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Accumulated savings earn interest. 6 ... Table with conversion scale and calculator on the screen. Control Questions. Questionnaire ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Jekyll

  • Jekyll Hyde
  • Marie-Edith Bissey (Università Piemonte
    Orientale, Italy)
  • John Hey (LUISS, Italy and University of York,
  • Stefania Ottone (Econometica, Università Milano
    Bicocca, Italy)

Dynamic Inconsistencies
  • Non-EU people may be dynamically inconsistent.
  • Are such people aware of their dynamic
  • If not, they presumably behave naively.
  • If they are aware, how do they behave?
  • Do they behave resolutely or sophisticatedly?

Aims of the Experiment
  • Inducing dynamic inconsistencies in the lab,
    taking into account the fact that dynamically
    inconsistent people are really several different
  • Check how people behave when facing dynamic

Jekyll Hyde
  • We look at the way an individual makes his
    consumption/saving decision when the rate at
    which he discounts the future is not constant
    over time
  • Jekyll and Hyde were two different people inside
    the same body.
  • Each was aware of the other but they clearly
    had different preferences.
  • As a whole Jekyll Hyde was a dynamically
    inconsistent person.

The Context
  • We analyse the behaviour of Jekyll Hyde (two
    different subjects) within the context of a
    simple life-cycle consumption/savings model.
  • Each period Jekyll Hyde receives an income M
    which he/they can consume or save.
  • They take it in turns to decide on consumption.
  • Accumulated savings earn interest.

The Model
  • They both get utility out of consumption and both
    try to maximise expected discounted lifetime
    utility of consumption.
  • They have different discount factors that of
    Hyde (1) lower than that of Jekyll (2).
  • Objective (payment) function (where ?i is the
    discount factor of player i)
  • u(c1) ?iu(c2) ?i2u(c3)
  • where u(c) ?c.

  • Assuming naivety each ignores the other, or
    equivalently - assumes that the other uses the
    same discount factor as himself.
  • The optimal solution is

and ? ?1 in odd periods ? ?2 in even periods

  • Assuming resoluteness the first player imposes
    the solution (how?)
  • The optimal solution is

and ? ?1
  • Assuming sophistication players take into
    account the behaviour of the other.
  • We assume that Jekyll/Hyde
  • receives income M each period
  • can save at rate of return r.
  • We assume that

The solution (Sophistication)
  • We can show that the optimal consumption strategy
    is given by

Experimental Design (I)
  • 2n subjects and n projects.
  • In each project there is an odd player - who
    plays in odd periods and has the lower continuing
  • ...and an even player who plays in even periods
    and has the higher continuing probability.
  • The session as a whole has an earthquake which
    occurs with probability e. When the earthquake
    happens the whole session finishes.
  • Player i has a continuing probability equal to
    his or her ?i pi - e. If does not continue,
    exits the project.
  • When a player exits from a project he or she is
    re-assigned to a new project in which he or she
    has not been before (if there is a space).
  • A subject may change project and role several
    times during the experiment...
  • ... and may not be in a project.

Experimental Design (II)
  • Each project is endowed with a given stock of
    wealth in tokens.
  • Each period the subject chooses how much of his
    accumulated wealth to convert into money - the
    conversion scale pence ?(conversion)
  • Payment for each period to both players is the
    converted value.
  • Subjects paid the total of all these payments
    over the duration of the session.  

Experimental Design (Implications)
  • No participant will ever find him or herself in
    any particular project more than once. Thus the
    way a participant behaves in any one project
    cannot affect the earnings that he or she gets
    from any other project ?participants should
    consider each project as completely independent
    of any other project that he or she may be in.
  • Each period in each project contributes to the
    determination of the final payment.
  • Jekylls behavior influences Hydes payoff and
  • Unconverted tokens left when the experiment
    finishes become worthless.

Experimental Design (Parameters)
  • T1. ?1 0.85 and ?2 0.85
  • T2. ?1 0.82 and ?2 0.85
  • T3. ?1 0.85 and ?2 0.88
  • T4. ?1 0.82 and ?2 0.88
  • Note that Treatment 1 is not a case of dynamic
    inconsistency since both players have the same
    stopping probability.
  • M 100
  • r 1.25
  • e 0.02
  • 10 pounds show-up fee

Experimental Procedure
  • Overall, 106 subjects. 26 players in T1, 28
    subjects both in the T2 and in T3, 24 in T4
  • 2 hours per session
  • Average payoff 13 pounds
  • Written instructions
  • Power Point presentation with sample screens
  • Table with conversion scale and calculator on the
  • Control Questions
  • Questionnaire

Odd Participant Odd period
Even participant Odd period
Example of control questions
  • A) You are in project 2. You are the odd
    participant. Your partner is the even
    participant. At the end of each period, what is
    the chance that you exit the project?
  • 10
  • 13
  • 20
  • At the moment, the stock of tokens associated
    with project 2 is 1600. It is your turn and you
    decide to convert 36 tokens.
  • How many pence do you earn?
  • 6
  • 36
  • 72
  • How many pence does your partner earn?
  • 0
  • 6
  • 36

The Optimal apcs
Results (I)
  • Result 1. It is generally true that the subject
    with the lower continuing probability has a
    higher apc.
  • Actual apcs

Results (II)
  • Result 2. Naïve fits better during the first
    periods while, over time, Sophisticated shows a
    better performance.

Mean absolute deviations from optimal
Results (III)
  • Result 3. The treatment effects are not in
    accordance with our theory

Results (IV)
  • Players play erratically there is a big
    difference between different subjects.
  • Some understand the nature of the problem and try
    and save.
  • Others do not understand and consume all or most
    every period.
  • Some subjects realise that there is a trade-off
    the more you consume now the higher the present
    utility, the less you consume now the higher the
    utility in the future. They (probably) cannot
    find the correct trade-off, so they consume in
    some periods and save in others.
  • Players are influenced by the time effect and
    their previous experience.

Some examples of actual play
  • From treatments 1, 2 and 4.
  • The person with the higher stopping probability
    plays in the odd periods.
  • The green graph is what they did.
  • The black graph is the optimal strategy.
  • The solid red line is the naive response of the
    player in the odd periods.
  • The solid blue line is the naive response of the
    player in the even periods.
  • The dashed red line is the average response of
    the players in the odd periods.
  • The dashed blue line is the average response of
    the players in the even periods.
  • The numbers at the top indicate the subject.

(No Transcript)
(No Transcript)
(No Transcript)
Further analysis
  • Random effects tobit regression ? time and the
    fact of being in a new project
  • Correlation between subjects decisions and
    partners decisions ? 25 players over 106

Main conclusions
  • We need a good analysis of data!

Further research
  • Analyse the behavior of each player in each
    project and try and define a trend for each
    player over time.
  • Why is there so much noise in the data?
  • Since subjects do not know with whom they are
    playing it may be best to assume an irrational

  • Thank you
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