leaders and the working conditions that support
their success in raising the achievement of all
students, especially those with the greatest
The work is centered on developing state-district
demonstration sites that link policy changes at
the state level with improvements in district and
school leadership that result in improved student
State Action for Education Leadership Project II
3Getting to Success By
- Bringing key leaders together to act
- Addressing tough conditions and creating
incentives that support effective leadership - Improving the development of education leaders
- Engaging key constituencies to implement change
- Developing aligned, interrelated strategies at
all levels of the education system (through-line)
State Action for Education Leadership Project II
4The Proposals
- Breakthrough Ideas
- Challenges the status quo and tackles seemingly
intractable issues - Focuses on substantive changes to improve the
development of leaders and the conditions of
- Using the Through-Line
- Connecting Breakthrough Ideas across levels to
improve student achievement - Aligning strategies, activities, time-lines,
products and relationships with existing
State Action for Education Leadership Project II
5Certification Aligned to Leader Standards
Would be implemented by statewide strategies such
Leader Development
Codify Standards
Differentiated preparation programs
Would be reinforced by district strategies such
Standards-based hiring and evaluation
Training Academy
Would be supported by school practices such as
Authority aligned to standards
Could lead to classroom practices such as
Better match of teachers and students
Targeted Instruction
Improved Student Achievement
6Effective Use of Resources
Would be implemented by statewide strategies such
Leader Development
New uses of Resources
Knowledge of effective use of resources
Would be reinforced by district strategies such
-Change labor contracts -Provide good data
Training on best use of money
Would be supported by school practices such as
Allow school-based budgeting
Training on budgeting for results
Could lead to classroom practices such as
Resources aligned to optimize instruction
Improved Student Achievement
7SAELP II Whats New
- Making explicit link between leadership and
learning - Building on SAELP I integrating with state
priorities - Greater focus
- Placing greater emphasis on state-district
relationships - Adding 3-5 new states/districts
- Ensuring measurable progress
- Re-defining the role of the National Consortium
and The Wallace Foundation
State Action for Education Leadership Project II
8SAELP II Next steps
- Due date for Proposal January 30
- Contacts
- The Wallace Foundation
- for the RFP and grant management
- The National Consortium
- for assistance in developing plans
- Questions
State Action for Education Leadership Project II