Title: Research in Security and Dependable Computing
1Research in Security and Dependable Computing
- Shambhu Upadhyaya
- Computer Science and Engineering
- University at Buffalo
- Shambhu_at_cse.buffalo.edu
- August 28, 2003
- Background
- Students and List of Projects
- Brief Description of Projects
- Synergistic Activities
5UBs Center of Excellence
6IA Constituents
Law School
Computer Science Eng
School of Management
Information Assurance
Document Analysis Recognition
CEISARE Information Systems Assurance Research
and Education
Lasers, Photonics Biophotonics
Computational Research
- Recently graduated students
- Kiran Mantha, MS, 2001 (Deloitte Touche, NY)
- Hugh Wu, Ph.D, 2002 (Faculty, Taiwan)
- Neelesh Arora, MS, 2003 (Thomson Financial, NY)
- Pradeep Nagaraj (2002), Sajit Balraj (2002),
Gaurav Bhargava, 2003, MS (Qualcom, CA) - Current students
- Ramkumar Chinchani, MS, 2002 (PhD student)
- Suranjan Pramanik (PhD student)
- Ashish Garg (PhD student)
- Mohit Virendra (PhD student)
- Anusha Iyer (PhD student)
- Dan Zhao (PhD student)
- M. Nair (PhD student)
- S. Vidyaraman (PhD student)
- Aarthie Muthukrishnan (MS student)
- Madhu Chandrasekharan (MS student)
- Research
- Martin Margala, University of Rochester
- P.R. Mukund, RIT
- Kevin Kwiat, AFRL
- Bharat Jayaraman, CSE, UB
- Jim Llinas, IE, UB
- H.R. Rao, SOM, UB
- Education
- Jeannette Neal, ECC
- Donna Kaputa, ECC
- Marina Cappellino, GCC
9Research and Educational Grants
- Research Grants
- AFRL (2000 2004)
- NYSTAR (2002 2004)
- DARPA seedling (2003 2004)
- NSA/ARDA (2003 2005)
- AFRL (2003 2005), pending final approval
- SRC (2003 2006)
- Educational Grants
- Students Supported
- 7 students as RA and 4 as IA Scholars
- 2-4 new positions available
10Research Projects
- Computer Security
- Intrusion detection by encapsulating users
intent Concept development, simulation,
investigation of scalability (thrust anomaly
detection) - Reasoning about intrusions (thrust risk
analysis) - Building secure enclaves (thrust graph theory)
- Simulation support for IA experiments (thrust
event-based) - Secure voting protocols (thrust replication and
two-phase commit) - Securing documents from Insider Threat A
multi-phase approach (thrust attack graph,
vulnerability analysis) - Event correlation for cyber attack recognition
systems (thrust data fusion)
11Research Projects (Contd.)
- Distributed Systems
- Fault tolerance and security in enterprise
servers (thrust checkpointing and recovery) - VLSI Design and Test
- Test scheduling in Systems-on-chips (thrust
algorithms) - Adaptive BIST for complex Systems-on-chip
(thrust built-in current sensors) - Test control architecture for future SOCs using
on-chip wireless communication (thrust on-chip
RF nodes)
12Where Does Our Security Research Fit In?
13Underlying Principles
- Use the principle of least privilege to achieve
better security - Use mandatory access control wherever appropriate
- Data used for intrusion detection should be kept
simple and small - Intrusion detection capabilities are enhanced if
environment specific factors are taken into
14User Intent Encapsulation
15Building Secure Enclaves
- Tamper-resistant security monitoring
- Available choices
- Replication (Chameleon at UIUC) ?
- Layered Hierarchy (AAFID at Purdue)
- Both can be easily compromised
- Proposed solution
- Circulant graph
- Overhead is manageable
- There is no mutual trust
- among the watchers
- (Ref IEEE IWIA 2003)
16Securing Documents A Three-Phase Approach
Pre-document Access Phase
- Insider modeling
- Policy definition and refinement
Mid-document Access Phase
- Anomaly based monitoring to check user actions
- Zero-trust self monitoring and logging
Post-document Access Phase
- Forensics
- Policy refinement
17Policy Enforcement
- Most systems only log user logins
- Not easy to determine which user violated normal
document policies - Violators can act without fear of non-repudiable
trace-back - How do you handle the problem?
- Tie each entity with a digital certificate
- Policy enforcement module
- Kerberized certificates for authentication and
data integrity - Scalability?
18Synergistic Activities
- Information Assurance Scholarship program
- Organized 1st New York State Cyber Security
Symposium at Utica, NY, Feb. 2003 jointly with
Griffiss Institute, Utica, NY - Planning on a IA Workshop in Buffalo in the area
of Secure Knowledge Management