Title: Review and Assignment
1Review and Assignment Review the assignment you
have accomplished through Group Dynamics. Then
read Chapters 13 14, Writers Resources.
2Good written product with creative design.
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13High Food Prices Incite Rising Anger By Marc
Lacy, NYT 4/29/2008
14Chapter 13 Comparison and Contrast
COMPARE the Similarities CONTRAST the
Differences of FOOTBALL and SOCCER
Please turn to P. 199, WR.
- 1. What is COMPARISON?
- 2. Definition of CONTRAST
- Have you ever heard of
- Use the concept of
- CONTRAST to describe
Group Dynamics Form a group of five students and
discuss the differences between life in your high
school and in college - SHU. Discuss. Write.
David Beckham
American football
All Sports Are Not Created Equal. (P. 200)
With specialized equipment Contact sport Tackle
block one another
Less specialized equipment Less likely to result
in injury Not a contact sport
16Fred Flintstones and Ralph Kramden Two Peas in
a Pod (Pages 200 201) In what ways are
Flintstones and Kramden similar to each other?
17Ex. P. 361
American football
Football is popular throughout the United
States. Hockey isnt popular in the United States.
Football is popular throughout the United States,
_______hockey isnt.
Do your exercises on Pages 361, 362, 366, 367,
368, 369.
18San Francisco, California
All men are born free, but not all men are
created equal.
Cable car of San Francisco
19M-Society college graduates become unemployed.
- Compare and Contrast Jobs, Life, Hobbies,
Expectations, Views
20Attending good universities
El Capitan Rock Yosemite
All men are not granted with equal opportunities.
Explore the World and its wonders.
Strolling on the street
21Compare/Contrast two types of (209 213)
- Universities
- Magazines
- TV programs
- Movies
- Leaders
- Sports
- Jobs
- Students
- Teachers
- High schools
- Bookstores
- Businesses
22CONTRAST the Differences of High School and
College Life
Group Dynamics Form a group of five students
and discuss the differences between life in your
high school and in college - SHU. Discuss.
Write. Report.
- Examinations
- Freedom
- Schedule
- Homework
- Activities/Vision
- Friends
- Teacher Student
- interaction