Title: Quality Management Information System
1Quality Management Information System
- Project Team
- Sachin Shah
- Bhavya Desai
- Meghna Shah
- Sapan Shah
- Jayesh Bajaj
2Operational Concept Description (OCD)
Presented By -Meghna Shah
3OCD Outline
- System description
- Current system and shortfalls
- Proposed system
- Redressal of current system shortfalls
4System Description
- CSE needs a system that will produce useful
quality management data to be then used by the
Experience Management System (EMS). - To provide means of collating and data tracking
of the quality artifacts produced by the CS577
5Result Chain
6Part 1/3
7Part 2/3
8Part 3/3
9Current System
- The current system utilized by the CS577 course
for Quality management of data / information is a
manual one. - Quality artifacts stored in a repository
- At the end of the semester the team websites are
moved to EMS.
10Current System Description
11Current Entity Model
12Part 1/2
13Part 2/2
14Shortfalls of the current system
- Artifacts stored in a highly ineffective and
unstructured format . - The students of class CS577 access the class
website for review forms-highly unreliable.
15Proposed System Capabilities
- Quality Management Information Priority
- (QMI) Database Very High
- EMS-ready data Very High
- Meta data and summarized data management
High - Facilitates transcription of quality data.
High - Report Generation Low
- Quality Assessment Guideline repository High
16System Boundary and Environment
17Proposed System Description
18Proposed Entity Model
19Part 1/2
20Part 2/2
21Redressal of the current system shortfalls
- Providing a repository to store digitized quality
artifacts. - Reporting facility.
- Quality Assessment Guideline repository.
23Prototype Outline
- Introduction
- Diagram depicting proposed way of performing
activity - Prototype Screens
24Prototype Introduction
- This prototype is based on
- Client Meetings and feedback
- Win Win Negotiations
25Proposed way of performing Activity
26Prototype Screens (1 of 5)
Step 1 CSE Operational Staff Logs in..
27Prototype Screens (2 of 5)
Step 2 User selects the option..
28Prototype Screens (3 of 5)
Step 3 Selects the review form..
29Prototype Screens (4 of 5)
Step 4 Enters the Header Information..
30Prototype Screens (5 of 5)
Step 5 Enters the detail Information..
31Information to be demonstrated for Next Prototype
- Functional prototype for entering meta/summarize
data into the system.
32System and Software Requirements Definition (SSRD)
33SSRD Outline
- Project Requirements
- Capability Requirements
- System Interface Requirements
- LOS Requirements
- Evolution Requirements
34Project Requirements
- Budget and Schedule Requirements
- Fixed Project Schedule -gt PG01
- 0 Cost Investment for development -gt PG03
- Development Requirements
- Tools Requirements
- Using Hyperwave, MS SQL -gt PG03,
PC05Compatibility - Computer Hardware Requirements
- Hardware features required to install and run
Hyperwave 5.5 MS SQL - Deployment Requirements
- System documentation and ad-hoc user training
35Core Capability Requirements (1 of 2)
- Nominal
- Entering/Modifying Summarized and Meta Data -gt
CAP03 - Authentication -gt CAP06
- EMS-Ready Data -gt CAP02
- Store the Electronic Data (QM Artifacts) -gt CAP01
- Data Transcription -gt CAP04
- Provide Guideline Repository -gt CAP07
- Report Generation -gt CAP05
36Core Capability Requirements (2 of 2)
- Off-Nominal
- Error message prompt in case server goes down
-gtCAP 01 -07 - Invalid Username or Password Message -gt CAP06
- Prompt for Data not found -gt CAP 01-07
37System Interface Requirements
- Other Software Interface
- Interface with other sub-systems within EMS like
PE Database -gt PC02
38Level of Service Requirements
- Usability
- User friendly Interface
- Operate/navigate with ease
- Consistent with the prototype -gt CR 01 - 07
39Evolutionary Requirements
- Capability Evolution Requirements
- Data transcriptions for forms other than Agile
- For example, Fagans Inspection -gt
CAP04Transcribing Quality Data
40System and Software Architecture Description
- Presented By
- -Bhavya Desai
41SSAD Outline
- Component Model
- Behavior Model
- Behavior Classification Model
- Object Classification Model
- System Topology
Refer to http//www-scf.usc.edu/csci577/teams/tea
42Component Model
43Behavior Model
Quality Assessment Guideline repository (CAP-07)
Multi-level of user access (CAP-06)
UC-07 - Download Grading
CS 577a
Quality Assessment Guideline repository (CAP-07)
UC-01 - Authenticate
UC-02 - Download Quality
Management Material
UC-03 - Digitized/Electronic
Quality Artifacts Management
Quality Management Information (QMI) Database -
Operational Staff
UC-04 -Transcribed Quality
Artifacts Management
UC-05 - Metadata and
Summarized Informati...
Transcribing quality data - CAP-04
UC-06 - Reporting Tool
Meta data and summarized data.- CAP-03
Report Generation -(CAP-05)
44Behavior Classification Model
Multi-level of user access (CAP-06)
Transcribing quality data - CAP-04
45Behavior Classification Model
Quality Management Information (QMI) Database -
Meta data and summarized data.- CAP-03
46Object Classification Model
47System Topology
48Feasibility Rationale Description
- Product Rationale
- Project Risk Assessment Mitigation Techniques
- Satisfaction of requirements by architecture
50Product Rationale
- Development Cost 1440 person-hrs (one time
cost) - Transition Cost 30 person-hrs (one time cost)
- Maintainer Cost 5 person-hrs/month (recurring)
- Current System Annual cost 4368
- Effort to analyze 208 person-hrs _at_ 21 per hour
- Proposed System Annual cost 3425
- Time taken to analyze transcribed quality
artifacts 35 person-hrs/ year which is
equivalent to 735 per year _at_ 21 per hour - Effort to scan data 250 per-hrs /year gt 1250
per year - Maintenance Cost 120 per month gt 1440
51Product Rationale
- Business Case Analysis
- Current System
- Annual cost per user 4368
- Proposed System
- Annual Fixed Cost 2690
- Annual per user Cost 735
52Product Rationale
- Increase in ROI with an increase in the
Cost ()
53Product Rationale
- Value-Added Analysis
- Provides convenience for research
- Ability to reuse previous efforts
- Maintain empirical data to facilitate analysis of
trends - More productive research and analysis
- Higher academic reputation for USC-CSE CeBase
54Product Rationale
- Hence in a single calendar year, the breakeven
point is reached with two research students using
the QMIS database
system deployment
Breakeven point
Value Added
Year 2
Year 1
55Project Risk Assessment Mitigation Techniques
- Resistance to change from CSE operational staff
- Make them winners of the system (What, How)
- Easier to adopt change if one is a winner (Why)
- Tight Schedule
- Prioritized requirements, SAIV (What, How)
- Ensure that higher priority requirements are met
first (Why)
56Project Risk Assessment Mitigation Techniques
- Team members are not familiar with the Hyperwave
product - Planned training from experienced peers,
allocated time to read and understand product
documentation (What, How) - Leverage the steep learning curve, CSE has
Hyperwave Experts -- Alex, Murali (Why)
57Project Risk Assessment Mitigation Techniques
- Clients still to determine the exact data that
needs to be captured - Scheduled regular client meetings (What, How)
- Continued interaction with the client helps
eliminate surprises and spread risk across
stakeholders (Why) - Cloudy GUI
- Using prototypes to determine an acceptable UI
(What, How) - Prototypes tend to help the clients better
envision their requirements. (Why)
58Satisfaction of requirements by architecture
- The above mentioned capabilities are supported
by Hyperwave and/or MS SQL