Title: Subterranean Plant Supply System SPSS
1Subterranean Plant Supply System (SPSS)
- Subterranean irrigation and plant supply with
elastic hoses (the material has been optimized to
a large extent within the last 15 years) - Simple and rapid installation with conventional
agricultural vehicles - Nearly maintenance-free and automated long-term
operation - Implementation of high-tech plant-physiology
measuring techniques - Increase of efficiency, respectively earnings and
cost reduction - Short payback period (usually lt 5 years)
- Locality-specific planning and optimization (soil
conditions, terrain, )
2Subterranean Plant Supply System (SPSS)
Schematic of a subterranean plant feeding system
(SPSS) in the foreground branch connections,
throttle valves and magnetic valves
3Subterranean Plant Supply System (SPSS)
Cutter-plow with elastic hose just before
Rapid installation with a tractor
Trenchless installation hoses laying directly in
the ground with a hose guide
4Subterranean Plant Supply System (SPSS)
Moisture profile with the SPSS under real
conditions (behind a glass front)
Roots are extending homogeniously around a water
5Subterranean Plant Supply System (SPSS)
First results of the SPSS Greece, 1987 In the
foreground Dr. Ständer with his world-record of
C4-plant growth. The plants reached up to a
height of 7 meters!
6Subterranean Plant Supply System (SPSS)
- Benefits
- Extremly water saving irrigation system (no
evaporation!) - Optimum growth through homogenious water
distribution in the soil leading to higher yields - Nearly maintenance-free and automated operation
over years - biologic-dynamic products with a quality level
never reached before - Effective fight against soil parasites
- Reduction of fertilizers by means of a highly
controlled supply - Groundwater will not be chemically effected in a
harmful way (no over-supply of the plants, no