Title: Anchorage Remembrance Park
1Anchorage Remembrance Park
- A UAA Civil Engineering Senior Project
- Created for
- The Remembrance Foundation
- Read reports at http//soe.uaa.alaska.edu/soe/co
2CE 438 Design of Civil Engineering Systems
- This course is designed to help the students
transition from academia to real world practice. - The course is used to
- Provide the students with a life-like engineering
design experience involving the interaction with
external clients. - Introduce the students to design office
procedures including - The development of reports, plans,
specifications, cost estimates, etc. - Performance evaluation.
- Provide the students with a multi-disciplinary
design experience
3Course Organization
- The course is organized much as a consulting
engineers office. - Principal Engineer
- Lead Engineers
- One for each of the subgroups
- Staff Engineers
4Project Background
- The Remembrance Foundation approached the Mayor,
who in turn approached the University - The project was attractive because
- It is a multi-disciplinary civil engineering
project - It is a large enough project to engage the entire
senior class - It was in a phase where some preliminary design
might be useful to the public discussion - The project also involves the Slope Stability
Class - This group analyzed the seismic risk to the site
5Project Objective
- The objective was to
- Assist the foundation in refining their vision
for the project layout - Identify all the technical and permitting issues
relevant to the project - Determine a rough order of magnitude cost
associated with the infrastructure development of
the project
6What We Are Not Doing
- Several important items are not within the
scope of work for this project. - We did not design the artifact displays
- We did not design the landscaping
- We did not design the proposed learning center
7Project Timeline
- The project began before the start of the
semester with the development of a site survey
and gathering of site data - Phase I 3 Weeks
- Developed four alternatives for general park
layout - The Remembrance Foundation reviewed The report
and worked with us to identify alternatives for
more detailed design - Phase II 11 Weeks
- More detailed design of two alternatives
8Project Overview
General Location
Learning Center
Trail System
Artifact Displays
Band Stand
9General Criteria
- Accessibility
- Must meet ADA Requirements
- Trails designed for minimum slope
- Seismic Safety
- Special attention to seismic risk
- Environmentally Friendly
- The site development is not to cause
environmental problems
10Phase II Organization
- Alternative A
- Tasked with designing a shorter path
- Alternative B
- Tasked with designing a longer path
- Pod Design
- Tasked with identifying available space for
artifact displays and designing representative
pods - Band Stand
- Tasked with designing two alternative bandstands
- Environmental, Safety, and Permitting
- Tasked with identifying the environmental, safety
and permitting requirements for the project - Cost Estimating Specifications
- Tasked with identifying the ROM Costs and the
11Topographic Survey
12Slope Stability of the buttress park
- Steven halcomb
- Ruel Binonwangan
- Gang Xu
- Soil properties
- Geometry of slope
- Pseudo-static coefficient accounting for seismic
load - Performed analysis with Slope/W
- Found factors of safety for static and dynamic
(earthquake) cases
14The buttress
- Block (or Translational) sliding, not circular,
is the mode of failure
16Results contd
- Factor of Safety
- Static 1.50
- Dynamic 1.23
- Both greater than 1.0 which indicates the slope
is stable in its current state and will be stable
in a design level earthquake
17Alternative A Pathway
- Haley Runa
- Ramadan Greva
- Jamie Suttie
- Anthony Yamat
- David Freese
- Steve McGee
- James Smith
18Pathway Layout
193D View
20Typical Pathway Profile
21Bridge Crossing
22Filled Alignment Crossing
23Alternative B
- Mitch Mork
- Charles Balzarini
- Mat Mollenkopf
- Steven Halcomb
- Ryan Redick
- Binh Nguyen
- Mila Umanskaya
24Path Layout
253D View
26Bridge Crossing
27Path Section
- Continuous timeline Flow
- No back tracking
- ADA accessible
- Minimize soil cuts
- Keep existing slope
- Winter friendly
- Continuous loop
- Starts and Ends at visitor center
- Less than 5 grade
- 820 ft path widths
- Small or no net cut
- No slope changes
- Heated path
29Pod Design
- Olga Federova
- Elijah Keib
- Mike Mott
- Jesse Putman
32Sample Pod
- Jamie Suttie
- Mila Umanskaya
35Waste Water
- An 8 tall fence will surround the 2277 ft
perimeter of the property.
39Site Lighting
- Chosen to match existing downtown Historic
District lighting - Park lighting complies with Municipal design
standards including Title 21, MASS, and MOA
Design Criteria Manual- Chapter 5 - Specifications and calculations for the fixtures
are found in Appendix J. of the report- Site
Lighting Plan
41Band Stand
- Matt Dougherty
- Jessica Armstrong
- David Hardy
- Robert Limstrom
42Band Stand Criteria
- Capacity to support high school bands
- A structure made from timber
- A structure made from steel
- Partially enclosed to provide better acoustics
- Traditional Gazebo Style
- 30 ft x 20 ft
- Floor Area
- 500 sq. ft.
- 100 people at 5 sq. ft. per person
- Stairs at the front
44Band Stand Rendering
45Environmental, Safety, and Permitting
- Katie Russell
- Emily Eidam
- Kurt Meehleis
- Wendy Parker
46ESP Overview
- Site Characteristics
- Ownership
- Alaska State Department of Transportation and
Public Facilities - (AK DOTPF)
- Alaska Railroad Corporation (ARRC)
- Municipality of Anchorage (MOA)
- Permits
- American with Disabilities Act (ADA) Standards
and Safety Requirements
47Site Characteristics
Approximate Park Location
Source MOA Advanced Mapper
48Flood Hazard Zone
Legend 100-year flood limits 500-year flood
Potential Problem Area
Source MOA Advanced Mapper
- Tract 3 State of Alaska DOTPF
- Tract 5 Alaska Railroad Corp.
- Tract 7 Municipality of Anchorage
- Three options to resolve ownership conflicts
- Leave as-is and obtain numerous Access
permissions and agreements - Re-plat the three tracts into one property
- Draft a legal agreement of understanding for
long-term use
- AK DOTPF owns a 60 wide ROW around abandoned
C St., and a 60 wide ROW around these stairs
52AK DOTPF Right-of-Way
53AK DOTPF Right-of-Way
54Alaska Railroad Corp.
- ARRC owns tract 5 the land could be leased
55Municipality of Anchorage
- MOA owns tract 7
- Compliance with Anchorage Municipal Code with
respect to development is required and is
regulated through MOA departments - MOA is also in charge of enforcing certain
federal regulations
- Encroachment permits are required where the
project crosses existing utilities
- A private system permit is required to connect to
the AWWU water and sewer system
58Storm Water Pollution Prevention
59Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Standards
and Safety Requirements
- Americans with Disabilities Act requirements must
be met - Slope considerations
- Minimum width
- Non-slippery surfaces
- Proper drainage
60Specifications Cost Estimating Phase II
- Group Members
- Gilliland, John
- Goodell, Christopher
- Jemison, Jennifer
- Longden, Katherine
- Oliveira, Nickolas
61Project Specifications
- All specifications follow the Municipality of
Anchorage specifications unless otherwise noted
under special provisions. - Items requiring special provisions
- Bridge
- Heated sidewalks
- Lighting
62Cost Estimating
- Rough Order of Magnitude /- 30
- Examples taken from MOA Average 2007 Bid
- Design Costs
- Landscaping
- Learning Center Structure
- Bandstand foundation
63Alternative A LayoutEstimated at 1,870,000
64Alternative B LayoutEstimated at 2,210,000
65Pod DesignEstimated at 465,000
- Materials List included in Alternatives A B
66Band Stand DesignEstimated at 28,000
67Environmental Permitting
- The application
- cost for the
- permits needed is 48,820
68Total Project Estimations
69Sample Pod