Title: Ecce 2 Drill Sentences
1Ecce 2 Drill Sentences
2Translate the sentence on your white board
- Flavia is sitting under a tree.
3Translate the sentence on your white board
- 2. Cornelia in agris currit.
2. Cornelia is running in the fields.
4Translate the sentence on your white board
- 3. Puellae strenuae sunt.
3. The girls are energetic.
5Translate the sentence on your white board
The girls are friends.
6Translate the sentence on your white board
- 5. Iam puellae ad villam currunt.
Now the girls are running toward the country
7Translate the sentence on your white board
- 6. Tandem amicae in villa sedent.
At last (finally) the friends are sitting in the
country house.
8Translate the sentence on your white board
- 7. Flavia ad villam rusticam lente ambulat.
Flavia walks slowly toward the country house and
9Translate the sentence on your white board
- 8. Amica eius quoque ambulat.
Her friend is also walking.
10Translate the sentence on your white board
- 9. Brevi tempore puellae defessae sunt.
In a short time the girls are tired.
11Translate the sentence on your white board
- 10. In pictura sunt puellae nomine Cornelia et
In the picture are girls named Cornelia and
12Translate the sentence on your white board
- 11. Hodie puellae in agris sunt.
Today the girls are in the fields.
13Translate the sentence on your white board
- 12. Flavia strenua est, sed Cornelia defessa est.
Flavia is energetic, but Cornelia is tired.
14Translate the sentence on your white board
- 13. Cornelia et Flavia non iam defessae sunt.
Cornelia and Flavia are no longer tired.
15Translate the sentence on your white board
- 14. In agris amicae saepe currunt.
The friends often run in the fields.
16Translate the sentence on your white board
- 15. Ex agris ad arborem Flavia currit.
Flavia runs out of the fields toward the tree.
17Translate the sentence on your white board
- 16. Cornelia quoque ex agris currit.
Cornelia also runs out of the fields.
18Translate the sentence on your white board
- 17. Flavia est amica quae in villa vicina
Flavia is a friend who lives in a neighboring
country house.
19Translate the sentence on your white board
- 18. Cornelia in agris est, sed Flavia ex agris
Cornelia is in the fields, but Flavia walks out
of the fields.
20Translate the sentence on your white board
- 19. Flavia lente ambulat quod defessa est.
Flavia walks slowly because she is tired.
21Translate the sentence on your white board
- 20. In agris amicae saepe ambulant.
The friends often walk in the fields.