Title: Treatment of unexplained infertility
1Treatment of unexplained infertility
- Dr. Ashraf Fouda
- Consultant obstetrics gynecology
- Damietta General Hospital
- It is relatively simple to identify the cause of
infertility in women with ovulatory disorders or
tubal disease and in men with semen
abnormalities. - These categories account for the source of
infertility in approximately 75 of couples. - Infertility in the remaining 25 of couples is
due to endometriosis (8 ) or miscellaneous
factors (eg, cervical factor, immunological
factor, uterine synechiae) (2 ) or is
unexplained (15 ) 1-3.
- Unexplained infertility refers to the absence of
a definable cause for a couple's failure to
achieve pregnancy after 12 months of attempting
conception despite a thorough evaluation 4. - Authorities vary in their concept of what
constitutes a thorough evaluation, the nature of
which has evolved over time.
5Thorough evaluation typically includes
documentation of
- Adequate ovulation
- using either a mid-luteal phase serum
progesterone greater than 10 ng/mL or urine
testing documenting the LH surge. - More resource-intensive approaches would be to
perform serial transvaginal ultrasounds to
monitor the development and rupture of a dominant
ovarian follicle or an endometrial biopsy to
demonstrate secretory changes in the endometrium.
6Thorough evaluation typically includes
documentation of
- Tubal patency
hysterosalpingogram or laparoscopy. - Normal uterine cavity
as documented by
hysterosalpingogram, hysteroscopy, or
sonohysterogram. - Normal semen analysis
- 20 million sperm per mL,
- greater than 50 forward motility, and
- greater than 40 normal morphology
(using World Health Organization criteria).
7Thorough evaluation typically includes
documentation of
- Adequate ovarian oocyte reserve
- using either a cycle day 3 follicle stimulating
hormone (FSH) concentration less than 15 mIU/mL
5,6 or a clomiphene challenge test (ie,
clomiphene citrate 100 mg daily is administered
on cycle days 5 to 9 an FSH level less than
15 mIU/mL on both cycle days 3 and 10 is normal).
- However, the upper threshold for a normal FSH
concentration is laboratory dependent cutoff
values of 10 to 25 mIU/mL have been reported
because of use of different FSH assay reference
8Role of laparoscopy
- Fertility specialists differ on whether
laparoscopy is an important component of a
thorough infertility evaluation. - In many fertility centers, laparoscopy is not
performed prior to initiating therapy for
infertility because it requires general
anesthesia and is a resource intensive step.
9Role of laparoscopy
- However, numerous studies indicate that for
couples with a normal initial infertility
work-up, laparoscopy will demonstrate previously
undetected stage I or II endometriosis or
periovarian or peritubal adhesions in a
substantial proportion of women. - Detection of these abnormalities may result in
alternative treatment plans, such as surgery for
endometriosis or direct referral to an IVF
program if there are peritubal adhesions 7-9.
10Role of laparoscopy
- However, the trend of referring infertile couples
to IVF relatively quickly has led many
authorities to note that laparoscopy could
probably be avoided in women with a normal HSG
since the presence of endometriosis and adhesions
does not markedly influence the effectiveness of
IVF treatment 10.
11Role of laparoscopy
- In making a decision, clinicians and couples
need to weigh - the availability of resources,
- the risk associated with laparoscopy, and
- the knowledge that laparoscopy demonstrates
abnormalities not otherwise detected by other
infertility tests and that - laparoscopic treatment of minimal and mild
endometriosis enhances fecundity.
- The exact etiology of unexplained infertility is
unknown, but several possibilities have been
proposed. - Subtle changes in follicle development,
ovulation, and the luteal phase have been
reported in some women with unexplained
infertility 11,12. - In other couples, the male partner's semen
analysis shows sperm concentration and motility
at the lower end of the normal range 13.
- Many cases of unexplained infertility are
probably caused by the presence of
multiple factors (eg, female partner over
35 years of age, male partner with low normal
semen parameters), each of which on their own do
not significantly reduce fertility, but can
reduce the pregnancy rate when combined.
- Couples with unexplained infertility who are
treated with in vitro fertilization (IVF)
demonstrate reduced oocyte fertilization and
embryo cleavage rates compared to couples in whom
tubal factor is the cause of the infertility,
although the rates of live birth per transfer are
equivalent for both groups. - This was illustrated in a study that showed that
the oocyte fertilization and embryo cleavage rate
for unexplained and tubal factor infertility were
52 and 60 percent, respectively 14.
- Couples with unexplained infertility also had a
higher rate of complete fertilization failure
when treated with IVF than couples with tubal
factor infertility (6 versus 3 percent). - These results suggest that couples with
unexplained infertility probably have
subtle functional abnormalities in
oocyte and/or sperm function.
- The management of couples with unexplained
infertility - Usually starts with treatments that consume few
(e.g., life style changes,
tubal flushing, intrauterine insemination IUI,
clomiphene, clomiphene plus IUI) and - Moves sequentially to treatments requiring
proportionately greater resources
(e.g., gonadotropin
injections plus IUI or IVF) .
- Life style changes
- Expectant management
- Timed intercourse
- Tubal flushing
18Life style changes
- Epidemiological studies indicate
- Cigarette smoking,
- Abnormal body mass index, and
- Excessive caffeine consumption and
- Excessive alcohol consumption
reduce fertility in the
female partner. - Couples with unexplained infertility should be
informed of a possible relationship between
cigarette smoking and their infertility and
advised to stop smoking for this reason, as well
as for benefits in overall health.
19Life style changes
- The female partner should be counseled to try to
achieve a body mass index between 20 and 27
kg/m2, reduce caffeine intake to no more than 250
mg daily (two cups of coffee), and reduce alcohol
intake to no more than four standardized drinks
per week . - These changes may be useful for enhancing both
natural and assisted conception . - This is also an appropriate time to mention
life-style changes for health promotion to the
male partner for his general health benefits. - Couples with unexplained infertility and a low
frequency of coitus should increase coital
frequency to two to three times per week .
20Expectant management
- Approximately 1 to 3 of couples with
unexplained infertility followed prospectively
without active treatment become pregnant each
month 19. - Therefore, effective fertility treatment for
unexplained infertility must demonstrate an
increase in the pregnancy rate above this
baseline fecundability. - The age of the female partner influences the
pregnancy rate associated with expectant
management 20. - Women with unexplained infertility older than 37
years of age have a pregnancy rate of less than 1
per cycle with expectant management.
21Expectant management
- In a randomized trial, six months of expectant
management for couples with a good prognosis for
fertility (young age, no bilateral tubal disease,
no sperm problems) was associated with an ongoing
pregnancy rate comparable to that achieved with
intrauterine insemination plus gonadotropin
injections 21. - Thus, expectant management may be an option for a
couple with unexplained infertility in whom the
female partner is less 32 years of age and the
problem of oocyte depletion is not an immediate
22Expectant management
- However, the ovarian oocyte pool declines rapidly
for women over 37 years of age, inevitably
causing ovarian aging to become a major component
of the fertility problem. - Thus, expectant management is not recommended for
these women.
23Timed intercourse
- Conception after intercourse is possible from 5
days before ovulation through the day of
ovulation 22,23. - The highest probability of conception appears to
be with intercourse 1 to 2 days before ovulation
23-25. - Therefore, attempting to identify the fertile
period and timing intercourse during this
interval maximizes the probability of conception.
24Timed intercourse
- This can be inferred by comparing the results of
the following studies
- The first series consisted of 100 fertile couples
who conceived without timed intercourse and
reported pregnancy rates of 50 at 3 months, 75
at 6 months, and over 90 at
12 months, whereas - The second series of similar couples who used a
method of fertility awareness with timed
intercourse observed pregnancy rates of 76 at
one month and 100 at seven months 26.
25Identifying the fertile period
- Measurement of urinary luteinizing hormone is the
most widely utilized prospective method for
identifying the fertile period. - Better alternatives are methods that have the
woman examine her vaginal discharge for changes
suggestive of a preovulatory estrogen effect,
such as an increased volume of clear, stretchy,
slippery mucus. - Calendar and basal body temperature (BBT) methods
are not very reliable for identifying the fertile
period because of normal variation in cycle
length and because the temperature rise
associated with ovulation occurs too late to be
useful in the index cycle 26.
26Tubal flushing
- Several studies have reported
increased pregnancy rates after diagnostic
hysterosalpingography. - The value of this technique was illustrated in a
Cochrane review of 11 randomized trials 27.
27Tubal flushing
- The major findings from this analysis were
- Tubal flushing with oil-soluble media versus no
intervention was associated with a significant
increase in pregnancy rate . - Tubal flushing with oil-soluble media was not
significantly more effective than tubal flushing
with water-soluble media for achieving pregnancy
. - The addition of oil-soluble media to flushing
with water-soluble media (water-soluble plus
oil-soluble media versus water-soluble media
alone) also did not show a significant benefit
for achieving pregnancy .
28Tubal flushing
- In summary, tubal flushing with oil-soluble media
at the time of HSG appears to improve
fecundability in the period of time after the
procedure. - The effect of water-soluble media on pregnancy
rate and its efficacy compared to oil-soluble
media are less clear , as randomized trials in
these areas are either nonexistent (water-soluble
versus no intervention) or had study design
variations that preclude reliable comparisons.
- Intrauterine insemination (IUI)
- Clomiphene citrate
- Clomiphene plus IUI
- Gonadotropin injections with or without IUI
- In vitro fertilization
- Couples of all ages often become frustrated with
their inability to conceive. - Active treatment is recommended for these couples
when expectant management and life style
modification fail to result in pregnancy. - The interventions increase the number of gametes
available in a given cycle and/or facilitate the
ability of the gametes to interact.
31Intrauterine insemination (IUI)
- The (IUI) procedure consists of
- Washing an ejaculated semen specimen to remove
prostaglandins, - Concentrating the sperm in a small volume of
culture media, and - Injecting the sperm suspension directly into the
upper uterine cavity using a small catheter
threaded through the cervix.
32Intrauterine insemination
- Soft and firm catheters are both effective,
---the soft catheter is a little more
difficult to use because of bending,
firm catheter is a little more uncomfortable for
the patient 28. - In natural cycle IUI, the insemination is timed
to take place just prior to spontanteous
ovulation, typically determined by using home
urine luteinizing hormone (LH) measurement.
33Intrauterine insemination
- IUI is also frequently employed in combination
with ovulation induction. - Pregnancy rates are highest when the male
abstains from ejaculation for 48 to 72 hours
prior to producing a specimen for IUI 29. - A systematic review reported that there is
insufficient evidence to recommend one sperm
preparation technique over another 30.
34Intrauterine insemination
- Thresholds for sperm count and percent normal
morphology have also not been determined. - One large study of 889 couples who underwent 2564
IUI cycles suggested IVF should be recommended
unless at least 5 million motile spermatozoa
could be inseminated when there was lt30 percent
normal morphology after sperm preparation 31. - Others have suggested a lower threshold of 10
million 32
35Intrauterine insemination
- In couples diagnosed with male infertility,
IUI more than doubles the pregnancy rate
compared to intracervical insemination or timed
natural cycles 33. - As an example, one study of couples with mild
male infertility reported the pregnancy rates per
cycle for IUI versus intracervical insemination
or timed natural intercourse were 6.5 and 3.1
percent, respectively 34.
36Intrauterine insemination
- IUI also appears to be effective for couples with
unexplained infertility. - In a large clinical trial sponsored by the
National Institutes of Health (NIH), 932
infertile couples were randomly assigned to one
of four treatment groups 13 - Intracervical insemination of sperm (ICI)
- Intrauterine insemination of sperm (IUI)
- FSH injections plus ICI
- FSH injections plus IUI
37Intrauterine insemination
- The purpose of the ICI was to act as a control
treatment mimicking natural intercourse the
purpose of IUI was to place a large number of
sperm high in the reproductive tract and the
purpose of FSH injections was to stimulate
multiple follicular development and ovulation,
thereby increasing the number of oocytes
available for fertilization in a single cycle. - Most of the women in this study had either
unexplained infertility or early stage
38Intrauterine insemination
- The investigators found that the per cycle
pregnancy rate in the group that received the
control ICI treatment was 2 per cycle, which is
a pregnancy rate similar to that achieved with
expectant management. - IUI treatment was associated with a 5 per cycle
pregnancy rate. - Therefore, IUI was clearly effective for the
treatment of unexplained infertility.
39Clomiphene citrate
- Clomiphene has been demonstrated to be effective
in the treatment of infertility due to
oligoanovulation or anovulation. - A meta-analysis of 11 prospective trials of
clomiphene treatment for women with unexplained
infertility demonstrated clomiphene was superior
to placebo or no treatment 35. - In one trial, 118 female partners from couples
with unexplained infertility were randomly
assigned to treatment with placebo or clomiphene
citrate (100 mg daily, cycle days 2 to 6) 36. - The per cycle pregnancy rates were 5 and 7
respectively . - Although the absolute treatment effect is modest,
the low cost and low side effects of clomiphene
make it a useful initial treatment for
unexplained infertility.
40Clomiphene citrate
- The main complication of clomiphene is an
increase in the incidence of multiple gestation. - In one study of 2369 clomiphene induced
pregnancies, the incidence of twins, triplets,
quadruplets, and quintuplets was 7, 0.5, 0.3, and
0.13 percent, respectively 37. - The risk of high-order multiple pregnancies with
clomiphene treatment is low, but the high volume
of clomiphene cycles makes this intervention an
important contributor to the total number of
high-order pregnancies 38.
41Clomiphene plus IUI
- The combination of clomiphene (to increase the
rate of double ovulation) plus IUI (to place a
large number of motile sperm high in the female
reproductive tract) may simultaneously treat mild
abnormalities of ovulation, oocyte function, and
sperm function. - In one randomized study, 67 couples were assigned
to treatment with clomiphene plus IUI or placebo
39. - The pregnancy rate per cycle was 9.5 percent for
clomiphene plus IUI and 3.3 percent for placebo.
42Clomiphene plus IUI
- The optimal method for timing IUI is to use a
commercial kit to determine daily urinary LH
levels starting on day 10 of the cycle. - IUI is performed when urinary LH is detected.
- This method is as effective, but less expensive,
than timing based on ultrasound monitoring of
folliculogenesis with hCG injection and IUI upon
development of a leading follicle 40-42. - Clinical trials have demonstrated that when
ovarian stimulation with clomiphene or FSH is
combined with IUI, one IUI per cycle is as
effective as two 43.
43Gonadotropin injections with or without IUI
- Gonadotropin injection can be effective in
patients who do not conceive with clomiphene
therapy. - As discussed above, a large clinical trial
sponsored by the NIH randomly assigned 932
infertile couples with unexplained infertility or
early stage endometriosis to one of four
treatment groups ICI, IUI, FSH injections plus
ICI, or FSH injections plus IUI 13.
44Gonadotropin injections with or without IUI
- The pregnancy rate in the control ICI group was 2
per cycle, while in the FSH plus ICI and the
FSH plus IUI groups the pregnancy rate per cycle
was 4 and 9 respectively 13. - Therefore, FSH plus ICI and FSH plus IUI were
clearly effective for the treatment of
unexplained infertility. - One IUI per FSH cycle is as effective as two 43.
45Gonadotropin injections with or without IUI
- In another study of gonadotropin injections with
or without IUI, 62 couples with unexplained
infertility were randomly assigned to receive IUI
alone, gonadotropin injections alone, or
gonadotropin injections plus IUI 44. - The per cycle pregnancy rate was 2.2 for IUI
alone, 6.1 for gonadotropin injections alone,
and 26 for gonadotropin injections plus IUI. - Similar results have been reported by other
investigators, confirming the higher efficacy of
a combined approach using both gonadotropin
injection and IUI 45,46.
46Gonadotropin injections with or without IUI
- There is no convincing evidence that the addition
of a GnRH agonist or antagonist to a
gonadotropin/IUI cycle improves pregnancy
outcome. - In one study of 91 couples randomly assigned to
treatment with gonadotropin/IUI or a GnRH agonist
plus gonadotropin/IUI, the pregnancy rate per
cycle was similar in both groups (11 and 13
percent, respectively) 47. - Use of a GnRH antagonist with a gonadotropin/IUI
regimen also does not appear to improve pregnancy
47Gonadotropin injections with or without IUI
- Many authorities believe that the use of
gonadotropin injections plus IUI should be
limited to no more than three cycles because most
pregnancies with this treatment will occur in
the first three cycles 49.
48Gonadotropin injections with or without IUI
- The main complication of the use of FSH
injections in the treatment of infertility in
women with unexplained infertility is an increase
in the rates of multiple gestation and ovarian
hyperstimulation. - As an example, the type and rate of multiple
gestation in ongoing pregnancies from this study
were quadruplets (3 ), triplets (5 ), and twins
(20 ) 37. - Triplet and quadruplet pregnancy are associated
with major maternal and fetal complications. - Some authorities believe that gonadotropin
injections with or without IUI should not be
widely used in the treatment of unexplained
infertility because of the risk of multiple
gestation 50.
49In vitro fertilization
- IVF appears useful for treatment of unexplained
infertility. - A randomized clinical trial of women with
subfertility (unexplained in 38 percent) and
tubal patency compared IVF to expectant
management and found a significantly increased
pregnancy rate in couples assigned to IVF (20/68
versus 1/71) 51. - A cohort study of couples with unexplained
infertility initially treated the woman with
gonadotropin injections plus IUI for up to three
cycles and then used IVF to treat those who did
not conceive 52.
50In vitro fertilization
- The per cycle pregnancy rate was more than twice
as high in couples treated with IVF compared to
those treated with gonadotropin injections plus
IUI (37 and 16 percent, respectively). - Cohort studies of treatment of unexplained
infertility with IVF with no control group have
reported per cycle pregnancy rates of 20 to 40
percent 53. - Large, comparative trials using different
treatment modalities in couples with unexplained
infertility are warranted 54.
- Clinical trials of the treatment of unexplained
infertility have shown that administration of
either bromocriptine or danazol was not effective
- The economic impact of medical treatments are of
great concern in a resource limited environment. - One study of the cost per live birth for various
treatments of unexplained infertility reported
the following costs - clomiphene plus IUI - 10,000 per pregnancy,
- FSH plus IUI - 17,000 per pregnancy, and
- IVF - 50,000 per pregnancy 57.
- This analysis supports the use of low resource
intensive treatments prior to initiation of high
resource intensive procedures in the treatment of
unexplained infertility.
- Unexplained infertility is a source of anxiety
for couples desiring pregnancy. - One to 3 percent of these couples will become
pregnant per cycle with no intervention. - Lifestyle changes may increase the pregnancy rate
slightly, but IVF increases the per cycle
pregnancy rate from 20 to 40 percent. - Useful treatments include IUI, clomiphene
citrate, clomiphene plus IUI, gonadotropin
injections, gonadotropin injections plus IUI, and
IVF. - However, efficacy is not the only consideration
in choosing therapy.
- The approach to the treatment of unexplained
infertility should balance the efficacy, cost,
safety, and risks of various treatment
alternatives and begin with low cost
interventions and escalate over time to more
resource intensive interventions. - Individual treatment steps should be recommended
for no more than three to six months. - Unexplained infertility cannot be diagnosed until
an infertile couple completes a thorough
fertility evaluation that includes evaluation of
ovarian oocyte reserve (day 3 FSH or clomiphene
challenge test) and laparoscopy.
- Expectant management is associated with a per
cycle pregnancy rate of about 2 percent. - Expectant management may be an appropriate
therapy for couples where the female partner is
less than 32 years of age. - For women over 37 years of age, the ovarian
follicular pool can become depleted during
expectant management, resulting in untreatable
infertility. - Lifestyle changes, such as discontinuing
cigarette smoking, may increase fertility in
women with unexplained infertility.
- The approach to the treatment of unexplained
infertility should balance the efficacy, cost,
safety, and risks of various treatment
alternatives. - Treatment should begin with low cost
interventions (lifestyle changes, IUI alone,
clomiphene alone, and clomiphene plus IUI) and
escalate over time to more resource intensive
interventions (gonadotropin injections plus IUI,
- Individual treatment steps should be recommended
for no more than three to six months. - IVF is the intervention that will result in the
highest per cycle pregnancy rate in the shortest
time interval. - It is also the most costly intervention and has a
high rate of high order multiple pregnancy 58.
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