Title: Muon Detector R
1Muon Detector RD
- Vishnu V. Zutshi
2RPC based
3RD program
Large area RPCs have been produced in
collaboration with industry. Careful studies of
rate capability and instability
issues underway. Interest in a hadron test beam.
5Scintillator based (PMT)
Colo. State, UC Davis, Fermilab, Northern
Illinois Univ., Univ. of Notre Dame, Wayne State
Univ., Univ. of Texas Austin
6Recent Activities
- Study of strip-fiber gluing options
- WLS-Clear fiber splicing studies (avg.
transmission over 8 fibers 90) - PMT characterization is underway
- Prototype digitizer/readout under development
- First small plane by March 2005
- Move to Fermilab test beam when 3-4 planes have
been assembled and tested (estimate 2006). - Plane sizes being contemplated are 1.25 m x 2.5m
or 2.5 m x 2.5 m - Continue with simulation and analysis
- Internationalize the RD effort
- Develop a cost estimate
8Scintillator based (SiPM)
9Test beam prototype
- Fine section (8 layers)
- 2cm thick steel
- Coarse section (8 layers)
- 10cm thick steel
- 5mm thick, 5cm wide strips
- Tyvek/VM2000 wrapping
- Alternating x-y orientation
- Si-PM photo detection
- Common readout with HCal
Will serve the dual purpose of a tail-catcher for
the hadron test beam and a muon
detector prototype.
- Strip-fiber optimization RD complete
- All scintillator required for the prototype has
been produced. QC underway. - Mechanical prototype cassette fabricated, being
shaken down. - Cart design has commenced.
- Fully instrumented plane before the end of the
Planning to be ready for hadron Test beam in
- Vigorous RD for a muon detector which could also
serve as a tail-catcher underway in gas and
scintillator technologies. - All proponents are working towards exposing their
prototypes to a test beam in the 2005-2006
period. - Expecting increased coordination between groups
as the test beam becomes a reality.