Title: Design Awareness in Schools
1Design elements - Shape
2Design elements - Shape
About shape
A shape is a flat, clearly defined area. Shapes
can be areas of colour, tone, and/or texture
defined by lines or edges.
3Design elements - Shape
Qualities of shape
Shapes can have many different qualities. They
can be simple or complex, rounded or angular.
4Design elements - Shape
Shape can be used to describe the appearance of
geometric objects.
5Design elements - Shape
Some shapes are both rounded and angular.
6Design elements - Shape
When a shape is created it can be described as a
positive or negative shape. The surrounding area
is described as the opposite.
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Shape can serve many design needs
Shape can be used to represent objects
people places ideasin descriptive or
symbolic ways.
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Shapes can be used as symbols for words and
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Shape can communicate
Shape can suggest emotions feelings ideas.
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Rounded shapes can have curving, sinuous lines
and edges. They can create an illusion of growth
and flowing movement, and remind us of the
natural world.
11Design elements - Shape
Geometric shapes can appear to be regular, solid
and still. They can suggest calmness, strength
and stability. They can remind us of the
constructed environment.
12Design elements - Shape
Angular shapes can appear sharp, energetic and
even explosive.
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Shape can appeal to our senses
14Design elements - Shape
Shape can create visual effects or patterns.
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Shape can be functional
Symbolic shape can help communicate meaning.
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Shape can create the illusion of structure and
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Shape worksheet
Teacher introduction (DOC) (PDF)
Student worksheet (DOC) (PDF)