Title: 1'4 Westminster Pathfinder interventions
11.4 Westminster Pathfinder interventions
2Family Recovery ProjectFrom Pathfinder to
Service Transformationlessons and
3Natasha Bishopp Head of Family Recovery.
- Background
- The FRP model
- The numbers
- Trends
- Cost avoidance
- Discussion
5 Background
- The thinking
- Think Family
- Parenting agenda
- Broken Britain
- Unified public services
- The actions
- DCSF funding
- Integration ASB and crime FIPs, FIP PLUS!
- Family Recovery as a Westminster concept
6 The Model
- Mission statement
- FRP is an integrated, multi-agency team. We will
persistently support and intervene with families
who are at risk of losing their children, home
and/or liberty. This will improve the experience
of the family and their communities. FRP works in
a targeted and phased way to support a familys
capacity for change and to embed and sustain
changes within the family. - FRP families are those which have a history of
non-engagement with services, or those where,
even with multi-agency support, positive change
has been limited or not sustained.
7The Model co-located, multi-agency team
8 The Model whats different?
- Team Around the Family
- Two Lead Professionals for adults and children
- Information Desk
- Consent
- Integrated Family Care Plan adult and
childrens needs - Outcomes and consequences
- Capacity building
- Intensive outreach
- Case management reviews
- All in one project
9The Model whats different?
The Information desk analyst, police
officer, ASB case worker
10The Numbers
The numbers of families since opening, includes
13 FIP families. Where they come from. Approx
40 have primary safeguarding concerns and 50
anti-social or criminal concerns.
11The Numbers complexity of need
- Early stage findings the first 40 families
- High levels of adult mental health concerns - c.
75 - 55 have substance misuse problems
- High levels of domestic violence including post
-traumatic stress disorder in women - 100 have concerns about parenting
- Approx 40 have primary safeguarding concerns
- Approx 50 have anti-social or criminal concerns
12The Numbers early indicators
Evaluation across 20 indicators including
- 39 of known ASB is reduced
- 20 no further ASB
- 47 engaged with service and family functioning
improving - 21 seeking or attending training or further
education - 50 improved schools attendance
- 2 out or 3 teenage mums engaging well with
service - 10 adults now in work or training
- 32 now registered with GPs
- 21 assessed for mental health or receiving
interventions - 16 received immunisations
- 32 engaged with domestic violence practitioners
- 42 benefits checked and updated
- 32 housing arrears cleared or plans in place
- What works - a statement of the obvious
- Information desk multi-agency analysis leads to
better plans - Capacity building and phased, co-ordinated
interventions - Practical intensive outreach support alongside
mental health assessments - Multi-agency partnerships in particular health
visitor and consultations with family therapists
14Cost avoidance
- An over-riding objective for the Council was to
measure the cost avoidance of this new way of
working, to understand how much this intensive
type of work would cost and how could this
preventative work help avoid future costs to
Westminster, its partners and public purse. - Three costs to consider
- What could the family cost in a do nothing
scenario - Actual cost of FRP intervention based on unit
cost or time spent with each family15-20k per
family - Avoidance of future cost to public purse
15Cost avoidance existing costs to services
- Challenging
- Some agencies do not collect data at service user
level - Short term v long term costs e.g. many parents
in need of psychiatric services do not meet the
threshold or comply with treatment, but there are
significant long term costs e.g. to children - Some families need services but do not know how
to access or engage with them, or services are
16Cost avoidance future costs who wins?
- Childrens Social Care - a child in care costs
50k annually, rising to 300k for some young
people - Criminal justice annual costs for a male
prisoner 27k/female prisoner 48k - An unemployed family of four in rented
accommodation costs 30k annually - NHS Obesity
- Mental illness
- Substance misuse - 47k pa per user
- Early death