Title: Words to Know The Mesmerizer by Mark Tain
1Words to Know The Mesmerizerby Mark Tain
2Words to Know
Goal To make sure to use enough context in your
sentences to show the true meaning of the
vocabulary words
3Words to Know usurping
noun taking someones place wrongfully
(usually used as a verb usurp)
The usurping displayed by the governor was looked
down upon.
4Words to Know usurping
noun taking someones place wrongfully
(usually used as a verb usurp)
The usurping displayed by the governor taking
over illegally was looked down upon.
5Words to Know usurping
noun taking someones place wrongfully
(usually used as a verb usurp)
When the governor took the position illegally, he
was usurping the role for his benefit.
6Words to Know rapt
The audience was rapt by the orchestras
adjective deeply moved, delighted, or absorbed
7Words to Know rapt
The audience was rapt by the orchestras
piece, as evidenced by the tears on their faces.
adjective deeply moved, delighted, or absorbed
8Words to Know rapt
The rapt audience was moved to tears by the
orchestras piece.
adjective deeply moved, delighted, or absorbed
9Words to Know credulity
noun an inclination to believe too readily
His credulity was his biggest disadvantage.
10Words to Know credulity
noun an inclination to believe too readily
His credulity, or willingness to easily believe
everything, was his biggest disadvantage.
11Words to Know credulity
noun an inclination to believe too readily
Because of his credulity, he believed
practically everything he heard, which was a huge
disadvantage for him
12Words to Know implacable
adjective impossible to satisfy
The prince was very implacable when it came to
13Words to Know implacable
adjective impossible to satisfy
The prince was very implacable when it came to
food he could eat practically forever.
14Words to Know implacable
adjective impossible to satisfy
The prince was very implacable when it came to
food because he was so picky.
15Words to Know collusion
noun a secret agreement for a deceitful purpose
The hit man formed a collusion with the
16Words to Know collusion
noun a secret agreement for a deceitful purpose
The hit man formed a collusion, or a secret
agreement, with the gangster.
17Words to Know collusion
noun a secret agreement for a deceitful purpose
The hit man formed a collusion with the
gangster, agreeing to secretly work together
against the mob boss.
18Words to Know gullible
adjective easily deceived or tricked
The young child was gullible.
19Words to Know gullible
adjective easily deceived or tricked
The young child was gullible, believing
everything we told him.
20Words to Know gullible
adjective easily deceived or tricked
The young child was so gullible that he was
easily fooled.
21Words to Know confederate
noun one who assists in a plot associate
My friend is a confederate of mine.
22Words to Know confederate
noun one who assists in a plot associate
My friend is a confederate, or secret associate,
of mine.
23Words to Know confederate
noun one who assists in a plot associate
My friend has agreed to become my confederate
and help me steal the flag.
24Words to Know unassailable
adjective impossible to dispute or disprove
It is unassailable that the universe goes on
25Words to Know unassailable
adjective impossible to dispute or disprove
It is unassailable that the universe goes on
forever you just cannot argue against the fact.
26Words to Know unassailable
adjective impossible to dispute or disprove
It is unassailable that the universe goes on
forever, unless you have some proof that no one
else has seen.
27Words to Know odious
adjective arousing, or worthy of, strong dislike
The annoying girl was odious.
28Words to Know odious
adjective arousing, or worthy of, strong dislike
The annoying girl was so odious that no one
wanted to be around her.
29Words to Know odious
adjective arousing, or worthy of, strong dislike
The annoying girl was odious no one liked her
at all.
30Words to Know dissemble
verb to disguise or conceal behind a false
I will dissemble myself on Halloween.
31Words to Know dissemble
verb to disguise or conceal behind a false
I will dissemble my identity on Halloween, so
that know one will know who I am
32Words to Know dissemble
verb to disguise or conceal behind a false
A good Halloween costume will dissemble ones
true identity.