Title: Slide sem ttulo
Maria Luiza Zacharias - IBGE, Brazil 17th Round
Table on Business Survey Frames Rome, 26-31 Oct,
- A new organization model was implemented for
business statistics production in 1996 - It was decided not to conduct economic census
every 5 years anymore - Alternatively, there would be a business
register annually updated by the surveys and by
the administrative records.
- The new business register - CEMPRE - supplies the
frames for enterprise sample selection while the
surveys feedback the information into the
4The Central Business Register (CEMPRE) is a
comprehensive database maintained by the
Brazilian Statistical and Geographical Institute
- All legal units
- All economic activities
- Registered by the Tax office.
- Tax identifier CEMPRE Identity code
- Two hierarchical ordered statistical units
Enterprise and Local Unit. - Companies, partnerships, sole proprietors,
government institutions and non-profit
7Maintenance- Main sources
- Survey data feedback
- Social Security Administrative Record RAIS.
- Annual update.
- name
- location
- type of business activity (industry code)
- number of employees,
- total of salaries paid
- information on new enterprises created.
- No access to Income Tax Files.
9Statistical and legal units
- Statistical unit legal unit
10Key-number identification
- All major Admin Records use a unique key-code
inhibiting duplicate enterprises and matching
errors in the BR.
11National Economic Activities Classification- CNAE
- CNAE - comparable to ISIC Rev.3,
- Used by all administrative records
- IBGE is responsible for its definition and
maintenance (CNAE) - CEMPRE - Brazilian best source to provide
industry codes.
- 7,5 million enterprises
- 8,3 million local units
- 4,7 million active enterprises in 2001
- 90 business enterprises
- 10 public organizations and non-profit
institutions - 32,5 million people engaged in 2001
- 81 employees
- 19 owners or partners
13BR Statistics and other outputs
- Annual statistics on the BR data are being
published since 1996 - In September, 2003, we released the 2001
Business Register Statistics.
14Demands for Business Register data
- CEMPRE has been used as a reference tool to
statistical analysis, and to generate lists of
units not only for business for surveys - agricultural, health, association membership,
surveys - non-profit institutions studies
- National Consumer Price Index
- Demand by other institutions seeking to improve
the industry code.
15Business Registers Meeting
- In 2002, the First National Meeting of Business
Registers and Administrative Records Managers. - In 2003, planning the 2nd Meeting.
16Industrial Classification
- In January, 2003 - A revised industrial
classification system - CNAE 1.0 - based on the
ISIC Revision 3.1. - A major re-coding task is an ongoing action.
17Issues and problems resolved during past year
- Improvements on
- data editing procedures
- quality on SIC codes
18 Issues and plans unresolved during the last year
- Treatment of mergers and acquisitions data
- Large enterprise database,
- ... mainly due to the small staff!
19Future plans
- The study of foreign ownership of enterprises
- The implementation of the enterprise group
level - The development of a new system for the BR
20Future plans
- Continue the business demography studies based on
Business Register data - Implement a methodology to produce quality
indicators of the BR - Develop a dissemination regulation of BR data.