Title: Silly Putty An Inventive Accident
1 Silly Putty An Inventive Accident
- A Power Point by Heide Fry
2Who Invented Silly Putty?
- Invented by James Wright
- Engineer at General Electric
- Peter Hodgson bought the production rights for
147 - He renamed it Silly Putty
- Packaged it in plastic eggs
3Why Was It Invented?
- The government needed a rubber substitute
- Asked big companies to have their engineers and
scientists try to develop rubber from silicon
4How Was It Invented?
- James Wright spilled boric acid into silicon
- Not a good rubber substitute
- General Electric sent it to scientists
- Peter Hodgson renamed it
- Packaged it in eggs
- Sold it as a childs toy
5What Does It Do?
- Pretty unique substance
- Stretches yet snaps
- Bounces higher than a rubber ball
- Floats yet sinks
- Holds shape when struck with a hammer yet can be
smashed - Can pick up comics from a newspaper
6Who Uses It?
- Children
- Adults
- People recovering from strokes and other injuries
- Athletes to build hand and arm strength
- Zookeepers to lift animal tracks
- People trying to quit smoking
- Dry Cleaners
7(No Transcript)
8Inventions That Worked
How was it invented?
Why was it invented?
Who invented it?
When was it invented?
What does it do?
Who uses it?
9Inventions That Worked
How was it invented?
Why was it invented?
Wright mixed silicon oil with boric acid. It was
not a good substitute for rubber, and for a
while, no one could think of a use for it.
Government wanted a rubber substitute made of
silicon. So they asked big companies to have
their engineers work on it.
Silly Putty
Who invented it?
When was it invented?
James Wright
1944, During WWII
What does it do?
Who uses it?
Stretch it without breaking, snap it off cleanly,
bounces higher than a rubber ball, floats, sinks,
and lifts up comics!
Kids, adults, athletes, people recovering from
strokes and other injuries, plumbers, and people
trying to quit smoking.
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Preset Peacock
44 Bold
Times Roman
Web Pics of Silly Putty
Times Roman
12 Silly Putty An Inventive Accident
- A Power Point by Heide Fry
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One Color Diagonal Down
44 Bold
Times Roman
Web Pic of Silly Putty
Times Roman
14Who Invented Silly Putty?
- Invented by James Wright
- Engineer at General Electric
- Peter Hodgson bought the production rights for
147 - He renamed it Silly Putty
- Packaged it in plastic eggs