Title: Global Warming
1Global Warming- An introduction
Global Warming
2Global Warming
3What's the evidence?
4What's the evidence?
Global Warming
5What's the cause?
Global Warming
6What's the cause?
Global Warming
7What's the cause?
8What's the evidence?
Global Warming
9So we need protection...
Global Warming
10But isn't this natural...
Global Warming
11But isn't this natural...
Global Warming
12But isn't this natural...
Global Warming
13But isn't this natural...
Global Warming
Homo Sapiens
14So, what can we look forward too...
Global Warming
15Global Warming
16So what is global warming?
Global Warming
17Reflected by the atmosphere into space.
Solar Energy
Heat lost to space
Heat is retained by greenhouse gases and warms
the atmosphere- Global Warming
Global Warming
Earth radiates heat.
Solar energy heats Earth.
Greenhouse effect
18Greenhouse gases increase.
Farming rice and cattle releases methane.
Deforestation means less Carbon Dioxide is taken
in, some trees are burnt releasing Carbon Dioxide.
Burning fossil fuels releases Carbon Dioxide.
Global Warming
More heat is trapped, warming the Earth.
Human impact...