Title: I'Executive Summary
I. Executive Summary (Maximum 1 page
double-spaced. Does not count as part of 5 page
length limit) (/10) One to two paragraphs in
length On cover page of your report,
with name, ID, SECTION, and due date.
Briefly identify major problem(s) facing the key
person(s). Summarize recommended plan
of action
- Statement of the problem
- (approximately 1/2 page)
- (/10)
3III. Analysis of the causes of the problem (2
pages) (/30) Theoretical material should link
theory to case issues and should convince the
decision-maker of the validity of your analysis.
IV. Decision criteria and alternate
solutions (approximately 1/2 page) (/10)
Identify criteria against which you will
evaluate solutions. (3) Include at
least three alternative solutions.
Evaluate all solutions against identified
criteria. (Pros and Cons -Subscript. PHRASE
IV.V. Recommended solution, justification and
implementation(2 pages). (/30)
Identify what should be done, when, how and by
whom, to implement your recommended
solution. Include a statement of
downside risk and a contingency plan to address
potential difficulties. Implementation should be
detailed, realistic. INCLUDE -SHORT -MEDIUM -LONG
6Format (/10) Type double-space, in
12-point font, with 1 margins all
around. Use headings and bullet points
to maximize clarity. Use additional 3
pages (maximum) for exhibits. A business
report-like a resumé. It should contain NO
mistakes of grammar, spelling or punctuation.
Anything less than professional quality
demonstrates lack of attention to detail and will
reduce your overall grade.
Executive Summary (TWO PARAGRAPHS) This case
tells of a self-made man, Harvey Finley and his
companys rise to prosperity over only seven
years. His company has thrived on success due to
Harveys decision making and in some cases, being
in the right place ant the right time. One of
the best choices Harvey ever made was hiring
Cathy as the company's receptionist. She
exceeded every expectation that Harvey placed on
her. She became the computer expert, the sales
person, and the receptionist all at once. Cathy
was hired at minimal wage of 14,000 and was
given incentive to help the business prosper.
Harvey gave her 2 of all sales figures as an
incentive to sell. At the time, he thought this
amount would allow her to earn just over 16,000.
To Cathys delight, her 2 sales incentive has
amounted to huge bonuses. She will earn
approximately 128,000 in this current year.
Harvey has only recently realized Cathys salary
and is greatly disturbed because other
hardworking salesmen are only making 60,000.
The main problem in this case is the inadequate
salary, reward and incentive program that now
exists. Other secondary problems involve, lack
of communication, lack of supervision on Harveys
part and blurred job responsibilities. The most
appropriate plan of action is to promote Cathy to
the position of Vice President so that she is
rewarded for her 7 years of hard work and
8- Statement of the Problem
- Primary Problem
- There exists a poor salary, reward and incentive
structure which does not - accurately reflect the organizations
hierarchical structure. - (CONCEPTUAL SENTENCE FORM)
- Sub-Problems
- People who have more responsibility and skills,
and are further up the - hierarchy of the company, have not been paid
more equitably in - the long term.
- 2) Management exercises poor discretion in terms
of incentive and reward systems need to be
modified. - 3) Employees do not know what is expected of
them. - 4) There is a lack of communication between
Harvey and his employees. - (SPECIFIC ISSUES SENTENCE FORM)
9Analysis of Causes (ESSAY FORM) All causes of the
main problem lead to the lack of communication
between the different organizational sectors. No
formal job descriptions and job functions have
been created and communicated by Harvey to his
employees. This has caused the problem of the
overpaid receptionist. Ms. Brannens job was
never well defined with respect to the duties she
needed to fulfill. This idea deals with the
Equity theory of motivating individuals.
Motivating employees also means ensuring that
equity or fairness exists in the workplace.
According to this theory, employees compare
themselves to one another on a constant basis in
order to evaluate their own performance. This
is known as the Social Comparison theory. One way
they evaluate themselves is based on the amount
of money they make and the amount of work they
perform. (Gordon, 2008, p. 25.) (INCORPORATION
AND INTEGRATION OF THEORY). Equity theory shows
that the amount of outputs gained such
This ratio factor can then be compared to another
employee in order to ascertain a meaningful
comparison. (See Exhibit 1) (USE OF EXHIBITS)
Cathy reflects all the positive responses of
having a higher ratio over her fellow employees
including her increase in inputs by meeting with
customers and becoming a computer expert. (See
Exhibit 2) (Gordon, op. cit., p 125) (CORRECT
CITED). The case mentions that Harvey thinks
that it is likely that other employees did know
about it but did not know why they had not
mentioned anything about it as of yet. Many
interpretations can be made about this point.
Humans are hedonistic. Their individual needs
and wants drive them. (Smith, 2006, p. 34)
NUMBER). Thus, other employees may be benefiting
from Harveys over generous rewards and
incentives and do not want to blow the whistle on
the operation.
10 Decision Criteria and Alternative
Solutions There are several factors that need to
be considered to evaluate among the alternatives.
One major factor is how content Cathy will feel
about the decision. Cathy is a major asset to
Harvey. She has been with the company from the
very start and he owes a personal debt of
gratitude to her. Another decision criteria
would be the effect that the decision will have
on the other employees. (ALTERNATIVE SOLUTIONS
Cathy 25,000 regardless of how much she
contributes to the company citing that
receptionists in her field make about 20,000 a
- Alternative 2
- Hire an independent consultant to come in and
assess salary structure, rewards and incentive
plan, who will then recommend how to effectively
pay Harveys employees.
- Alternative 3
- Promote Cathy to Vice-President of the company.
Give her the responsibility of outlining job
functions and responsibilities.
11Recommended Solution, Implementation and
Justification (ESSAY FORM) The recommended
solution is to promote Cathy to the
Vice-president of the company. Short Term
(SPECIFIC TIMELINES CITED) In order to implement
this, Harvey must first outline what Cathys
responsibilities should be. After this is done,
he should meet with Cathy to discuss the
promotion and her new responsibilities. Once
this has been relayed, a meeting must be called
to inform the company of Cathys new role.
Medium Term Cathy must outline specific job
functions and responsibilities as well as design
a proper and effective reward and incentive
plans for the other employees. At this point,
she will also be learning how to manage over the
operations of the business and continue her
excellent work. Cathy should also try to open
the lines of communication more by talking to
other managers and offering feedback as well as
active listening. Long Term Harvey will
need to work with Cathy extensively to decide
upon the future direction of the company as well
as other new strategies that may be worth
implementing. If this plan fails, Cathy should
be put back into her old position and Alternative
two should be used. This means spending the
money on a consultant who would determine salary
structures, rewards and incentives. Failure of
the proposed solution plan would include Cathy
being overwhelmed by the amount of duty and power
she has as well as low productivity by other
employees and sales figures dropping. Promoting
Cathy to Vice-president is the superlative
alternative because it effectively rewards Cathy
for all her hard work over the last seven years.
Cathy was the first person Harvey hired. She
went above and beyond the expectations of Harvey
in everything she did. Her role as a
receptionist was merely a title that she knew she
has outgrown.