Title: Final Power Point Project
1Final Power Point Project
Patrick Griffin
- Pgriffin (Already Italicized)
- March 17, 2003
2The picture on the first page was taken in my
backyard back in Thousand Oaks, Ca. It was going
to be the picture for this page until I
remembered that I had this picture so I decided
that Id use both.
The picture is almost self-explanatory. Go Linux!
3Class Assignments
The rating was from 1-10 where 7 was about
average interest/usefulness and a 10 was
excellent and a 0 was an absolute waste of time.
As a note, Id like to say that assignment 2 was
probably my most hated assignment because looking
for specific details on a web page was annoying,
but assignment 4 would have to be the most boring.
4Im going to devote these last few pages to a
game called Exile which is a MUD that I play
online because I think that the game somewhat
relates to the class, and since I have nothing
else to right about.
For Information about the game
- My web page http//www.angelfire.com/ca7/Exilehel
- The official web page http//exile.linex.com
- And http//www.geocities.com/cypher497/
- Exile is a game that you connect through the
internet using either telnet, which is
automatically installed with windows, or some
equivalent program such as mudmaster 2000 or
zmud. - The game is completely text-based and is a free
RPG where you go around a fantasy world killing
monster to get experience, find weapons, and make
friends the basic storyline for any RPG. - This game should not be confused with the popular
adventure game of Myst III Exile, which has
absolutely nothing to do with this. - There are multiple character classes thief,
warrior, mage, and cleric, and there are multiple
races halfling, dwarf, elf, and human. Plus four
final classes nightblade, ranger, illusionist,
and monk. All having different abilities, spells,
and attributes. - If someone happens to be interested in the game
e-mail me and I could help get them started.
6The End
Thanks for watching my Power Point Show And now
Your Moment of Zen -(Comedy Centrals the Daily
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