Title: Dreaming about a big steak
1Dreaming about a big steak?
Better know your beef! Cow calf, stocker, feedlot
2Cow Calf Cows nursing calves
3Stocker Cattle Weaned calves 500-800 lbs
4Feedlot cattle 800-1200 lbs Finish
5Cull dairy cows Golden Arch Burgers
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11US Cattle Population July 2004
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19Angus Most popular breed
20Charolais Terminal cross breed
21Hereford Used for cross breeding on Angus
22Shorthorn Used in cross breeding
23Limousin Used for crossbreeding
24Brahman Tolerates heat
25Brangus Brahman X Angus
26Chianina Cross to make show steers
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37Part of 150 cow WKU beef herd
38- Typical life cycle of a Kentucky beef animal
- Born in early March on a Barren County Farm
weight 85 lbs - Father is Angus, mother is mixed breed
- Vaccinated, castrated, dewormed, dehorned by 4 mo
of age - Exposed to creep feeder at 3-4 mo of age
- Weaned in September and sold 3 weeks later the
Bowling Green sale barn (Barren River Livestock)
weight 620 pounds at 1.05 pound 651 - Bought for a rancher in Guymon Oklahoma by a
Kentucky order buyer - Rides a Freightliner 53 footer pot belly truck to
new home - Mixed with 600 other calves from all over the
southeast on winter wheat pasture, grazing is the
primary feed but also given a grain mix - In December at about sold to a cattle speculator
Weight 800 lbs sale price .93 pound or 744
speculator seeds calf to Decater County Feedyard
in the Texas panhandle - Feedyard custom feeds the calf for 128 days to a
weight of 1220 lbs then in May sends it to Excel
Packing for processing on rail the carcass
weighs 829 lbs and brings 1.40 lb 1161.44
39Weaned calves taken away from their mother
40Weaned calves prior to weaning they are
vaccinated to prevent disease
41Weaned calves prior to weaning they are offered
grain in a feeder
42Weaned calves learn to drink from a trough
43Weaned calves treated for parasites and
44Weaned calves sold at auction market in graded
45Weaned calves trucked west for stocker operations
46Weaned calves become yearlings graze wheat from
600-850 lbs
47Weaned calves become yearlings graze wheat from
600-850 lbs then are sold as yearlings to a
feedlot for finishing
48All live animals are inspected prior to slaughter
and all meat is inspected prior to sale
- ranks 1st east of Mississippi river in beef
animal numbers - is 8th nationally in beef cattle numbers
- could double its beef production
- has many small herds and part time farmers
- genetics has greatly improved