Title: new business presentation template master
1 Equity/Bond Fund Country Flows Reports
How to read EPFR Equity/Bond Fund Country Flows
2Equity/Bond Fund Country Flows Reports
- Equity data tracks fund aggregate net
buying/selling of equities by country
region Bond data tracks combined emerging
market bond fund net buying/selling by
country region
- Equity report covers 55 emerging and developed
markets plus cashBond report covers 29 emerging
markets that comprise the EMBI Global Index plus
- Also includes country flows aggregates for
each fund category
- Equity aggregate tab shows monthly net
buying/selling by country and region for
all funds combined Global Global ex-US funds,
GEM funds, Asia ex-Japan, Latin America,
EMEA, Europe, Pacific region and Country funds
Bond aggregate tab shows monthly net
buying/selling for dedicated emerging
market and regional emerging market bond funds
- Equity data available from January 1996 bond
data available from January 2004
3Equity/Bond Fund Country Flows Reports
Definitions Method of Calculation
4Equity/Bond Fund Country Flows Data
- Country Equity report covers 55 emerging and
developed markets plus cashBond report covers
29 emerging markets that comprise the EMBI Global
Index plus cash
- Mkt Value of Holdings Beginning of Month
combined US market value of portfolio holdings
in country at close of business on last day of
immediately preceding month for all funds tracked
investing in that country
- Mkt Value of Holdings End of Month combined US
market value of portfolio holdings in country at
close of business on last day of month for all
funds tracked investing in that country
- Increase (Decrease) in Mkt Value of
Holdings during month (Mkt Value of
Holdings Beginning of Month) x (Stock Market
Index Performance for the Month)
- Net Purchases (Sales) for the Month
(Mkt Value of Holdings End of Month) (Mkt Value
of Holdings Beginning of Month)
(Increasedecrease Mkt Value of Holdings during
- Net Purchases (Sales) for the Month as of BoM
Holdings(Net Purchases Sales for the Month) /
(Mkt Value of Holdings Beginning of Month)
5Equity/Bond Fund Country Flows - Method of
Country Flows Net Purchases (Sales) for the
(Mkt Value of Holdings End of Month) (Mkt
Value of Holdings Beginning of Month)
(Increase decrease Mkt Value of Holdings during
arises from
Change in Market Value of Holdings for the month
(Mkt Value of Holdings End of Month) (Mkt
Value of Holdings Beginning of Month)
Increase (decrease) in Mkt Value of Holdings
during Month
(Mkt Value of Holdings Beginning of Month) x
(Stock Market Index performance for the Month)
Mkt Value of India Holdings End of Month
Mkt Value of India Holdings Beginning of Month
MSCI India Total Return Index 6.84
Net Purchases (Sales) for the month
6,468.23 - 6,008.38 - (6,008.38 x 6.84)
6,468.23 - 6,008.38 - 410.97
US48.88M inflows
Equity Indexes used are MSCI and SP/IFC Bond
Indexes used are JP Morgan EMBI Global
Equity report covers 55 emerging and developed
markets plus cashBond report covers 29 emerging
markets plus cash
8Mkt Value of Holdings Beginning of Month
combined US market value of portfolio holdings
in country at close of business on last day of
immediately preceding month for all funds
tracked investing in that country
9Mkt Value of Holdings End of Month
combined US market value of portfolio holdings
in country at close of business on last day of
month for all funds tracked investing in that
10Increase (decrease) Mkt Value of Holdings during
(Mkt Value of Holdings Beginning of Month) x
(Stock Market Index Performance for the Month)
11Net Purchases (Sales) for the Month
(Mkt Value of Holdings End of Month) (Mkt
Value of Holdings Beginning of Month) -
(Increase decrease Mkt Value of Holdings during
12Net Purchases (Sales) as ofBoM Holdings
(Net Purchases Sales for the Month) /
(Mkt Value of Holdings Beginning of Month)
13 Equity/Bond Fund Country Flows Reports FAQ
Contact Us
14Frequently Asked Questions..
Q. In Country Flows report, are the following
securities classified under Hong Kong or China?
Shanghai exchange A and B shares Shenzhen
exchange A and B shares H-shares and Red-chips?
A. We classify Shanghai and Shenzhen A B
shares as well as H-shares and Red-chips under
15Sample reports and pricing information are
available athttp//www.epfr.com/feedback.cfm
or please feel free to contact us By Email
marketing_at_epfr.comBy Phone 1-617-864-4999
Or, visit EPFR website at http//www.epfr.com