Title: Notetaking tips:
1Notetaking tips
Write down all dates.
Write down names of people that are discussed for
at least a page.
Write down events that are discussed for at least
a page or two.
2Part one
3Part two
4Part three
the prisoners are told Iatht-hey'r
5Part four
61-30-33 President Hindenburg appoints Adolf
Hitler as Reichs Chancellor (Prime Minister).
3-5-33 Hitler takes full control of Germany.
3-20-33 First concentration camp, Dachau,
3-23-33 (Hitler) legislative authority.
5-10-33 Burning of books written by Jews and
opponents of Nazism.
8-2-34 President Hindenburg dies. Offices of
President and Chancellor combined. Hitler becomes
sole leader (Fuhrer) and Commander in Chief of
the Armed Forces.
7-16-37 Buchenwald concentration camp opens.
Autumn-1937 Beginning of the systematic take over
of Jewish property.
71-30-39 Hitler predicts in the parliament of the
"extermination of the Jewish race in Europe" in
the event of war.
9-1-39 Germany attacks Poland. World War II
10-08-39 First ghetto
4-27-40 Himmler directive to establish a
concentration camp at Auschwitz.
9-3-41 First gassing tests in Auschwitz.
12-7-41 Japanese attack Pearl Harbor.
Starting end of Mar-42 Arrival of initial
transports of Jews at the concentration and
extermination camps Auschwitz (Auschwitz I
Auschwitz II).
7-4-42 Start of mass gassings at Auschwitz.
812-17-42 Allies solemnly condemn the
extermination of the Jews and promise to punish
the perpetrators.
10-20-43 U.N. War Crimes Commission is
11-26-44 Himmler orders the destruction of the
crematorium at Auschwitz-Birkenau, as Nazis try
to hide evidence of the death camps.
98-6-45 First atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima.
4-30-45 Hitler commits suicide.
1-17-45 Evacuation of Auschwitz. The "Death
March" of prisoners begins.
8-15-45 Japan surrenders End of World War II.
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