Title: Tom's Geography Quiz
1Tom's Geography Quiz!
My Geography Quiz will contain 5 questions. These
5 questions will be each on the things you have
learned in year 7, (Population, Earthquakes,
Settlements, parts of Rio de Janeiro the Earth.
2Question 1
How far does the plate which England is on move
away from the American plate each year? Answer
2½cm per year.
3Question 2
What is the population of the world? Answer
About 6,023,723,125 (that is what is was when I
checked)! But the worlds population is vastly
4Question 3
Where do the people from Rio de Janeiro mainly
migrate to? Answer Barra da Tijuca because it
is not too rich like Rio de Janeiro and not poor
like Rocinha.
5Question 4
At what time did the Bam earthquake
occur? Answer It occurred at 527am.
6Question 5
What is a temporary and a permanent
settlement. Answer Temporary staying in a place
for not long. Permanent staying somewhere for a
long time.
Tom Barham
7 Verde/ 7 Durham