Title: Getting Involved
1Getting Involved
- How to Help Your Children Get the Most Out of
Their Education at Peru Community Schools
2Research Shows That Children of Involved Parents
- Earn higher grades and test scores
- Enroll in higher level courses
- Pass their classes, earn credits, and get
promoted - Attend school regularly
- Have better social skills
- Show improved behavior
- Adapt well to school
- Graduate
- Go on to higher education
3There Are Personal Rewards for You Too
4- Getting involved in your childs school can
improve your relationship with your child.
5- Through involvement at the school, you can meet
new people and develop friendships with other
parents or teachers and administrators.
6- You will stay more informed about policies and
events that affect your child.
7Its fun to do things in the school with your
child and his/her classmates.
8- You may learn new skills when you get involved at
your childs school.
9How Do I Get Started?
- In a way you already have started. By having a
child in the school system, you are automatically
in the parent organization. Just how much you
want to get involved is up to you. Here are some
ways to get started
10Attend School Events
11If someone calls on you to help, accept the
challenge and say YES!
12Contact your schools parent liaison and discuss
- Even with a busy schedule, there are ways to get
involved. If you discuss your schedule with your
schools parent liaison, you may find some things
you can do.
13Each school has a Parent Liaison
- Parent liaisons are here to help with the
organization of each chapter, answer your
questions, and offer resources.They will assist
you in deciding how you can best use your time
and talents to get involved with the school.
14South Peru Parent Liaison
- Jennifer Hopkins
- 472-3154
- jhopkins_at_peru.k12.in.us
- Jennifer is excited about the possibilities at
South Peru and is looking forward to working with
all of you. She wants to hear about your ideas
for helping the school.
15Elmwood Parent Liaison
Tanya Masters 469-1065 tmasters_at_peru.k12.in.us Ta
nya is enthusiastic and looking forward to all
the great things that will happen at Elmwood
this year. She has some great plans, but needs
your input and ideas.
16Blair Pointe Parent Liaison
- Judy Inglehearn
- 469-1164
- jinglehearn_at_peru.k12.in.us
- Judy is full of great ideas for Blair Pointe She
is pleased that so many parents have already told
her they want to be involved. Give her a call
to talk about all the possibilities.
17PJHS Parent Liaison
- Angie Mar burger
- 469-1762
- amarburger_at_peru.k12.in.us
- This is an age that needs more parental
involvement than ever and Angie wants you to know
that there are lots of ways to get involved.
Give her a call to find out what you can do!
Angie Mar burger 469-1762 amarburger_at_peru.k12.in.u
s This is an age that needs more parental
involvement than ever and Angie wants you to know
that there are lots of ways to get involved.
Give her a call to find out what you can do!
18PJHS Parent Liaison
- Dawn Richardson
- 327-1249
- drichardson_at_peru.k12.in.us
- Dawn knows from experience that there are a lot
of needs at the junior high school that can be
met by willing parents. Let her know that you
are one of those parents who will help.
19Here are Just a Few Ideas of Things You Can Do to
Help Out at Your Childs School.
20- Make copies for teachers
- Work with small groups of students
- Send snacks for specified times and events
- Read to the children
- Chaperone a student event or field trip
- Do computer work/entries
- Put up bulletin boards or displays
- Decorate the school
- Take things home to cut out
- Talk to students about your career or interests
21There are so many ways you can get involved in
your childs school. Just give us a call and let
us know you are willing. Together we can reach
for the stars!
22For More Information ContactJan
DouglasParent CoordinatorPeru Community
Schools473-3084 ext. 2337jdouglas_at_peru.k12.in.