Title: Comets and Asteroids: Destroyers and Creators
1Comets and Asteroids Destroyers and Creators
- Paul J. Thomas
- Department of Physics and Astronomy
- University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire
Ida and Dactyl, from the Galileo spacecraft
3The Asteroid Belt
Comet Hale-Bopp
5The Kuiper Belt and Oort Cloud
6The Surface of a Comet
Rosetta/Philae landing on Churyumov-Gerasimenko
Giotto flyby of Halley (1986)
7Organic Molecules in Comets and Asteroids
- Carbonaceous chondrite asteroids are 3-5 organic
by mass. - 3 of organic asteroidal carbon is amino acids.
- Halley dust is 30 organic by mass.
- Halley gas is 14 organic by mass.
8The Early Terrestrial Environment
- Earliest fossil evidence for life 3.8 Gya.
- Heavy Bombardment ended 3.8 Gya.
- Did comet impacts deliver water and organic
molecules important for the origins of life?
9Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9
10Asteroid 1997XF11
- 2 km diameter asteroid.
- Brian Marsden (Harvard) calculated 2028 close
approach of 40,000?180,000 km! - Paul Chodas and Don Yeomans (JPL) revised this to
80,000?2,500 km. - Still, it will almost certainly hit Earth
11June 30, 1908 Tunguska Airburst
- Shock waves felt 60 km away.
- 2200 km2 area of felled trees.
- No central crater, but stand of trees stripped of
bark and leaves.
12The Tunguska Epicenter
13Tunguska Blast Site
- Butterfly pattern consistent with incidence
angle of ?45ยบ, airburst height of 10 km (Zotkin
and Tsikulin, 1966 Korobeinikov et al., 1976)
14Meteor Crater, Arizona
- 50,000 years old.
- 15 MT event.
- Iron asteroid.
1515 MT Airburst Models
Tunguska, 1908
Once in 300 years
17Small Terrestrial Impacts
Once in 10,000 years
Barringer Meteor Crater, 50,000 y
18Large Terrestrial Impacts
Once in 100,000 years
Gosses Bluff, 143 My
19Civilization-Ending Impacts
Vredefort, 1,970 My
Once in a million years
Manicouagan, 210 My
20Extinction-Level Events
Once in a 100 million years
Chicxulub, 65 My
21Spacewatch Telescopes
0.9 and 1.8 m telescopes discover 20 Near Earth
Spacewatch telescope, Kitt Peak, Arizona
1994 GK
1994 GL
1994 XM1
22One thing Armageddon got right
- Mr. President, NASAs budget for hunting the sky
for asteroids is only a million dollars a year
and - excuse my language - its a real big-assed
sky out there. - NASAs Executive Director, Dan Truman
- (Billy Bob Thornton)
- Opening weekend grosses
- for Deep Impact 41.1 million
- for Armageddon 34.8 million
23The Threat is Real
- In any year
- Probability of 1/100,000 of Earth being hit,
without warning, by an undiscovered NEO 1 km in
diameter. - Probability of 1/1,000 to 1/100 of Earth being
hit, without warning, by an undiscovered NEO 60
m in diameter. - These unknown NEOs currently pose a far greater
risk than any known NEO. - Rick Binzel, Ted Bowell, Clark Chapman, Paul
Chodas, Paolo Farinella, Al Harris,
Andrea Milani, David Morrison, Steve Ostro, Don