Module 5.1

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Module 5.1


... efficient markets, overcoming market barriers can offer cost ... Sag Harbor, New York, 11963, USA. Phone: 1 (631) 725-1869. Fax: 1 (631) 725-1869 ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Module 5.1

Module 5.1
  • Mitigation Methods and Tools in the Energy Sector

Purpose of this Module
  • To introduce different approaches for GHG
    mitigation assessment in the energy sector.
  • To review the benefits and drawbacks of different
  • To introduce various software tools that may be
    useful for GHG mitigation analysis.
  • To provide participants with information to help
    them choose an appropriate tool for their own
  • NB will NOT provide in-depth training in the use
    of any one tool.
  • Separate, in-depth training will be likely
    required for any tools selected.

Module 5.1 Energy Sector Mitigation Methods
  1. Approaches for Energy Sector Mitigation Modeling
  2. Review of Modeling Tools
  5. LEAP
  6. RETScreen
  7. Conclusions

Module 5.1
  • a) Approaches for Energy Sector Mitigation

Some Background
  • Decision 17/CP.8, para 38
  • Based on national circumstances, NA1 Parties are
    encouraged to use whatever methods are available
    and appropriate

Approaches for Energy Sector Mitigation Assessment
  • Bottom-up
  • Use detailed data on fuels, technologies and
  • Assess costs/benefits of individual technologies
    and policies
  • Can explicitly include administration and program
  • Dont assume efficient markets, overcoming market
    barriers can offer cost-effective energy savings
  • Capture interactions among projects and policies
  • Commonly used to assess costs and benefits of
    projects and programs
  • Top-down
  • Use aggregated economic data
  • Assess costs/benefits through impact on output,
    income, GDP
  • Implicitly capture administrative, implementation
    and other costs.
  • Typically assume efficient markets, and no
    efficiency gap
  • Capture intersectoral feedbacks and interactions
  • Commonly used to assess impact of carbon taxes
    and fiscal policies
  • Less suitable for examining technology-specific

Top-Down Assessments (1)
  • Examine general impact on economy of GHG
  • Important where GHG mitigation activities will
    cause substantial changes to an economy.
  • Typically examine variables such as GDP,
    employment, imports, exports, public finances,
  • Assume competitive equilibrium and optimizing
    behavior in consumers and producers.
  • Should also consider role of informal sector,
    which may be important in many non-Annex 1
  • Can be used in conjunction with bottom-up
    approaches to help check consistency.
  • E.g. energy sector investment requirements from a
    bottom-up energy model used in macroeconomic
    assessment to iteratively check the GDP forecasts
    driving the energy model.

Top-Down Assessments (2)
  • Types of top-down approaches
  • Simplified macroeconomic assessment seeks
    consistency between sectoral forecasts and
    informs baseline scenarios.
  • Input-output captures intersectoral feedbacks
    but not structural changes in economies (assume
    no shifts between sectors).
  • Computable general equilibrium captures
    structural changes, assume market clearing.
  • 2 3 require more expertise and more data, which
    may not be available in many non-Annex 1
  • All models are abstractions. Assumptions may not
    reflect real-world market conditions.
  • Macroeconomic models tend to be country-specific.
    Off-the-shelf software not typically available.

Bottom-Up Models (Energy Sector)
  • Optimization Models e.g. MARKAL
  • Iterative Equilibrium/Simulation Models e.g.
  • Hybrid Modelse.g. MARKAL-MACRO
  • Accounting Frameworks e.g. LEAP

Models for Mitigation Analysis in the UNFCCC
  • UNFCCC Guidelines do not specify which approach
    is appropriate for national communications on
  • Both Top-Down and Bottom-up models can yield
    useful insights on mitigation.
  • Top-down models are most useful for studying
    broad macroeconomic and fiscal policies for
    mitigation such as carbon or other environmental
  • Bottom-up models are most useful for studying
    options that have specific sectoral and
    technological implications.
  • The lack of off-the-shelf top-down models, the
    greater availability of physical, sectoral and
    technological data, and the focus on identifying
    potential projects has meant that most mitigation
    modeling has so far focused on bottom-up

Module 5.1b
  • Types of Bottom-Up Models

Optimization Models
  • Use mathematical programming to identify
    configurations of energy systems that minimize
    the total cost of providing energy services.
  • Cost-minimization is performed within constraints
    (e.g. limits on CO2 emissions, technology
    availability, foreign exchange, etc.).
    Constraints also ensure balance of supply and
  • May optimize over all time periods (perfect
    foresight) or year-on-year (myopic).
  • Select among technologies based on their relative
  • Dual solution yields estimates of energy prices.
  • Can yield extreme knife edge solutions (model
    allocates all market share to cheapest technology
    even if only slightly cheaper)
  • Must be constrained to yield reasonable
    results by using hurdle rates, by
    disaggregating demands into homogenous groups, or
    by constraining market allocations.
  • Typically assume perfect competition/energy cost
    is only factor in technology choice.
  • Useful where complex options need to be analyzed
    and costs are well known.
  • Cost-minimization assumptions may be
    inappropriate for simulating most likely
    evolution of real-world energy systems in a
    baseline scenario.
  • Data intensive
  • Complex so hard to apply where expertise is
  • Examples MARKAL/TIMES

Iterative Equilibrium/Simulation Models
  • Simulate behavior of energy consumers and
    producers under various signals (e.g. price,
    income levels) and constraints (e.g. limits on
    rate of stock replacement).
  • Easier to include non-price factors in analysis
    compared to optimizing models.
  • Balances demand and supply by calculating
    market-clearing prices.
  • Prices and quantities are adjusted endogenously
    using iterative calculations to seek equilibrium
  • Behavioral relationships can be controversial and
    hard to parameterize. Crucial parameters are
    highly abstracted or poorly known, especially in
    countries where time series data is lacking.

Hybrid Models
  • Examines macroeconomic impacts of energy system
    on the wider economy.
  • Changes in the energy system can feed-back to
    effect macroeconomic growth and structure.
  • Production functions allow for substitution among
    capital, labor and different forms of energy.
  • Useful energy demands are endogenous to the
  • Example MARKAL-MACRO

Accounting Frameworks
  • Account for flows of energy in a system based on
    simple engineering relationships (e.g.
    conservation of energy).
  • Rather than simulating decisions of energy
    consumers and producers, user explicitly accounts
    for outcomes of those decisions.
  • Simple, transparent, intuitive easy to
  • Evaluation and comparison of policies are largely
    performed externally by the analyst framework
    serves primarily as a sophisticated
    calculator/database/reporting tool.
  • Framework ensures physical consistency but not
    economic consistency.
  • Example LEAP

Types and Sources of Data
Module 5.1c
  • Review of Modeling Tools

Criteria for Inclusion of Tools in this Review
  • Tools must be
  • widely applied in a variety of international
  • thoroughly tested and generally found to be
  • actively being developed and professionally
  • primarily designed for integrated energy and GHG
    mitigation analysis, or screening of energy
    sector technologies.

Included Tools
  • LEAP
  • Long-range Energy Alternatives Planning system
  • Primary Developer Stockholm Environment
  • Energy and Power Evaluation Program
  • Primary Developers Argonne National Laboratory
    and the International Atomic Energy Authority
  • MARKet Allocation model
  • Primary Developers IEA/ETSAP
  • Renewable Energy Technology Screening
  • Primary Developers Natural Resources Canada
  • All are integrated scenario modeling tools except
    RETSCREEN, which screens renewable and CHP
  • Other tools and approaches may be appropriate.
  • Full Disclosure Dr. Heaps is the developer of
    LEAP reviewed here.

Included Tools Compared (1)
Included Tools Compared (2)
Module 5.1d

  • Developed International Energy Agency, Energy
    Technology Systems Analysis Programme
  • Generates energy, economic, engineering, and
    environmental equilibrium models.
  • Models are represented as Reference Energy
    Systems (RES), which describe an entire energy
    system from resource extraction, through energy
    transformation and end-use devices, to the demand
    for useful energy services.
  • Calculates the quantity and prices of each
    commodity that maximize either the utility
    (MARKAL-MACRO) or the producer/consumer surplus
    (MARKAL) over the planning horizon, thereby
    minimizing totally energy system cost.
  • Note TIMES The Integrated MARKAL-EFOM System
    is gradually expected to replace MARKAL and

Assessing Energy, Economy, Environment Trade
What Does MARKAL Do?
  • Identifies least-cost solutions for energy system
  • Evaluates options within the context of the
    entire energy/materials system by
  • balancing all supply/demand requirements,
  • ensuring proper process/operation,
  • monitoring capital stock turnover, and
  • adhering to any environmental policy
  • Selects technologies based on life-cycle costs of
  • Provides estimates of
  • energy/material prices
  • demand activity
  • technology and fuel mixes
  • marginal value of individual technologies to the
    energy system
  • GHG and other emission levels, and
  • mitigation and control costs.

What Aspects of Mitigation Assessment Can MARKAL
  • Macroeconomic policies (e.g. carbon taxes)
  • Transportation
  • Energy demand
  • Energy conversion and supply
  • Energy sector emissions
  • Non-energy sector industrial process emissions
  • Solid waste management
  • Geological sequestration
  • Value of carbon rights

  • MARKAL-MACRO (M-M) is an extension of the MARKAL
    model that simultaneously solves the energy and
    economic systems.
  • Can be thought of as a hybrid model as merges
    elements of top-down and bottom-up analysis.
  • Has price responsive demands (i.e., determined
    endogenously) while MARKAL does not (i.e.,
    demands are exogenously defined).
  • Maximizes consumer welfare over the solution
    period, optimizes aggregate investment in the
    economy and provides least cost energy system
    configurations to meet endogenously determined
  • Energy service costs, energy service demands, and
    energy prices are determined simultaneously
    during optimization.
  • Relative energy costs determine types and levels
    of substitution between fuels and technologies.

MARKAL-ED Producer/Consumer Equilibrium for each
Commodity w/ Technology Detail
MARKAL Requirements
  • Windows PC with 512 MB RAM.
  • MARKAL/TIMES source code (written in GAMS)
  • GAMS modeling language and a Solver
  • Data Management and Reporting User Interface
  • Two available ANSWER and VEDA
  • Cost of software US 8,500-15,000 depending on
    institutional arrangements.

The ANSWER User Interface
MARKAL Applications
  • International Energy Agency (IEA) technology
    detail for the World Energy Outlook scenarios.
  • U.S. DOE/SAGE an analytic framework for the
    International Energy Outlook.
  • European Union 25 state European model examines
    externalities and life cycle assessment issues.
  • Six New England States Analysis of Clean Air Act
    goals and support for climate change commitments.
  • USAID establishing a common framework for
    assessing demand-side management.
  • IEA/ETSAP partner institutions supporting their
    national governments planning (Canada, UK, Italy,
    U.S. DOE EPA)
  • China and India examining reform and energy
    sector evolution to meet economic development
    goals, and developing multi-region national
  • APEC cost-effective levels of renewable
    generation in 4 APEC economies.
  • ASEAN 8 countries participating in a AusAID
    sponsored energy planning initiative
  • Three Central America countries baselines and
    opportunities within the realm of Climate Change.
  • Bolivia GHG reduction strategies, including
    modeling of forestation as a carbon reduction
  • South Africa National energy and environmental

MARKAL Data Requirements
  • Useful Energy Demands, and own price elasticities
    for MED or demand decoupling factors for MACRO
  • Costs
  • Resource, investment, fixed, variable, fuel
    delivery, hurdle rates
  • Technology Profiles
  • Fuels in/out, efficiency, availability
  • Resource supply steps, cumulative resources
    limits, installed capacity, new investment
  • Environmental Impacts
  • Unit emissions per resource, technology,
  • System and other parameters
  • Discount rate, seasonal/day-night fractions,
    electric reserve margin

MARKAL Support Training
  • Technical support offered by phone and email.
  • Cost is US 500-2500 depending on institutional
  • Training is offered through ETSAP and its
    partners in different parts of the world.
  • A minimum of 2 trainings of 4 days each are
    recommended, with follow-up support included.
  • Cost is US 15,000-40,000 plus expenses.

For more information on MARKAL/TIMES
  • Gary Goldstein
  • International Resources Group
  • Sag Harbor, New York, 11963, USA
  • Phone 1 (631) 725-1869
  • Fax 1 (631) 725-1869
  • Email

Module 5.1e

  • The Energy and Power Evaluation Program (ENPEP)
    is a set of ten integrated energy, environmental,
    and economic analysis tools.
  • Here the focus is on one tool, BALANCE, which is
    most frequently used for the integrated
    assessment of energy and GHG emissions.
  • BALANCE is a market-based simulation that
    determines how various segments of the energy
    system may respond to changes in energy prices
    and demands.
  • BALANCE consists of a system of simultaneous
    linear and nonlinear relationships that specify
    the transformation of energy quantities and
    energy prices through the various stages of
    energy production, processing, and use.
  • BALANCE also calculates emissions of GHGs and
    local air pollutants.
  • BALANCE can be run in combination with other
    ENPEP tools, such as MAED and WASP.

BALANCE Approach
  • Matches demands for energy with available
    resources and technologies. 
  • The user creates an energy network that traces
    the flow of energy from primary resources to
    useful energy demands.
  • Networks are constructed graphically using
    various nodes and links.
  • Nodes represent resources, conversion processes,
    energy demands, and economic processes.
  • Links connect the nodes and transfer information
    among nodes.

Nodes and Links in BALANCE
BALANCE User Interface
BALANCE Market Share Simulation
  • A logit function estimates the market share of
    supply alternatives based on commoditys price
    relative to alternatives.
  • Other constraints (e.g., capacity limits),
    government policies (taxes, subsidies, etc.), and
    the ability of markets to respond to price
    signals can also be modeled.
  • Consumer preferences can also be included via a
    premium multiplier variable.
  • Simultaneously balances supply and demand curves
    for all fuels.
  • Equilibrium is reached at market clearing prices
    and quantities.
  • Does not minimize costs. Instead, simulates the
    response of consumers and producers.

Other ENPEP Modules
  • MACRO-E feedbacks between the energy sector and
    the wider economy.
  • MAED a bottom-up energy demand model.  
  • LOAD hourly electric loads and generates load
    duration curves for use in other ENPEP modules.
  • PC-VALORAGUA optimal generating strategy for
    mixed hydro-thermal electric power systems.  
  • WASP least-cost electric generation expansion
  • GTMax marketing and system operational issues in
    deregulated energy markets.  
  • ICARUS reliability and economic performance of
    alternative electric generation expansion paths.
  • IMPACTS physical and economic damages from air
    pollution (now part of BALANCE).
  • DAM a decision analysis tool used to analyze
    tradeoffs between technical, economic, and
    environmental concerns.

ENPEP Applications
  • ENPEP has been used extensively in Africa, Asia,
    Europe and North and South America for a variety
    of integrated energy analyses.
  • Many countries used ENPEP to help prepare GHG
    mitigation assessments as part of their initial
    national communications to the UNFCCC.
  • Numerous ENPEP applications are described at the
    ENPEP web site, in most cases with links to
    related reports.

BALANCE Support Training
  • Technical support offered by phone, email, or
  • Basic support is free premium support packages
    available for up to US 10,000 per year.
  • Training is offered by the developers on-site or
    at ANL.
  • Since 1978, ANL has trained over 1300 experts
    from over 80 countries.
  • Minimum of 5 days training is recommend.
  • Cost is US 10,000 plus expenses.

For more information on ENPEP
  • Guenter Conzelmann
  • Center for Energy, Economic, and Environmental
    Systems Analysis (CEEESA), Argonne National
    Laboratory (ANL)
  • 9700 South Cass Avenue, Argonne, IL 60439, USA
  • Phone 1 (630) 252-7173
  • Fax 1 (630) 252-6073
  • Email
  • http//

Module 5.1f
  • LEAP Long-range Energy Alternatives Planning

Long-range Energy Alternatives Planning System
  • An integrated energy-environment, scenario-based
    modeling system.
  • Based on simple physical accounting and
    simulation modeling approaches.
  • Flexible and intuitive data management and
    advanced reporting.
  • Scope demand, transformation, resource
    extraction, GHG emissions and local air
    pollutants, full system social cost-benefit
    analysis, non-energy sector sources and sinks.
  • Annual time-step, unlimited number of years.
  • Methodology physical accounting for energy
    demand and supply via a variety of methodologies.
  • Optional specialized methodologies for modeling
    of certain sectors/issues. E.g. stock/turnover
    modeling for transport analyses.
  • Links to MS-Office (Excel, Word and PowerPoint).
  • Low initial data requirements (for example costs
    not required for simplest energy and GHG
    assessment). Many aspects optional.

Compared to ENPEP and MARKAL
  • Unlike ENPEP and MARKAL, LEAP does not require
    the user to subscribe to a particular view of how
    an energy system behaves (e.g. least cost
    optimization, market-clearing equilibrium).
  • Instead LEAP is based on relatively simple
    physical energy and environmental accounting
  • Thus all of the basic calculations in LEAP are
    non-controversial and can be easily verified,
    making the system highly transparent.
  • Instead of the model endogenously calculating
    market shares of devices, in LEAP the user must
    tell the software how those shares will evolve in
    each scenario.
  • Thus instead of using a complex tool that tells
    you whats best, the approach in LEAP is to use
    a relatively simple tool that makes it quick and
    easy for the user to explore the implications
    (cost, GHGs, etc.) of different hypothetical

LEAP User Interface Analysis View
Expressions in LEAP
  • Basic non-controversial energy-environment
    accounting relationships are built-in to LEAP.
  • Data are specified using spreadsheet-like
  • Expressions can be simple static values or they
    can be time-series functions that describe how
    variables change over time in different
  • Expressions can also be used to create
    relationships between variables allowing for
    engineering, econometric or simulation models.
  • Expressions can also be used to create live links
    to Excel spreadsheets allowing LEAP to function
    as an overall organizing and integrating
    framework for separate spreadsheet analyses.

Expression Examples
  • Growth(3.2)Exponential growth after the base
  • Interp(2000, 40, 2010, 65, 2020, 80)Interpolates
    between specified data points.
  • Step(2000, 300, 2005, 500, 2020, 700)Discrete
    changes in particular years.
  • GrowthAs(Income,e)Future years calculated from
    rate of growth in variable Income and an
    elasticity variable, e.
  • Interp(c\sample.xls,Importrange)Interpolate
    based on values in range importrange from sheet

Scenarios in LEAP
  • Scenarios are story-lines about how an energy
    system might evolve over time. Can be used for
    analysis of alternative policy assumptions and
    for sensitivity analysis.
  • In LEAP, the Scenario Manager is used to create a
    hierarchy of scenarios.
  • Typically users create one baseline scenario, and
    one or more scenarios used to screen individual
    policies or measure.
  • These policy scenarios are then combined to form
    overall integrated mitigation scenarios, which
    examine the interactions between measures.
  • Default expressions are inherited from one
    scenario to another, thus minimizing data entry
    and allowing common assumptions to be edited in
    one place.
  • On screen, expressions are color coded to show
    which have been entered explicitly in a scenario
    (blue), which are inherited from a parent
    scenario (black), and which are inherited from
    another region (purple).

A Simple Demand Data Structure
  • The tree is the main data structure used for
    organizing data and models, and for reviewing
  • Icons indicate the types of data (e.g.,
    categories, technologies, fuels and environmental
  • Users can edit the tree on-screen using standard
    editing functions (copy, paste, drag drop)
  • Structure can be detailed and end-use oriented,
    or highly aggregate (e.g. sector by fuel).
  • Detail can be varied from sector to sector.

Results Reporting in LEAP
GIS/Mapping of Results
Transformation Analysis
  • Process analysis of energy conversion,
    transmission and distribution, and resource
  • Capacity additions specified by user or added
    automatically by model to maintain planning
    reserve margin.
  • Choice of methods for simulation of electric
    dispatch to meet peak power requirements and load
  • Calculates imports, exports and primary resource
  • Tracks costs and environmental loadings.

LEAP TransformationModule
Load-Duration Curve and System Dispatch in LEAP
Typical Data Requirements
NB data requirements vary greatly depending on
type of analysis.
TED The Technology and Environmental Database
LEAP Selected Applications
  • Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Studies Argentina,
    Bolivia, Cambodia, Ecuador, El Salvador, Lebanon,
    Mali, Mongolia, Korea, Senegal, Tanzania, Vietnam
    and many others through US and Danish Country
    Studies Programs and as part of UNFCCC national
  • USA Greenhouse Gas Emissions Mitigation studies
    in California, Washington, Oregon and Rhode
  • U.S. DOE ongoing project to construct a global
    end-use oriented energy model.
  • USEPA Integrated Environmental Strategies
    Described yesterday by Jack and Jose. LEAP used
    for parts of IES analyses.
  • Energy and Carbon Scenarios Chinese Energy
    Research Institute (ERI) and U.S. DOE.
  • U.S. Light Duty Vehicle Energy Use and Emissions
    Various U.S. transportation NGOs.
  • APERC Energy Outlook Energy forecasts for each
    APEC economy.
  • East Asia Energy Futures Project Study of energy
    security issues in East Asian countries including
    the Koreas, China, Mongolia, Russia, Japan.
  • U.N. Millennium Project Costs of meeting a
    parallel millennium development goal (MDG) for
  • Integrated Resource Planning Brazil, Malaysia,
    Indonesia, Ghana, South Africa.
  • City Level Energy Strategies Cape Town South
  • Transportation Studies Texas (Tellus) and 7
    Asian Cities (AIT).
  • Sulfur Abatement Scenarios for China Chinese
  • Rural Wood Energy Planning in South Asia FAO.

Social Cost-Benefit Analysis in LEAP
  • Societal perspective of costs and benefits (i.e.
    economic not financial analysis).
  • Avoids double-counting by drawing consistent
    boundary around analysis (e.g. whole system
  • Cost-benefit analysis calculates the Net Present
    Value (NPV) of the differences in costs between
    two scenarios.
  • NPV sums all costs in all years of the study
    discounted to a common base year.
  • Optionally includes externality costs.

LEAP Support Training
  • Technical support offered by phone, email and web
  • Free to registered users.
  • Minimum of 5 days training is recommended
  • On-site training is offered by the developers
    (SEI) and by regional partners at cost.
  • Regular regional trainings also being organized.
    Cost to attend is minimal, but participants must
    cover travel expenses.

  • Four year initiative (2003-2006) sponsored by the
    Govt. of the Netherlands to build capacity and
    foster a community among developing country
    energy analysts working on sustainability issues.
  • Managed by the Stockholm Environment Institute in
    collaboration with regional partners in Africa,
    Europe and Latin America.
  • Open to everyone at no charge.
  • Activities
  • Regional training workshops (Africa, Latin
    America, Planned in Asia).
  • Community web site
  • Technical support for Southern energy analysts
  • LEAP development maintenance
  • Semi-annual newsletter
  • http//

For more information on LEAP
  • Dr. Charles Heaps
  • Stockholm Environment Institute Boston Center
  • 11 Arlington Street, Boston, MA, 02116, USA
  • Phone 1 (617) 266 8090
  • Fax 1 (617) 266 8303
  • Email
  • http//

Module 5.1g
  • RETScreen

  • Evaluates the energy production, life-cycle costs
    and GHG emissions reductions from renewable
    energy and energy efficient technologies.
  • Intended primarily for project-level analysis
    (screening/feasibility), not for national-level
    integrated analyses.
  • Does allow options to be compared to a
    counter-factual situation, but this is primarily
    a static comparison.
  • Complements other tools reviewed here.
  • Can be used for screening of options before
    inclusion in integrated assessments, or for
    detailed project-level assessments. Can help
    develop the technical, cost and performance
    variables required in other models.

RETScreen Modules
  • Structured as a set of separate modules, each
    with a common look and approach.
  • Each module is developed in Microsoft Excel
  • Modules include
  • Wind energy
  • Small hydro
  • Photovoltaics
  • Combined heat power
  • Biomass heating
  • Solar air heating
  • Solar water heating
  • Passive solar heating
  • Ground-source heat pumps
  • Energy efficiency measures (coming soon)

RETScreen Interface
RETScreen Data Requirements
  • Data requirements are those needed for a
    technical and financial assessment of any clean
    energy project.
  • This includes location data, meteorological data,
    equipment data, cost data, and financial data.
  • RETScreen includes both meteorological and
    product cost and performance databases which help
    determine the amount of clean energy that can be
    delivered (or saved) by a project, and help
    calculate parameters such as heating loads.
  • The weather database has data from 4,720
    meteorological stations around the world.
  • The product database is linked online to
    continuously updated data.

RETScreen Support Training
  • Free support is available via email or a
    web-based forum.
  • Because RETScreen is developed in Excel, training
    requirements are minimal.
  • Users with little experience of the technologies
    being analyzed, will need to study the
    introductory training materials available for
    free on the website
  • Free training materials include slides,
    teachers notes, e-textbooks, online manual, case
  • An online distance-learning course is also freely
    available to all registered users.
  • A network of trainers conducts other training
    events, which are posted on the RETScreen

RETScreen Applications
  • RETScreen has gt 65,000 users in 207 countries
    around the world.
  • Some examples are
  • Canada, Archemy Consulting, Solar/wind electric -
    Solar thermal, 21 kW
  • Canada, DGV Engineering Services, Small hydro, 35
  • Canada, WindShare, Wind energy, 750 kW
  • Australia, Power and Water, Photovoltaics Wind
    energy, 890 kW 50 kW
  • Brazil, Negawatt, Small hydro, 4 MW
  • Czech Republic, Hydrohrom, Small hydro, 2 MW
  • France, Electricité de France, Small hydro wind
    energy, 27 MW 7 MW
  • Ireland, Sustainable Energy Authority, Wind
    energy, 100 MW
  • India, IT Power India, Photovoltaics Small
    hydro, 89 kW 1 MW
  • Italy, Seriana Servizi, Biomass power, 48 MW
  • Nicaragua, Comisión Nacional de Energía, Mini
    hydro, 12 MW
  • Russia, SKIF-TECH., Earth energy, 320 kW
  • Romania, SPERIN, Wind solar thermal, 8.4 MW
    80 m2
  • Senegal, ASERA, Wind energy Photovoltaics, 9 kW
    5 kW
  • United States, Artha Renewable Energy, Solar
    water heating, 560 m2

For more information on RETScreen
  • RETScreen Customer Support
  • Natural Resources Canada
  • 1615 Boulevard Lionel-Boulet, Varennes, QC,
    J3X1S6, Canada
  • Phone 1 (450) 652-4621
  • Fax 1 (450) 652-5177
  • Email
  • http//

Module 5.1h
  • Conclusions

  • MARKAL is a good choice if
  • Already have MARKAL modeling experience.
  • Technical and statistical data are relatively
  • A large number of complex and interacting
    technology options need to be assessed.
  • Assessment team is familiar with concepts of
  • Assumptions of optimizing models are reasonable
    in the study context.
  • Assessment will be conducted over a relatively
    long time frame (e.g. one year) and able to
    invest considerable human resources in the
  • Cost of software support is acceptable.

Conclusions (2)
  • ENPEP-BALANCE is a good choice in similar
    situations to MARKAL
  • particularly if there is need to take a
    market-simulation approach, and optimization
    assumptions are not appropriate,
  • LEAP is a good choice if
  • Data is less plentiful.
  • Team has less modeling expertise.
  • Time frame for analysis is relatively short.
  • Inherent assumptions of MARKAL/ENPEP are not
  • Assessment will focus on both technology choice
    and other mitigation options.
  • RETScreen, is complementary to all of the
    integrated/national level tools.
  • Country-specific approaches, using spreadsheets
    or other models may make sense for many Parties.

Further Reading
  • Sathaye, J. and Meyers, S. 1995. Greenhouse Gas
    Mitigation Assessment A Guidebook
  • Halsnaes, K. Callaway, J.M. Meyer, H.J. 1999.
    Economics of Greenhouse Gas Limitations
    Methodological Guidelines. UNEP Collaborating
    Centre on Energy and Environment, Denmark.
  • Swisher, J. Januzzi, G. Redlinger, R.Y. 1997.
    Tools and Methods for Integrated Resource
    Planning. UNEP Collaborating Centre on Energy and
    Environment, Denmark. http//
  • Heaps, C. 2005. User Guide for LEAP 2005.
    SEI-Boston. http//

Possible Topics for Discussion
  • What additional information do you need to allow
    you to decide on a modeling approach?
  • How well do the existing models fit the needs of
    your national communications assessments?
  • How can training needs best be addressed in your
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