Title: Different levels of indicators
1Preliminary list SDIs
Transport land use management
Stephen Hall
Member of Task Force on SDIs
Department for Environment, Food and Rural
Affairs - UK
2Headline policy objectives
- Decouple transport growth from GDP
- Shift in transport use from road to other
- Reduce congestion and other impacts
- Reduce people affected by long-term noise
3Headline policy objectives
- Decouple transport growth from GDP
- Shift in transport use from road to other
- Reduce congestion and other impacts
- Reduce people affected by long-term noise
4Level I Indicator
5Level I Indicator
6Level I Indicator
Vehicle-km vs GDP
Best needed indicator Vehicle-km
(including lorries, trains and planes) vs GDP
(lacking comparable data)
7Level I Indicator
Proxy Fuel consumption
Proxy indicator Final Energy
Consumption by transport modes, i.e. rail, road,
air transport and inland navigation.
8Level II Indicators
- Growth freight modal split
- Growth passenger modal split
9Level II Indicators
- Growth freight modal split
- Growth passenger modal split
10Level II Indicators
Modal split of freight
Indicator percentage share of road in
total inland freight transport tonne-km (road,
rail and inland waterways)
11Level II Indicators
Freight transport vs GDP
Indicator index of inland freight
transport tonne-km relative to GDP
12Level II Indicators
Modal split of passenger-km
Indicator percentage share of road in
total inland passenger transport vehicle-km
13Level II Indicators
Best needed indicator Fragmentation
of habitats due to transport
(definitional and data issues)
14Level II Indicators
Ozone precursors
Indicator Emissions of ozone
precursors by transport activities