Title: CEDA 40th Anniversary AGM Dinner
1CEDA 40th Anniversary AGM Dinner
- Dr Ken Henry
- 19 November 2001
21. Industry sector shares
Source ABS 5206.0
32. Decade average GDP growthand volatility
43. Decade average inflation rate
Source ABS 6401.0
54. Unemployment rate
SourceABS 6202.0
65. Decade average GDPper capita growth
Source 5204.0
76. Decade average GDP per capita growth
Australia vs OECD
87. Trade Intensity (1960-01 to 2000-01)
98. Trade Intensity (1900-01 to 2000-01)
109. Effective rate of tariff assistance
Includes tariff equivalent of quotas
1110. Structural Reform Timeline
Traded Goods
Finance and Taxation
National Competition Policy
1211. Current account balance
Source ABS 5302.0
1312. Decade averageproductivity growth
1413. Decomposition of GDP per capita growth
Multi-factor productivity
Labour productivity
Capital deepening
Average hours worked
GDP per capita
Unemployment rate
Labour employed as proportion of population
Participation rate
Population of working age
1514a. Components of GDP per capita growth -
working age population
1614b. Components of GDP per capita growth -
participation rate
1714c. Components of GDP per capita growth -
unemployment rates
1814d. Components of GDP per capita growth -
average hours worked
Employment effect
1915. Average weekly hours worked
2014d. Components of GDP per capita growth -
average hours worked
Employment effect
2114e. Components of GDP per capita growth -
capital deepening
Employment effect
2214f. Components of GDP per capita growth -
multi-factor productivity
Labour productivity (hours)
Employment effect
23CEDA 40th Anniversary AGM Dinner
- Dr Ken Henry
- 19 November 2001