Title: Oracle 8: An Overview
1Oracle 8 An Overview
- Personal Databases
- Client/Server Databases
- Oracle and its Tools
- Types of SQL Statements
- Logging onto SQLPlus Environment
- SQL versus SQLPlus
- SQLPlus Commands
2Personal Databases
- Usually stored on a client computer
- Primarily for single-user applications
- Stored on a server for multi-user or shared
access - A server is a computer that accepts and services
requests from clients. A servers resources
include hard disk, programs, data, or printers. - For example, Microsoft-Access and Visual Fox Pro
3Overview of Personal Databases
- File Server
- (Database files)
- gets file requests from clients
- sends files to clients
- receives files back from clients
- Client Computer 2
- (DBMS, Client App)
- sends file request
- Receives files
- Adds, deletes, updates data
- Sends files back
- Client Computer 1
- (DBMS, Client App)
- sends file request
- Receives files
- Adds, deletes, updates data
- Sends files back
4Characteristics of aPersonal Database System
- Heavy traffic on network to transport
applications and databases between server and
clients - Heavy demand on Client computer
- Inferior system response time
- Not scalable to large number of users/clients
5Characteristics of aPersonal Database System
- No automatic table locking, but optimistic
locking - Client failure may result in record locking and
database corruption - Transaction log kept in clients memory
6Client/Server Databases
- Usually stored on the server computer
- Primarily for multi-user applications
- Allows shared-access with locking
- An Oracle server accepts and services requests
from clients. - The client computer does not contain database and
does not perform any processing - For example, Oracle 8
7Overview of Client/Server Databases
- Database Server
- (DBMS process)
- Gets data requests from clients
- Adds, deletes, updates, filters data
- Client Computer 1
- (Client Application)
- sends data request
- receives results
- Sends new data or changes
- Client Computer 2
- (Client Application)
- sends data request
- receives results
- Sends new data or changes
8Characteristics of a Client/Server Database
- Low network traffic as only client requests and
results are transported - Low demand on client as server processes requests
- Scalable to large number of users/clients
- E.g. 10,000 for oracle
9Characteristics of a Client/Server Database
- Automatic locking
- If a client fails, other clients not affected
- Central Transaction Log kept on server
- If a batch transaction fails, entire transaction
is rolled back
10Oracle Database Management System
- Purpose
- Why we use it?
- How it works
- Instance
- database
11Purpose of Oracle DBMS
- Efficiently and reliably manage large amounts of
data in a multi-user environment - Must accomplish the above while maintaining a
high level of performance - Provide efficient solution to failure recovery
and read consistency - Provide a high level of data concurrency
12Other Reasons to Use Oracle
- A Client/Server database system
- A object-relational database system
- Oracle Corp is the second largest software
company in the world
13Oracle Components
- Oracle consists of a database and an instance.
- A database includes all the physical data files,
control files, and redo log files that will hold
your data and Oracles metadata information. - An instance is a combination of the pool of
physical memory (RAM) allocated to Oracle,
referred to as the System Global Area (SGA), and
the background processes that Oracle spawns to
use this memory pool. - SGA
- Area where Oracle attempts to cache database data
for faster access (RAM I/O is about 1000x faster
than disk I/O).
14Oracle overview
Server Process
Server Process
Server Process
User App
15Oracle 8 Tools
- SQLPlus environment to write command-line SQL
queries - PL/SQL Oracles procedural language extension
to SQL - Query Builder graphical environment for SQL
query building - Developer Form Builder, Report Builder, Graphic
16Oracle 8 Tools
- Enterprise Manager a tool to manage database
and users. For example, Storage Manager,
Instance Manager and Security Manager - Oracle Web Application Server to access Oracle
databases through web pages
17SQLPLUS Environment
- Accepts ad hoc entry of statements at the prompt
- Accepts SQL statements from files
- Provides a line editor for modifying SQL queries
- Provides environment, editor, format, execution,
interaction, and file commands - Formats query results and displays reports on the
screen - Controls environmental settings
- Accesses local and remote databases
18Structured Query Language (SQL)
- Universal query language for relational databases
- Standardized and accepted by ANSI and ISO
- A non-procedural, fourth generation, high-level
19Types of SQL statements
- Data Definition Language (DDL)
- creates, changes, removes tables structure
- For example, CREATE, ALTER, DROP, RENAME, and
TRUNCATE - Data Manipulation Language (DML)
- inserts, changes and removes rows
- For example, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE
- Data Retrieval
- retrieves data from database
- For example, SELECT
20Types of SQL statements (cont)
- Transaction Control Language (TCL)
- manages logical transactions
- Data Control Language (DCL)
- Gives and removes rights to objects
- For example, GRANT and REVOKE
21Logging onto SQLPlus
- Once a user logs on by using supplied valid User
Name, Password and Host String, SQLgt prompt is
displayed. - User can type SQL queries or SQLPlus commands at
the SQLgt prompt.
22SQL versus SQLPlus
23SQLPlus File-Related Commands
24SQLPlus Editing Commands
25Interaction between SQL and SQLPLUS
SQL Queries
SQL Queries
Query Results
SQLPlus Commands
Formatted Report
26Sample Databases
- College student database
- 10 tables to store student master records,
faculty master records, course master records,
term-by-term course offerings, and student
registration by each term and supporting tables
for lookup and additional information for basic
entities in the database
27Sample Databases
- Corporation Employee Database
- 6 tables to keep track of the employees basic
information and the companys organizational
structure, payroll, raises, and promotion-related
28Alternate Text Editors
- SQLPlus editor is a line editor
- User has no control over the screen
- Difficult to use
- Need more training
- Use alternative editors, like Notepad.
- EDIT (or ED)
29Oracle Online Help
- SQLPlus environment
- help topic
- E.g. help show, help index
- Explanation of an error messages
- Click Start-gt Programs-gtOracle for Windows xx -gt
Oracle 8 Error messages, or - Double clicking on http//goofy.is.ualr.edu7777/o
30Oracle Database Account
- Username
- First letter of the first name plus
- First letter of the initial and plus
- last name (first 6 characters, if gt 7 characters)
- E.g. David A. Scott -gt dascott
- Password
- The student ID
- Host string
- oraprod.is.ualr.edu
- Change the initial password after login
- SQLgt alter user dascott identified by ltnew
31Logging onto SQLPlus
- Once a user logs on by using supplied valid User
Name, Password and Host String, SQLgt prompt is
displayed. - User can type SQL queries or SQLPlus commands at
the SQLgt prompt.