Title: PHA: Hedging Transaction Exposure for DW Inc.
1PHA Hedging Transaction Exposure for DW Inc.
- Marc Rosenthal
- Richard Cull
- James Frame
- Mehgan Haldane
2Part I DWs Hedging Problem
- June
- DW orders parts valued at JPY 200,000,000
- Delivery in 2 months, payment within 30 days of
delivery - July 5th
- Confirmation of delivery in October
- Expected delivery is Oct. 28th
3Part I Range Estimates of Transaction Exposure
- Monthly JPY/USD Exchange Rate Data
- 1/31/71 8/31/01
- 367 Observations
- Monthly Exchange Rate Percentage Changes
- Descriptive Statistics
- Std. Deviation
0.033389951 - Minimum
-0.109192201 - Maximum
0.147448569 -
4Part I Risk Analysis of Transaction Exposure
- Sensitivity Analysis
- Worst Case Scenario
- 200,000,000 JPY x .009062 x (1 .147449)
- 2,079,637 USD
- Best Case Scenario
- 200,000,000 JPY x .009062 x (1 - .109192)
- 1,614,500 USD
5Part I Risk Analysis of Transaction Exposure
- Confidence Interval Based on Normal Distribution
- Upper Bound
- 200,000,000 JPY x .009062 x (1 .065464)
- 1,931,047 USD
- Lower Bound
- 200,000,000 JPY x .009062 x (1 - .065464)
- 1,693,753 USD
6Part I Hedging Strategies Proposed
- Forward Contracts
- PHLX Options
- Over-the-Counter-Options
7Part I Hedging Instruments Data
- Spot Price (USD/JPY) .009062
- Forward Contracts
- 6 Month Forward Points .000238
- PHLX Options-Dec Calls
- Contract P .0042 cents/unit Strike Price
.0096 - Contract P .0075 cents/unit Strike Price
.0093 - Over-the-Counter-Options
- Nov 30th .0096 cents/unit
- Strike Price .0091
8Part I Contract Size
- PHLX Call Option Contracts Needed
- 200,000,000 JPY / 6,250,000 32
Contracts - OTC Call Options Needed
- 1 Contract
- Forward Contracts Needed
- 1 Contract
9Part I Strategy Comparison Additional Data
- Exchange Rate Distribution
- Using Monthly Percent Change Data
- Created a Frequency Histogram
- Probability Distribution Observed
- St180 Probability
- USD .008678 9
- USD .009234 79
- USD .009863 12
10Part I Exchange Rate Distribution Histogram
11Part I Exchange Rate Distribution Histogram
12Exchange Rate DistributionSpot Rate Forecast
- -.08(2) -.04(31) -1.40
- -1.40/33 -4.24 33/367 9
- .009062 (1-.0424) .008678
- .00(153) .04 (138) 5.52
- 5.52/291 1.897 291/367 79
- .009062 1.01897 .009234
- .08(35) .12(7) .16(1) 3.80
- 3.80/43 8.84 43/367 12
- .009062 1.0884 .009863
13Option Carrying Cost Calculation
- OTC Call Option (.0091 Strike Price)
- Carrying Cost .000096 .0571875 180/360
- .000002745
USD/unit - PHLX Call Option (.0096 Strike Price)
- Carrying Cost .000042 .0571875 180/360
- .000001201
USD/unit - PHLX Call Option (.0093 Strike Price)
- Carrying Cost .000075 .0571875 180/360
- .000002145
14 OTC vs. PHLX Options
Potential Spot Price 180 Premium /unit Carrying Cost Exercise Option ? Total Price /unit Prob
.008678US .009234US .009863US OTC .0091 .000096 .000096 .000096 .000002745 .000002745 .000002745 NO YES YES .008776745 .009332745 .009961745 9 79 12
.008678US .009234US .009863US PHLX 96 .000042 .000042 .000042 .000001201 .000001201 .000001201 NO NO YES .008721201 .009277201 .009906201 9 79 12
.008678US .009234US .009863US PHLX 93 .000075 .000075 .000075 .000002145 .000002145 .000002145 NO NO YES .008755145 .009311145 .009940145 9 79 12
15Part I Instrument Comparison
- Forward
- Purchase JPY 6 Months
- 200 M JPY x (.000238 .009062) 1,860,000
USD - OTC Option Strike Price .0091
- .008776745 200 MIL JPY 1,755,349 USD
- .009332745 200 MIL JPY 1,866,549 USD
- 1,866,549USD 26,800 1,839,749 USD
(Net) -
- .009961745 200 MIL JPY 1,992,349 USD
- 1,992,349 USD 152,600 1,839,749 USD
(Net) -
16Part I Instrument Comparison (Cont.)
- PHLX Option Strike Price .0096
- .008721201 200 MIL JPY 1,744,240 USD
- .009277201 200 MIL JPY 1,855,440 USD
- .009906201 200 MIL JPY 1,981,240 USD
- 1,981,240 52,600 1,928,640
USD - PHLX Option Strike Price .0093
- .008755145. 200 MIL JPY 1,751,029 USD
- .009311145. 200 MIL JPY 1,862,229 USD
- .009940145 200 MIL JPY 1,988,029 USD
- 1,988,029 - 112,600 1,875,429
- OTC Option Strike Price .0091
- .008776745 200 MIL JPY 1,755,349 USD
- .009332745 200 MIL JPY 1,866,549 USD
- 1,866,549USD 26,800 1,839,749 USD
(Net) -
- .009961745 200 MIL JPY 1,992,349 USD
- 1,992,349 USD 152,600 1,839,749 USD
(Net) - Recommend Buy OTC Option with NOV Expiration
18Part II Comparisons
- November 22
- Japanese parts arrived Oct. 27th
- Payment due in 5 days
- Exchange rate .008973 USD/JPY
- The cost to DW, Inc. will vary depending on the
hedging approach undertaken
19Had DW entered into a 3 month forward contract
- DW would have taken a long position in the
forward contract, to offset their short position - Amount to be paid for parts JPY
(200,000,000) - Spot rate on July 5th (St,Jul) 0.009062
- Points on 3mo. Forward 0.000109
- Conversion Rate Paid USD/JPY 0.009171
- USD paid for parts (1,834,200)
202) Had DW entered into the December futures
- DW would have taken a long position in the
futures contract, to offset their short position - (on CME contract 12,500,000 Japanese Yen)
- July 5th - Bought 6 month futures _at_ .009241 USD
/ JPY - Nov 22th - Sold 6 month futures _at_ .008993 USD /
212) Had DW entered into the December futures
- (Continued)
- Gain/(Loss) on Futures Contracts Contracts
USD - Long on July 5th (Ft, Jul) (0.009241)
(16) (1,848,200) - Sold on Nov 22nd (Ft, Nov) 0.008993
16 1,798,600 - gt Loss on Futures (0.000248)
(49,600) - Loss Discounted Back 30 Days 49,600/(1
.0565625 30/360) 233 - Bought JPY _at_ the Spot rate
- at Nov. 22th (St,Nov) 0.008973
- Amount to be paid for parts JPY
(200,000,000) - (1,794,600)
(1,794,600) - USD paid for parts
223) Had DW not hedged the payment
- DW would bought JPY at the prevailing Spot Rate
when the payment was due. - Amount to be paid for parts JPY
(200,000,000) - Spot rate at Nov. 22nd (St,Nov)
0.008973 - USD paid for parts (1,794,600)
234) Had DW used the OTC JPY Option
- DW would have bought a call option to cover
payables - Variables
- Amount (JPY) 200,000,000
- Strike Price X 0.0091
- Premium Pt 0.000096
- Interest Rate (US) I 6.1875
St (Nov 22nd) Pt Exercise? Total USD Cost USD Paid for Parts
0.008973 0.000096 No 0.00927 1,854,000
244) Had DW used the OTC JPY Option
- Carrying costs Pt interest rate
(maturity/360) - Carrying costs 0.000297
- If St is gt X, Do NOT Exercise
255) Had DW used the JPY Dec. Options (PHLX)
- DW would have bought a call option to cover
payables - Same procedure as the OTC Options
- Variables
- Amount (JPY) 200,000,000
- Strike Price X 0.0093
- Premium Pt 0.000075
- Interest Rate (US) I 6.1875
St (Nov 22nd) Pt Exercise? Total USD Cost USD Paid for Parts
0.008973 0.000075 No 0.009205 1,841,006
265) Had DW used the JPY Dec. Options (PHLX)
- Carrying costs Pt interest rate
(maturity/360) - Carrying costs 0.000232
- If St is gt X, Do NOT Exercise
27Part II Summary
- Scenario USD paid for parts
- 3 month Forward 1,834,200
- Dec futures 1,844,200
- No hedge Lowest
- OTC options Highest 1,854,000
- PHLX options 1,841,006